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Don't view this Don. It's too much for you to handle.
Posted by: comeonbigboy ()
Date: August 17, 2005 10:19AM

Don Geronimo is a fat,pretentious,insecure radio DJ that cannot run his radio show without bashing a majority of his callers with name calling(or hanging up on them). His only come back is "that is the way our show is run. If you don't like it don't listen or call." Maybe Don can explain how this disputes the fact that he is an immature baby who needs the sheep on his radio show to back him no matter what nonsense he speaks and no matter who it hurts. Listen here, asshat, if you repect your listeners so much (some of which had spent time and money to console your unappreciative ass and even call the show), than stop trying to hurt them. Trust me, pretty soon, they will get tired of it and you will lose your "precious fucking ratings" that nobody cares to hear you speak about on the air except your sheep and the head "shepherd" at Infinity Radio. Oh, and by the way, besides being an insecure, unadulterated racist who will without a doubt not mount to the ranks of a pimple on a African American's ass, Rob Speewak needs to realize that he will always be "behind the scenes" because he does not have the talent nor the backbone to try to hold a DJ position by himself. I am sure your wife loves the fact that you hold on to "Don Geronimo"s" or "Michael Sorce's coat tails to make it to where you are now. So, make sure you work on those forearms so that you can keep a strong hold (even though instead of going up, you will be following BIG DON into his destined abysmal end)

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Re: Don't view this Don. It's too much for you to handle.
Posted by: wow ()
Date: August 17, 2005 10:54AM

wow, you're proud of this post, huh? i amend my response to the other (identical) post: you also need to visit a "how to use a message board" message board. whoa, how metaphysical is THAT? i mean, if it's a message board for people who don't know how to use message boards, would there be any posts on it?

great. now i've freaked myself out. thanks a lot, dick.

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Re: Don't view this Don. It's too much for you to handle.
Posted by: A. Fan ()
Date: August 17, 2005 11:12AM

Again, you dumb fucking LOSER (I mean you're not even posting on the right board, stupid!). Go to DCRTV.ORG / "Mailbag" (Robbay actually checks that forum on a regular basis) otherwise, you're just wasting a little more of your already wasted, pointless life!

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Re: Don't view this Don. It's too much for you to handle.
Posted by: Don & Mike Loyal Listener ()
Date: August 25, 2005 08:21AM

Don Geronimo can handle it. It's you obviously retarded fools that can't!

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whats wrong with you
Posted by: simple ()
Date: August 25, 2005 10:45AM

whats wrong with you folks? who is the web admin here? why do you allow such crude and tasteless stuff on your forum?

I listed to D&M.. and have listened for years... they are funny and i enjoy them.. so you idiots moc k the guy after his wife is killed?

My god, whats wrong with you?

i wish i had his home address.. so i could send a card telling him how sorry i am, and how i always enjoyed his wife calling in...

you a holes who make fun of her death? have you never lost someone close to you? well, when you do.. you will hopefully understand what a friggin loser and horrible person you are...

may you rot in hell.. but i do not think i need to suggest that... you should be going there anyway.

Who is the admin on this board?

I am very glad to see its barely acvtive at all.. at least that is one good thing...

PS: i mod and admin other forums.. any commonly decent human being would not allow this crap on his or her forum...

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Re: Don't view this Don. It's too much for you to handle.
Posted by: Thomas Anderson ()
Date: August 25, 2005 11:03AM

Why is it that in america we love to try and tear tose down who taste a small bit of success? Is it because there acomplishments only hilight our failures. Whether you agree with the way Don, Mike or whatever you choose to call Mr. Sorce, runs his show is irrelevant. Newsflash, IT FUCKING WORKS. The guy is getting away with riches most will never see, simply because YOU can't stop listening to him call you a Dumb ASS. Yes you Don and Mike haters, Mr. Geronimo is calling all of you pathetic 7-11 employee types a DA, and your so obtuse that you don't realize that these blogs only further his career.

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Re: Don't view this Don. It's too much for you to handle.
Posted by: TheILoveD&MGuy ()
Date: August 25, 2005 02:13PM


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Re: Don't view this Don. It's too much for you to handle.
Posted by: Legendary54 ()
Date: August 26, 2005 02:17PM

I agree with much that has been said about Don, although I feel for the guy; no one should have to endure the premature death of a beloved spouse, and some of the messages that have been posted (Freda's Rotting Corpse, etc) ARE intolerably cruel.

But we live in an incredibly uncivil society, which has developed, in no small part, by the conduct of Don and people like him who constantly seek to push the envelope of propriety ever outward in order to shock and raise their ratings. If you can't be clever and witty, be outrageous.

As cruel and uncivil as he is, it is ironic that Geronimo, of all people, would not expect this, or would take exception to this childish, sophmoric type of behavior; it is his very stock in trade. If Larry King's wife had died, you can bet Geronimo would be on the air the next day, gleefully making jokes about her rotting corpse, with Mike at his side, chuckling and nodding as if every fart from Geronimo was a hilarious punchline.

Geronimo has made a living out of exactly this kind of behavior and has engendered legions of fans who have a taste for this type of cruelty. Is it any wonder that this should come back to bite him in the ass when the ox being gored is his? Hoist on his own petard, I think Shakespeare would say.

While I feel for him and his son, it is the ultimate in hypocrisy for him to condemn those who treat him as he treats others. And while I feel compassion for the man, enough with this drama on the show; if you're not ready to come back, don't come back; that would certainly be understandable. And if you are ready, and you state that the "grieving" is over, then shut the hell up about it and stop throwing yourself this daily pity party and acting wounded and walking out, etc. The comments that have been posted on this site would get very limited circulation but for Geronimo's reading them on his show in an effort to engender everyone's further sympathy for him. Don, you should recognize that you helped to create the kind of world that treats you this way, and go on treating others this way and raking in the dough.

Just my .02 cents, anyway.

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Re: Don't view this Don. It's too much for you to handle.
Posted by: LOGIC ()
Date: August 26, 2005 03:50PM

Your post hits the nail on the head. I too feel for Don and the family. Some of the posting were brutally vile. When their show went from irreverent to gross a few years back they told people daily if you don't like what you hear "turn it off". They weren't changing. I defended their right to do that. I did not listen for several years. Now that there is something they find offensive they want it censored. Don had the respect of his fellow DJ's regarding Freda's death. Not one radio personality that I heard mocked the situation. For that, along with the thousands of warm and caring post, he should be grateful. Don is blinded by anger and the staff is just supporting a friend in need. I'll support that. Surely they can't help but see the hypocrisy if they were thinking clearly.

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