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Hey, wha' happened to "Post DFRC's Address" post?
Posted by: Wha' Happened? ()
Date: August 25, 2005 12:41PM

Yesterday there was a post (it seemed likely written by a D&M member) asking for the name and address for the person who wrote that vile post read on air.

WHere did it go? So IS this site censored or what?

What gives?

Did Cary finally grow a sense of decency and realize there is no such thing as the 1st Amendment at a personal site? Seemed unlikely yesterday.

Oh well.

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Re: Hey, wha' happened to "Post DFRC's Address" post?
Posted by: not Cary ()
Date: August 25, 2005 12:43PM

His mightyness decided that it was "off topic", even though it was not.

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Re: Hey, wha' happened to "Post DFRC's Address" post?
Posted by: TheILoveD&MGuy ()
Date: August 25, 2005 01:19PM


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Re: Hey, wha' happened to "Post DFRC's Address" post?
Date: August 26, 2005 01:45AM

Cary,I am glad you listened to Don.Good job!I have a message for you dummies out there asking why Cary removed DFRC off this site...because he can! Why don't you stupid people out there leave Don alone.Don said you people can say anything about the SHOW but leave his personal life alone.I am pleading to the misimfored out there...please honor his request.If your Mom of Dad or close friend died you wouldn't want anyone to make fun of them would you!So STOP IT! It is easy to hide behind a computer and post crazy stuff...in other words are you all out there men or mice squeak up!!!

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