Re: Fairfax County Rest Stop
Posted by:
Earl in Danville
Date: August 28, 2005 11:31AM
Earl's Brother Merle Wrote:
> Let's get one thing clear here Mr. Deep Hunger--if
> my brother and ye are going to be gittin a place
> together, there ain't gonna be no surprises,
> right? I don't mean no offense to any orientals,
> but we don't need any jap plays here where all of
> a sudden you're some kind of queer or pedophile or
> axe murderer and gittin lil Earl in trouble with
> the law. Ima have to open up a can a whoop ass on
> ya if that were to happen. If everything's cool
> though, maybe you will be able to help ol' Earl
> learn a thing or two like how to make a television
> out of a wrist watch or other such handy things in
> the field of electronics that your people are so
> good with. I look forward to your reply, friend.
Gull Durnit, Merle! How many times have I told ye ta stays outta my buisness! If Mr. Deep Hunger wants ta help me out, so bees it. And that were offinsive with that "jap play" remark. Ain't you lerned nothin? What iffin' he were a Chinamen or a gook or a viet-cong and not a jap or niponese? You'd be affendin him.