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Don and Mike: Freda
Posted by: jrbl1 ()
Date: August 24, 2005 07:10PM


I hope and I sure you are aware that the morons that post to sites like this especially with the hurtful ignorance that poors out there mouth like the diarea from a dogs arse after eating a bar of chocolate have nothing to say and nobody wants to talk to them. You know these are faceless one testicle couldn't get a prostitute to give them a handjob even if they did give up there $100 2 week paycheck. Unfortunatly for them there is no way to hide from the bad karma that will come of this. Especially since you read most of the comments. Please just stop reading and don't go here and mention this sesspool on your Radio show. The 1% of your fans that are total ignoramouses will just flock here and give the webadmin a swollen head.

As a listener, I appreciate more then you know that you have given us fans the gift of hearing you everyday on the show even though the pain of your loss must be unbearable at times. How you can still make a great show just shows what a professional your are. I know you know but just a reminder most of us care and appreciate what you do.

From me personally,

Thanks and Persuverence

J.R. Betts
Bay Area listener

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Re: Don and Mike: Freda
Posted by: ben ()
Date: August 24, 2005 07:48PM

jrbl1 Wrote:
> Please just stop reading and don't
> go here


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Re: Don and Mike: Freda
Posted by: Ben2 ()
Date: August 24, 2005 11:59PM

Our thoughts and prayrs are with you, and your family. The people who do theese hurtful things can and will rot in hell! Try to keep your spirits up and remember we all love your show.
Sincerely Ben (sacramento listener)

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Re: Don and Mike: Freda
Posted by: Shawn ()
Date: August 25, 2005 12:15AM

ya i will admit the reason i am here is cause i heard it on the radio show today. but you know and i hope to god don reads this. part of life is death everybody has to deal with family members death. and it sucks. and it just so happens yours is in the spot light because of your career choice. but you pickled that career so now you have to deal with it. so i am tired of hearing you cry and wine every day on the show. you get paid a very well salary for entertaining me...well start entertaining and stop crying like a bitch. if you did not want your life to be in the public eye you should have become a plumber. and as far as your address getting posted..well tickets are public record so if you and your wife obeyed the law it never would of happened...i am adding my email addy so if you or anybody would like to reply feel free. it is ohl16@yahoo.com and i live in baltimore so im not far away from you so i would watch what you say cause remember...i know where you live

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Re: Don and Mike: Freda
Date: August 25, 2005 12:36AM

Hey I got it Shawn of the DEAD! Why don't you stop listening to the show you slimey bastard..or better yet..why don't I come to Balt-E-more and do the Sacramento dance on you punk ass!

karma is a MF'er and I hope it bites this guttless wonder in the ass twice.

Keep your head up Donaldo, thanks for great show, and remember Sacramento has your back.


P.S. Your a BIG man making that idle threat to Don in your last sentence. I don't think Don's the one you should worry about.

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Re: Don and Mike: Freda
Posted by: Dr. David Danes ()
Date: August 25, 2005 03:10AM

Hey Shawn,
Why don't you email me your Phone number.
I call you and we can set up a meeting to discuss, your self loathing, erectile dysfunction, why you abviously want to have sex with your own mother, and all of your other, psycological, and emotional problems.
I will be happy to treat you, free of charge.

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Re: Don and Mike: Freda
Posted by: TheILoveD&MGuy ()
Date: August 25, 2005 02:20PM


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