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Whats wrong with you folks?
Posted by: simple ()
Date: August 25, 2005 11:00AM

Sorry for the duplicate post... I posted this on another thread.. but wanted to ensure members and the admin of this crappy forum reads it...


whats wrong with you folks? who is the web admin here? why do you allow such crude and tasteless stuff on your forum?

I listed to D&M.. and have listened for years... they are funny and i enjoy them.. so you idiots mock the guy after his wife is killed?

My god, whats wrong with you?

i wish i had his home address.. so i could send a card telling him how sorry i am, and how i always enjoyed his wife calling in...

you a holes who make fun of her death? have you never lost someone close to you? well, when you do.. you will hopefully understand what a friggin loser and horrible person you are...

may you rot in hell.. but i do not think i need to suggest that... you should be going there anyway.

Who is the admin on this board?

I am very glad to see its barely acvtive at all.. at least that is one good thing...

PS: i mod and admin other forums.. any commonly decent human being would not allow this crap on his or her forum...

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Re: Whats wrong with you folks?
Posted by: not Cary ()
Date: August 25, 2005 11:39AM

Cary is the "admin", albeit not a very good one.

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Re: Whats wrong with you folks?
Posted by: Cm ()
Date: August 25, 2005 12:31PM

This isn't a Don and Mike forum. This forum was generously put in place by Cary for people to talk about anything, with a focus on Fairfax County, Virginia. There are very few limits on what topics can be discussed, and since it was a small and little-known forum it worked. I don't see any reason for this to change now.

If Don, Mike and their fans want closure, leave the forum alone. Stop posting. Please.

The pain will dull after a while, and you will forget this place. Then, we can all have closure on this issue and we can move on with our lives.

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Re: Whats wrong with you folks?
Posted by: not Cary ()
Date: August 25, 2005 12:42PM

Cary said that he would remove it if anyone asked. People asked. Cary refused.

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Re: Whats wrong with you folks?
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: August 25, 2005 12:48PM

not Cary Wrote:
> Cary said that he would remove it if anyone asked.
> People asked. Cary refused.

Its his website, he can post and delete whatever he wants. It's not a democracy. If you want to start your own forum to bitch about this one, feel free. Cary cannot stop you.

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Re: Whats wrong with you folks?
Posted by: not Cary ()
Date: August 25, 2005 01:56PM

That's great that it's his website to take back his word on.


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Re: Whats wrong with you folks?
Posted by: simple ()
Date: August 25, 2005 01:59PM

Cm Wrote:
> >
> If Don, Mike and their fans want closure, leave
> the forum alone. Stop posting. Please.
> The pain will dull after a while, and you will
> forget this place. Then, we can all have closure
> on this issue and we can move on with our lives.

CM, im not looking for closure.. im just wondering how some folks can post stuff like i heard on the radio yesterday, or saw on this forum today and folks seem ok with it....

Im not from fairfax and dont know don as a person only as a radio host, but even if he is a complete ahole in real life.. My god, out of respect for the dead... how could folks post the sort of stuff that is posted?

And Cary, you as the admin, you dont feel its in poor taste or just plain wrong to allow posts of such a disgraceful manner to fill your forum?

if you have no respect for the dead? or think dons an a hole.. how about his kid? or freda's mother and or family? do they need to either see, read or hear about this crap?

CM: yup no need to change this forum at all.. its a wonderful place.... quoting the D&M show 'Are you Retarded???'

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Re: Whats wrong with you folks?
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: August 25, 2005 02:10PM

not Cary Wrote:
> That's great that it's his website to take back
> his word on.
> Congrats.

BFD, Cary's not doing this to earn your trust or respect.

"do they need to either see, read or hear about this crap?"

No they do not. And they can avoid it by not coming here and reading the posts.

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Re: Whats wrong with you folks?
Posted by: TheILoveD&MGuy ()
Date: August 25, 2005 02:11PM


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