Re: To all you that have posted about the Don Geronimo/ RStidman incident
Date: August 26, 2005 01:29AM
LOL! Such filthy language Kwitcherbitchin did I struck a nerve with you? I am waitng for you to answer my questions since you are a self serving cunt! By the way I don't suck cocks I love to lick cunts with the exception of yours. maybe you are a carpet muncher or taco eater...America wants to know.
You are almost correct except I am a non-boring,self important CUNTSUCKER!!!
You can state your opinion because we live in America unless you are an emeny of King George II and the Republican Party.
Hooooorah!!! I will NOT kindly fuck off as you stated you dumb whore.
Have a nice day!
Don & Mike Rock!!!