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Cary Weeinnnneeenneeemaaaannnnn the cowardly Hypocrit
Posted by: paco574 ()
Date: August 24, 2005 10:57PM

Cary W of VA, do you live in Springfield?

What type of bs hypocritical site is this. You preach of 1st admentment rights on index page and then delete all the threads of hate you created form this crappy site posting details of D&M.
You need to offer D an apology and remove all innapropriate info on Freda from the site. If not, you will feel the backlash. You will have your info all over the internet Mr. Cary Weinihead. You know, because you post this crap, how easy it is to find people and how people get what's coming to them.

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Re: Cary Weeinnnneeenneeemaaaannnnn the cowardly Hypocrit
Posted by: Embla ()
Date: August 24, 2005 11:41PM


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Re: Cary Weeinnnneeenneeemaaaannnnn the cowardly Hypocrit
Posted by: 10 Year Old Billy ()
Date: August 25, 2005 10:12PM

cary is not a nice person. he used to be nice when he bought me candy and toys, but then he started touching me in bad places and taking pictures of me in little cowboy outfits and fireman suits. he was always missing the pants though and that made me feel funny. i hate him.

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Re: Cary Weeinnnneeenneeemaaaannnnn the cowardly Hypocrit
Posted by: sanramon ()
Date: August 25, 2005 10:23PM

He did that to you too???

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Re: Cary Weeinnnneeenneeemaaaannnnn the cowardly Hypocrit
Posted by: Tippy's Taint ()
Date: August 26, 2005 01:06PM

This is for Paco574 - When you do find Cary's address then what are you going to do?? Go over there and have tea with him or give him a good talking to? I completely agree with you..I heard you on the air go crazy over that idiot that got back from Alaska. I was in Sydney, Australia and I heard about it the next day. If you would post his address, he would just take it off right away. I mean you could say it over the air, but that would get ya into some trouble. You can't tell someone what they can and can't put on a public site. You and mike talk tons of trash about people all the time. It kinda sucks when people do it about you doesn't it?? I'm sure that people wrote evil things when the Pope died too. People are shitty and do shitty things no matter what. The more you talk about it, the more they like it. Well thats all I've got to say. I'll be listening to the show today just like always. Don and Mike kick ass!!

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Re: Cary Weeinnnneeenneeemaaaannnnn the cowardly Hypocrit
Posted by: Tippy's Anus ()
Date: August 26, 2005 01:48PM

Hey taint, it's me, the anus. Cary's address has been posted several times lately along with his long criminal past. In case you missed it and need his address (free speech, right?) here it is:

"WIEDEMANN ","CARY ","S","020"," 13802","VALLEY COUNTRY ","DR","CHANTILLY ","VA","01/25/2004","FAIL TO APPEAR SUSP LIC "
"WIEDEMANN ","CARY ","S","019"," 13802","VALLEY COUNTRY ","DR","CHANTILLY ","VA","03/28/2003","EXP COUNTY STICKER "
"WIEDEMANN ","CARY ","S","019"," 13802","VALLEY COUNTRY ","DR","CHANTILLY ","VA","03/28/2003","FAIL OBEY HWY SIGN "
"WIEDEMANN ","CARY ","S","019"," 13802","VALLEY COUNTRY ","DR","CHANTILLY ","VA","10/26/2003","DRIVE-OL RVKD/SUSP "
"WIEDEMANN ","CARY ","S","019"," 13802","VALLEY COUNTRY ","DR","CHANTILLY ","VA","10/26/2003","EXPIRED STATE LIC PLATE "
"WIEDEMANN ","CARY ","S","019"," 13802","VALLEY COUNTRY ","DR","CHANTILLY ","VA","10/26/2003","EXP COUNTY STICKER "
"WIEDEMANN ","CARY ","S","019"," 13802","VALLEY COUNTRY ","DR","CHANTILLY ","VA","12/09/2003","EXPIRED STATE LIC PLATE "
"WIEDEMANN ","CARY ","S","019"," 13802","VALLEY COUNTRY ","DR","CHANTILLY ","VA","12/09/2003","DRIVE-OL RVKD/SUSP "
"WIEDEMANN ","CARY ","S","019"," 13802","VALLEY COUNTRY ","DR","CHANTILLY ","VA","12/09/2003","POSS MARIJUANA "
"WIEDEMANN ","CARY ","S","019"," 13802","VALLEY COUNTRY ","DR","CHANTILLY ","VA","12/08/2003","DRIVE-OL RVKD/SUSP "

And taint, he's also been a bad influence on his little brother who is headed down the same path as big brother:


Chew on that for a while taint. Anus out.

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Re: Cary Weeinnnneeenneeemaaaannnnn the cowardly Hypocrit
Posted by: JC ()
Date: August 26, 2005 02:43PM

Looks like 2003 wasn't a good year for the son of a bitch! Ha!

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Re: Cary Weeinnnneeenneeemaaaannnnn the cowardly Hypocrit
Posted by: Tippy's Taint ()
Date: August 27, 2005 01:50PM

Wow that sucks to be Cary!! Nice one Anus! I think that is probably his parents house though.

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