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16 years ago
No more PM's deleted, but the vulgar post you posted today to my thread regarding the State Unemployment assisting illegals has been deleted. The one where you admitted to being the spunky impersonator and making that crude comment. I doubt anyone like Elliot would be that obvious or brain-dead? You are one sick and twisted pup, grow-up. I imagine since you registered your profile name here o
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Please follow the topic of this thread.
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16 years ago
Agree! If good people stand by when evil is being done or look the other way, civilization and our liberty will be destroyed, or let's just say we're headed for hell in a handbag. It's like pulling out into traffic in front of on oncoming car. People in the car that pulled out don't bother to look at the car that's barrelling towards them, feeling that by doing so the car won't hit them. Peo
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
What in the world are you doing up all night long? Who are you, whatz your story? I have been reading about Tony C., how horribly tragic on so many levels. CD, my ex-spouse constantly referred to this phrase, but he departmentilized. Therapist don't care about getting to the truth and sharing it, instead you do a brain dump of what's troubling you and basically they tell you to move past it,
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
We are headed toward another Civil War.
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16 years ago
Please...Bob... Bob...Bob? You say you don't want to insult me then you turn around and do the very thing you say you don't want to do...are you mentally challenged? Or just socially? I will acknowledge you as Bob, if you will give up the labels...deal? By the way grape juice is the best fix for a hang over, but I don't have that problem, you? I am very rational and of sound mind...if I w
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16 years ago
Good on ya! Are they hiring? I can be a bureaucrat, for money. :)
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Thank you for the information, I get your point, better late then never. Of course that's the story of my life. Ha! Information is so critical. WORD! WORD! WORD!
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Bob Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > spunky2 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Look at my last post at 9:03, where I just > happen > > to mention not hearing from Bob. > > > > Then surprise...at 9:53, he just happens to > show > > up, then 5 mins later Chuckles, what a huge > >
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Registered Voter Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Honestly, I am WAYYYY too verbose to be anyone but > myself thanks. I only stuck my nose in here (and > you will see that mostly I post in the political > "off topic" discussions) because of the oddity of > the posts. > > Strangely enough, there ARE more than only 2 > people that post on the
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Sigmund Fraud Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > So what we have here is a person that believes in > a massive government conspiracy regarding the 9/11 > attacks, and yet believes that someone pretending > to be a government agent is actually a morning > DJ? > I never said Elliot was a government agent, you are putting words in my mouth as you hav
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Not Desperate Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > angelus42774 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > How do you all know Spunky is a guy. Could be a > > girl and some of you losers are wasting the one > > chance you have at getting laid with something > > other then your hand while you watch your asian
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Bob, (Elliot) who posts at all hours of the day and night, with friends like you who needs enemies, please spare me. You pretend to be surprised that you found me in this thread when I started it, are you really that stupid, or do you have to work at it everyday? And you accuse ME of being crazy...please, take a real good look at yourself, before you ever accuse anyone else of anything. Also c
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Have you people forgotten how Bush became Pres? The votes! Our machines are a joke, most can't be double checked and all can be hacked without detection. It's that a comforting thought? This has been known for years, talk about disenfranchising voters, look at the pattern. It's no wonder we have a problem on Wall Street, we can't even count votes accurately. Duh....A 1st grader could do tha
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Ever hear of a Mark Kessler, an old DJ who worked in this area?
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Bob, NFCU, does their own collections, so obviously you once again do not have a clue about what you speak of. Elliot (BOB) the CIA was in one of the buildings there even though it appeared empty for along time they maintained surveillance and security guards. Someone just drove onto the entrance to turn around and was immediately faced with police. I am not out to convince you of anything, no
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Look at my last post at 9:03, where I just happen to mention not hearing from Bob. Then surprise...at 9:53, he just happens to show up, then 5 mins later Chuckles, what a huge coincidence, no, it's because this thread is so popular. I don't think so. Bob, don't flatter yourself you were insulting just like all your other posts under other names...Elliot. You contradicted yourself in your 2n
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
When installing the pole, it's critical to find a stud, and they are very difficult to find, as you may already know.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Elliot or Registered Voter: I pointed out your responsibility in my post, copycat. If you weren't Elliot why would you care, or pretend to take an interest in monitoring this forum? You are truly a sad individual. TheMeeper, SRE, 496, WashingToneLocian, Agent Cody Banks, SA Smith= Elliot, along with so many more to numerous to delve into now. But what happened to Bob? Did he lose face, or
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
WORD! And thank you for the great explanation, you rock.
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
curious Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How does that wok they take your jewlry and give > you some cash and you basically pay for it twice > if not more. Thats smart........... I was charged 10%, and since you can't spell where do you get off on saying whatz smart or not? For the moment it met my needs and I suppose that was smart. About as smart as
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Wow, Strates, you are 1 totally wrapped package! Thanks for catching my slack.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Elliot, Bob,or whoever you believe yourself to be today, and I really could care less, you are the CRAZY one. FACT: This website has an embracing and sincere reputation? NO You, Elliot, lack the same. You are hurt, like a kid and angry, because I have spoken badly about you and your AM show, so you are lashing out, at me. It is so obvious through out this forum, not only me, but others as we
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
No gun purchase, although I looked at what they had, I need one. I pawned some jewelry, for some quick cash and I already got it back, I like my jewelry and I missed it, I'll never do that again. A lady's best savings account can sometimes be her jewelry, except for when it's stolen by a bunch of illegals. We need that same law they have in Texas, up here. I would bait them for that.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Try meetup.com, there's all kind of classes on that site, a wealth of information. You go girl! It's great exercise, and what better way to break it up. Please ket me know what you find, I may go looking for my own pole too.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
I discovered it's a security precaution.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
The purpose for this, other then being different I suppose would be revenue and control of their jurisdiction? Your thoughts?
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
pgens Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm talking to someone named "much"? Yea, how about that? First name, "MUCH", last name, "ROCHE". Now what?
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Who in the world is Roche? Tell me cuz I have nothing else to think about...and I really care!
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
There's a good Deli across from GMU, in the shopping center off Braddock, facing GMU. Sorry I forgot the name.
Forum: Fairfax County General
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