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9 years ago
Truth Teller
South Lakes, and FCPS in general, sucks. Do yourself a favor and, if you can afford it, put him in PVI.
Forum: Reston
9 years ago
Truth Teller
twistGmoney Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Maybe if the teachers actually liked teenagers or > were half decent teachers the kids would do > better. Actually, if you were a better teacher > you would be teaching at a better school. SLHS is > a piece of shit. The teachers are butt nuggets. > At least those kids will get out in a few years. >
Forum: Reston
10 years ago
Truth Teller
The government has a duty to protect its citizens. Marijuana is far less harmless than people will admit.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Truth Teller
The whole objective of Dawkins' God Delusion was to get people to convert. Hell, the whole point of the New Atheism was to shame people out of religious belief. There are "atheist churches," actually. There are plenty of atheist meetings.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
libtard mania Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Amazing grace Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > it's amazing how God created the earth exactly > in > > the same form that would've occurred had it > > evolved naturally according to the laws of > > physics. quite a coincidence! > > >
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
urine idiot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The bible is not a science book. > > To deny the supernatural is to deny the scientific > method. Denying the supernatural doesn't deny the scientific method at all. However, the scientific method (and the enterprise of "science," as we know it) did largely come of age in predominantly Christian Europe. Th
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
ReLOLgion Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > The bible is not a science book. > > If the all-powerful god of the bible existed, he > would have a measurable effect on the universe. > If the creation stories of the bible were true, we > would be able to find evidence that supposed those > stories. Religion isn't "separate" from science. T
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
Haha, I love when atheists show their ignorance of philosophy of religion with the "God is a sky fairy" or "God is a man with a beard." Crude, anthropomorphic, childish conceptions at best. Anyway, to answer the question. The Earth is 4.5 billion years old, +/- 0.2 billion years. Science and religion aren't in conflict. At worst they are independent. The Conflict myth dates from two 19th ce
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
To be completely honest, the Founding Fathers were largely influenced by Christianity. Even Thomas Jefferson, a Deist, recognized that the newly founded United States had roots in it. While the United States was founded with the understanding that there would never be a state religion, it was founded on Judeo-Christian values in some ways. This is NOT an issue of "separation of church and state
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
Even if she would, it doesn't matter. The GOP will probably not win enough seats to control the Senate in any meaningful way (remember, you need 60 votes to do anything). And do you really want Biden as president?
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Truth Teller
This link isn't helping the case: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2013/aug/12/al-sharpton/al-sharpton-defends-obama-family-vacation-saying-g/ "It’s worth noting that there was a difference in the two presidents’ patterns of vacations. As the USA Today article noted, Obama doesn’t own a vacation home, unlike Bush, who owned his ranch. So while Bush essentially used the ranch as
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
Is Ralio still getting fucked in the woods there? The gates do not shut at dark. It's technically trespassing if you're there and not camping.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Truth Teller
Nobody knows. We can only hope that the evil are punished beyond this life.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
After further review, this girl is even dumber than she seems. Not only does she put up her debit card information, she also believes that Mt. Rushmore is made by nature.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
And we wonder why the US is in trouble...
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
CNN is a joke, just like most mainstream media sources. They all preach the same human interest crap.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
Hillary is inevitable... until she actually has to talk to people who aren't paying her.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
3, 4, 2, 5, 1.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
You do realize that even IF he were born in Kenya, he's still eligible, right? A "natural-born citizen" is not necessarily someone born in the US.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
Don't pretend as though the Democrats don't gerrymander.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
Entitlement complex. No game.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
Palin 2016 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sarah Palin renewed her plea for lawmakers to > impeach President Obama during a Saturday speech > in Colorado. > > "There's only one remedy for a president who > commits high crimes and misdemeanors and it's > impeachment. It's the I-word," Palin said to > applause at the Western Conservative Sum
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was written by the Cheka and largely plagarized from a novel.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
Bill Clinton was elected president twice. Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize. Both have Southern accents.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
What the F Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What the hell does the division of motor vehicles > have to do with this? And why would anyone have a > problem with asians jews or homos? They are all > law abiding citizens who I would love to have as > neighbors. The OP clearly doesn't come from this area. Nobody here except attempted hipsters calls our
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Truth Teller
It's going to the Supreme Court.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
Welcome to the downfall of Western society.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
dumb rednecks Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > libs hate America. Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I can't blame you though. Libs hate that an > > attractive woman can be succesful and love > > America. > > Successful? She sank a presidential campaign and > quit her job as governor to go o
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Truth Teller
No, it works one way and not the other. Corporations are afforded similar rights to people. Educate yourself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_personhood
Forum: Off-Topic
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