Re: Don't view this Don. It's too much for you to handle.
Posted by:
Date: August 26, 2005 02:17PM
I agree with much that has been said about Don, although I feel for the guy; no one should have to endure the premature death of a beloved spouse, and some of the messages that have been posted (Freda's Rotting Corpse, etc) ARE intolerably cruel.
But we live in an incredibly uncivil society, which has developed, in no small part, by the conduct of Don and people like him who constantly seek to push the envelope of propriety ever outward in order to shock and raise their ratings. If you can't be clever and witty, be outrageous.
As cruel and uncivil as he is, it is ironic that Geronimo, of all people, would not expect this, or would take exception to this childish, sophmoric type of behavior; it is his very stock in trade. If Larry King's wife had died, you can bet Geronimo would be on the air the next day, gleefully making jokes about her rotting corpse, with Mike at his side, chuckling and nodding as if every fart from Geronimo was a hilarious punchline.
Geronimo has made a living out of exactly this kind of behavior and has engendered legions of fans who have a taste for this type of cruelty. Is it any wonder that this should come back to bite him in the ass when the ox being gored is his? Hoist on his own petard, I think Shakespeare would say.
While I feel for him and his son, it is the ultimate in hypocrisy for him to condemn those who treat him as he treats others. And while I feel compassion for the man, enough with this drama on the show; if you're not ready to come back, don't come back; that would certainly be understandable. And if you are ready, and you state that the "grieving" is over, then shut the hell up about it and stop throwing yourself this daily pity party and acting wounded and walking out, etc. The comments that have been posted on this site would get very limited circulation but for Geronimo's reading them on his show in an effort to engender everyone's further sympathy for him. Don, you should recognize that you helped to create the kind of world that treats you this way, and go on treating others this way and raking in the dough.
Just my .02 cents, anyway.