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please post dead corpse name and address
Posted by: paco574 ()
Date: August 24, 2005 07:24PM

Please let us know the name and address of "dead corpse" - he deserves something special and I want to give it to him. You do as well Cary, please give you name and address. I would like to ask the readers to dig up his name - is your name really Cary Wiedemann - where do you live, Springfield?

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Re: please post dead corpse name and address
Posted by: Biaaaaatch! Im Rick James! ()
Date: August 24, 2005 07:27PM

Rick James is coming over, watch out BIATCH!

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Re: please post dead corpse name and address
Posted by: The More You Gnosis ()
Date: August 24, 2005 07:57PM

I would like to second the OP's request.

Today I was yanked to a place that makes me frightened. Why? Because this is so deeply woven into our world that it's developed such a megalomaniacal ego that says it's ok to commandeer another individual's existence and affect him adversely "just because I can".

Yeah, yeah, that's life. The world isn't fair, etc. So let's add to the fray, right? Get them before they get me. "Der, I may as well eat lard & smoke cigarettes; cancer runs in the family anyway."

What a retarded way to navigate through life.

It's one thing to be "shocking" even if simply to amuse other like-*minded* people. But does it really count if the author stays hidden? Shielded avarice is just plain cowardice.

Come out, come out, where ever you are!

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Re: please post dead corpse name and address
Posted by: Biaaaaatch! Im Rick James! ()
Date: August 24, 2005 07:59PM

Yeah come out...Rick James is here, Bitch!

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Re: please post dead corpse name and address
Date: August 24, 2005 08:08PM

Hey you little pussy! Why won't you be a man a tell about yourself? you want to post Don's address on the website why don't YOU post your info so the brothers and I can say hello to you? I like Don because although he is white,he is black in my eyes.Have you seen the movie"Four Brothers" asswipe? Don is Marky Mark & I am Tyrese in the movie.Hey punk ass,why don't you go hustle some money up so you can get some trim? Stop acting like a bitch ok?

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Re: please post dead corpse name and address
Posted by: Mailman21842 ()
Date: August 24, 2005 09:45PM

I'm Don's mailman in Ocean City, MD. When I first met Don (Mr. Sorce as I called him) I was star struck and did not know what to say. The second time I saw him I asked if he was going to be recieving any mail at this location and if so to please put up a mailbox. He looked at me laughed and said " yea ok ", he got into his Escalade which Freda was already sitting in and took off. Two minutes later the SUV pulls back around the corner and stops, Freda gets out comes over to me in my LLV (mail truck) introduces herself and said " hi, I'm Freda my husband's name is Mike could you explain to me what you did to him ". I explained she thanked me and they left. The third time I met Don he was heading to the beach, I said hi, and told him that I knew who he was, just didn't know how to approach him (starstruck). We talked and I had asked him about his diet drink he was getting from GNC, he told me I thanked him and turned to leave, he then said " hey, what's your name? " I told him Kenny, he shook my hand and said see ya later. Why am I writing this? Because I never thought he would be as nice as he is, I respect him and his family and don't wish what he's going through on anyone. God Bless You Mike Sorce. Your mailman in OC (21842)

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Posted by: Johnny the Mild Mannered Jerkoff ()
Date: August 25, 2005 03:55AM

Don Geronimo is a human being, imperfect as all of you are. Imagine the closest person to you dying and try and imagine how you would react. If you have no one close to you then try to imagine the last moments of your own life, possibly being put in a situation where your own death is imminent and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You laugh and attempt to deny all human feeling now, trying to elevate yourself above human emotion (a weakness in your eyes) but when this time comes the joke will be on you, it will be worse than anything you can imagine. You are not above everyone else, and you are surely not above tragedy. The higher the pedestal you put yourself on, the harder the fall is going to be.

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Re: please post dead corpse name and address
Posted by: Freeze Peaches ()
Date: August 25, 2005 07:39AM

Step off Wienerman

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Re: please post dead corpse name and address
Posted by: TheILoveD&MGuy ()
Date: August 25, 2005 02:20PM


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Re: please post dead corpse name and address
Posted by: 9 Year Old Tommy ()
Date: August 25, 2005 09:58PM

cary is a mean nasty person and he said that i have a really nice heiney. he bought me a swimming suit that he wanted me to try on at his house one time. he said something about going camping and that he was pitching a tent but i'm not sure what he meant. cary is a meany.

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