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6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
But saw nothing wrong with Obama meeting up with Medvedev at Ray's Hell Burger back in 08.
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6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
NRA Filing Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-new > s/nra-financial-trouble-706371/ > > The National Rifle Association warns that it is > in grave financial jeopardy, according to a recent > court filing obtained by Rolling Stone, and > that it could soon “be unable to exist… or > pursue its advo
Forum: Off-Topic
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-millennials/exclusive-democrats-lose-ground-with-millennials-reuters-ipsos-poll-idUSKBN1I10YH Arguably the most important demographic are experiencing the Trump difference and ditching Dems by the wayside, undoubtedly sick of the lies, the corruption and the loser mentality.
Forum: Off-Topic
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Econ 201 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > fyi1 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Fat bitch Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > Let California keep doing what it keeps > doing. > > > Once that money to support this garbage dries
Forum: Off-Topic
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Only the poor and those living in the middle of nowhere shop at Walmart. I've never been compelled to shop there.
Forum: Off-Topic
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
They are getting so much for free courtesy of social services, one would think stealing is obsolescent.
Forum: Off-Topic
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Can't outrun the law Gerry Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ffxu ethnographer Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > MH370, Gerry's old obsession Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > ffxu ethnographer Wrote: > > > > > > --------
Forum: Off-Topic
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
The Boba tea there is pretty good and the nutella filled croissants are amazing.
Forum: Fairfax County General
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Gerrymanderer2 is a kinds of confused. Before he arrived to this country, he was nothing but a bacha bhazi boy passed around all the village elders in his part of Pakistan.
Forum: Off-Topic
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Gerrymanderer2 is a bot and as such is only programmed to comment on topics pertaining to American politics. Anything beyond that is not covered by his operating system, hence why he hasn't commented on this thread.
Forum: Off-Topic
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
I went to grad school. During my two years there, I found liberal students to be the most irrational and incoherent thinkers I have ever met. Every case study we examined was a referendum on the “evils” of America and they could barely back up their views with any data.
Forum: Off-Topic
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Cantor was a tool and a shill for the left. It didn’t help when he couldn’t hide his Judaism from his constituents either. Cantor was a shopping cart conservative anyways.
Forum: Fairfax County General
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Pauley Shore Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Shrooms and peyote. Good luck finding peyote out this way. Shrooms dipped in honey and put in tea is pretty good.
Forum: Fairfax County General
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Yaseen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The future of America belongs to Islam.
Forum: Off-Topic
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Boob Tube Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 99% of television channels are libtard channels. > That pretty much sums it up. That’s because liberals spend most of their time even at “work” watching programming via tv and internet designed to trigger them. Conservatives are too busy getting shit done and actually working.
Forum: Off-Topic
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Pope is a Dope Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The Pope would also have you believe catholics are > Christian. Don't fall for it. All other sects (save for orthodoxy) are abominations and will be dealt with accordingly once both legitimate churches are finally united. Martin Luther and Muhammad were cut from the same cloth; that of the Antichrist.
Forum: Off-Topic
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Short answer: yes.
Forum: Off-Topic
6 years ago
Hans Huckibein
trumpitality Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Haha loser Gerry comes up with all this, 'well > arabs are white' lol suck it. > > Another muslim piece of shit, probably let in here > by the previous president, curse his name forever. G2 gets it right once in a blue moon. Arabs are “white” however that’s not germane to the fact that it the religion
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
Hans Huckibein
http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/372634-pentagon-planning-grand-military-parade-for-trump-report It's about damn time. The Dagos, Frogs and Brits have their parade. Now we have ours.
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
Hans Huckibein
The whole Kennedy family is now a joke.
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Liberalism is degeneracy.
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7 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
Hans Huckibein
people shit on the side of the road, and marry off their pre-teen daughters to pay off debts in Paki land. Can’t get shittier than that.
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Trump is mostly right, but honestly there are parts of El Salvador that are much more livable than in the States. How do people live in places like Kansas, or Mississippi? Living in Cambodia would be more desirable than most parts of Middle America.
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
Hans Huckibein
whodda' guessed Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > a Gerry sock puppet would post another thread that > slanders our President Donald J. Trump, the BEST > President in the history of this country. I whole-heartedly believe this isn't a Gerry sock puppet. Gerry isn't intelligent enough to craft numerous online personas with different writing styles. There i
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Obviously a fake tweet. Did no one notice the “brazzers university” mention?
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Relax goatboy. The Jerusalem move isn't happening anytime soon. It'll take years to get the wheels turning on any development of a new embassy. I'm skeptical it'll even happen.
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Charmin Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Shit Stained Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > True the Vote! Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > Thank God and all the Real Americans for > > restoring > > > Real American Christmas t
Forum: Fairfax County General
7 years ago
Hans Huckibein
Dude, I'm farrr farr right on the political spectrum, and even I wouldn't put my kids through homeschooling. I remember growing up I had neighbors who were homeschooled and they weren't allowed to eat applesauce play organized sports and swore to me that game consoles were just listening devices used by the government to control the populace. Fuck that noise. Some public schools are good, some ar
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