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Organic Chem vs Physics
Posted by: Xeo Leox ()
Date: August 22, 2012 06:32PM

Which was more difficult for those that took both?

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Re: Organic Chem vs Physics
Posted by: BioChemGuy ()
Date: August 22, 2012 06:52PM

I'd say Organic. It's a higher level class plus you have a hard lab to go with it. Basic Physics 101 is more at the level of Chem 101.

That said, it will depend on what you like and how you learn. Organic is kind of like learning a language in that you have to memorize a ton of new nomenclature. Once you get past that and have the hang of the syntax/rules it it's really not that tough. Carbon has 4 bonds. Figure out how to apply that to various specific cases given various bonding rules and what to call it based on that, then you've pretty much got it.

Basic physics is mostly learning a bunch of formulas and more like an applied math class. Once you move to higher level physics, then I'd say that's harder but that's me. I'm more of a biochem-type guy. Once you start getting into the quantum stuff I'm done. lol Very interesting but my brain just doesn't work like that.

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Re: Organic Chem vs Physics
Posted by: meh ()
Date: August 22, 2012 06:55PM

Yeah, kind of a bad comparison here.

You ask whats harder a specific topic or a very very broad subject.

A stupid question like that probably means you're an idiot, stay away from either is your best decision.

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Re: Organic Chem vs Physics
Posted by: rankine cycler ()
Date: August 22, 2012 07:20PM

The answer is a function of the asker.

The physicist wields more power.

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Re: Organic Chem vs Physics
Posted by: Well not really ()
Date: August 22, 2012 07:25PM

Actually, the t/s could have a valid question since Hopkins offers Orgo as a two-semester sequence you can take as a freshman...same with many prominent universities that offer Uni Physics as a two consecutive blocks. He's asking anyone who's taken them as classes; pretty sure he's trying to gauge how hard they were in terms of coursework.

I had both and consider myself pretty biased as an engineering major. I loved physics taught at the high school and college level and found it less challenging than Orgo. Just my two cents.

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