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white people smell like wild banchies!!!!
Posted by: white haterade ()
Date: June 20, 2010 11:38AM

What do you call a bunch of white guys in a circle? A Dope Ring!
What do you call a bunch of white guys sitting on a bench? The NBA
White people think T-shirts are underwear.
Why cant white men jump? They were too busy making racist jokes
What’s white and twelve inches long? Nothing!
lemme know people

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Re: white people smell like wild banchies!!!!
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: August 24, 2010 03:04AM

What do you call a bunch of black guys in a circle? A gang rape!
What do you call a bunch of black guys sitting on a bench? Jail.
Black people think T-shirts are formal attire.
Why can black men jump? Because it's the only way for them to evade the cops, and they're so damn good at it, because they've been practicing since birth.
What's black, and twelve inches long? The burnout from your shoes when you saw the PoPo pull-up.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: white people smell like wild banchies!!!!
Posted by: king zers ()
Date: July 11, 2012 11:04PM

alls i know is that yes i does seen a white man smell like cornpown and yes i does go to my momma and get high with her eryday....tag em and bag em...ur welcome white scum bags....im back bitches
ps my father said ni*ger so imma say nig*er too....f*ckin fags all of use go get a fuckin tan white people

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