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Big Don Geronimo.....
Posted by: comeonbigboy ()
Date: August 17, 2005 10:18AM

Don Geronimo is a fat,pretentious,insecure radio DJ that cannot run his radio show without bashing a majority of his callers with name calling(or hanging up on them). His only come back is "that is the way our show is run. If you don't like it don't listen or call." Maybe Don can explain how this disputes the fact that he is an immature baby who needs the sheep on his radio show to back him no matter what nonsense he speaks and no matter who it hurts. Listen here, asshat, if you repect your listeners so much (some of which had spent time and money to console your unappreciative ass and even call the show), than stop trying to hurt them. Trust me, pretty soon, they will get tired of it and you will lose your "precious fucking ratings" that nobody cares to hear you speak about on the air except your sheep and the head "shepherd" at Infinity Radio. Oh, and by the way, besides being an insecure, unadulterated racist who will without a doubt not mount to the ranks of a pimple on a African American's ass, Rob Speewak needs to realize that he will always be "behind the scenes" because he does not have the talent nor the backbone to try to hold a DJ position by himself. I am sure your wife loves the fact that you hold on to "Don Geronimo"s" or "Michael Sorce's coat tails to make it to where you are now. So, make sure you work on those forearms so that you can keep a strong hold (even though instead of going up, you will be following BIG DON into his destined abysmal end)

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Re: Big Don Geronimo.....
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: August 17, 2005 10:29AM

this is not a don and mike forum. they have their own webpage

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Re: Big Don Geronimo.....
Posted by: comeonbigboy ()
Date: August 17, 2005 10:31AM

their webpage is not working. They seem to like this one because they mentioned it on air so it is probably the best way to reach them. But, thanks.

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Re: Big Don Geronimo.....
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 17, 2005 10:36AM

The best way to reach them is to write them at the station.

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Re: Big Don Geronimo.....
Posted by: Randy ()
Date: August 17, 2005 10:49AM

Don & Mike would be happy to take your call between 3pm and 7pm EDT at the following number 1-877-365-3636.

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Re: Big Don Geronimo.....
Posted by: wow ()
Date: August 17, 2005 10:51AM

you should also check out a spelling and grammar message board, if you have the time.

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Re: Big Don Geronimo.....
Posted by: A. Fan ()
Date: August 17, 2005 11:06AM

Definitely someone with an agenda - that being to get Don so pissed off, he'll read the message over the air. Good try LOSER, but it ain't gonna happen!! As suggested in a previous post - call the show, I love to hear Don and Mike deal with DUMBFUCKS like you on the air! Betcha don't have the balls - I KNOW you don't!!

He actually read one of my posts once, but it wasn't posted here - try DCRTV.ORG, then click "Mailbag" and post away. I can still guarantee you won't get the attention you so desperately crave. In fact, as you so eloquently (and incorrectly) phrased it, you won't even "mount to the ranks of a pimple on a African American's ass"!

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Re: Big Don Geronimo.....
Posted by: darbrewe ()
Date: August 17, 2005 11:06AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2015 02:33AM by darbrewe.

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Re: Big Don Geronimo.....
Posted by: dman ()
Date: August 17, 2005 11:22AM

be a man and call up don on the air if you are so confident man o and by the way he only makes fun of and calls people names if theyre being a total ass and i guess thats you

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Re: Big Don Geronimo.....
Posted by: dude ()
Date: August 17, 2005 04:23PM

Okay, so, like, y'know, Don Geronimo, like, sucks. And stuff. And plus, like, that isn't even his name at all. So what a fake. And stuff.

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