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What Goes Around Comes....
Posted by: paco574 ()
Date: August 24, 2005 07:10PM

It is good to read the intelligent postings on this site that I have heard so much about. My blessings and prayers go out to Cary and the Fairfaix Underground site. I do have one special request and blessing for you all - that you all are able to experience watching someone you love, someone who has become part of you, someone you can't live without, may you be able to watch them die an indescribable death and may you suffer the tormented thoughts that will fog you the rest of your lives and then know, that you deserved it. I hope your parents, your spouses, your children all die a horrific death. I hope they all die their own special devastating ways. And the rest of the world will join me in harmony as we celebrate their ends. You sit and hide behind the first admentment. You act brazen in the world of cyberspace. I can't wait until the day it finds you, the day it cathces up with you. I wonder what has happened to you, what made you this way, that you enjoy the things you do. Were you abused as a child? Did your parents neglect you? Did you not get enough milk from your mother's teat? Di you get cut from your junior varsity baseball team? Did a radio dj talk meanly to you over the telephone? Did your girlfriend screw another guy? Are you ashamed of who you are and think this is a way to show your strength to others? Please advise

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Re: What Goes Around Comes....
Posted by: Biatch! I am Rick James! ()
Date: August 24, 2005 07:12PM

Rick James utilizes the first amendment, BIACTHES!!!

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Re: What Goes Around Comes....
Posted by: Don & Mike Loyal Listener ()
Date: August 25, 2005 08:18AM

You don't have to wish bad things on Cary or any of his family (if he has any). Karma is a bitch. And hell will be calling for them all soon enough.............

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Re: What Goes Around Comes....
Posted by: TheILoveD&MGuy ()
Date: August 25, 2005 02:13PM


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Re: What Goes Around Comes....
Posted by: Marsellus Wiley ()
Date: August 25, 2005 10:10PM

Hey Cary--The night you decide to do the right thing by Don Geronimo, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps. So do the right thing and take down any posts about Don and start doing some moderating around here.

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