Re: Hate Black people? Tell us why.
Date: August 21, 2012 02:03AM
the black people i run into in person are generally fine and good people.
but the ones online are all like "ey nigga look ima nigga, becoz ima nigga u gotta giv me attention yo"
couple of encounters with black people in my life in chronological order:
for awhile my dad was kind of impoverished, so we had nigga housemates. they were cool and they came from all times of nigga walks of life. one nigga was straight outta africa, his name was Ndeep or some shit. his name might have even had a click in it or some shit, i dunno. the other nigga was a nice guy and the third nigga was just a nerdy nigga dude. so, i've lived with niggas, if i was ACTAULLY racist i woulda been beat up or some shit. but these niggas would do some weird shit, like cook up weird ass animals and one nigga smoked outside my window. like damn nigga u inconsiderate of the lungs of little children. then the nerdy nigga was very inconsiderate of the bathroom. he had his own in the basement but he came up and used ours and splashed water everywhere.
i had a nigga boarding school roommate in 2007. worst year of my life. he had that nigga smell. he also cried a lot. but only i knew how much he cried because in public he had to be a tough nigga. this nigga insulted my mom all the time, and it pissed me off. but he was way bigger than me so i couldnt do much to him. then i just had enough and said "well at least my mom isnt a slut" or maybe whore or some shit. she give birth to this nigga at 17 to his dad who was 24. he beat my ass, but damn he never said shit about my mom again. also he got suspended for beating me up, i got scolded, no punishment other than "meh, u shouldn't call people's moms whores"
lol, served that nigga right.
nigga cross country teammate beat me in a cross country race, i trained hard and that nigga never beat me again.
and one time my brother threw a house party and a nigga stole my watch.that nigga so dumb he stole a fuckin fossil watch, grats bro. probably pawned it for 20 dollars.
some niggas stole (half of) the headlight system from my moms BMW. dumb niggas didnt even steal all of it, just the bulbs. not worth very much, almost got shot by her.
this nigga girl got expelled from school first week because she stole some other girls clothes and lied about it. like really? u dumb as fuck if you think you're going to get away with it.
my nigga ex-roommate got caught stealing an ipod and got suspended from school.
this big good looking nigga banged the girl i had a crush on. this dude was big as hell so i know he loosened her all up, i no longer had a crush on her.
i shared a blunt with these 2 niggas, and usually we do puff puff pass like normal fucking decent human beings, but no. these 2 niggas crushed the shit before passing it off. they didnt even pay. i count that as stealing because those niggas straight up took advantage of our generosity. i didnt like them but my friend did, and they did that shit all the time. i stopped hanging out with that friend because of those guys. my friend eventually got arrested for larceny or some shit.
then a nigga stole my ipod touch
then the nigga who stole my ipod stole my other watch that i bought in germany. it was a binary watch, the nigga probably couldnt even read it.
my buddy was a nigga, he was a fun dude and real nice. but damn nigga smoked weed all day and dropped out of college. he's now a tattoo artist. damn shame. nigga coulda been something better u kno. just checked his FB and he's going to rehab now.
tried to think of some positive experiences with niggas and all i can think of was my best friend in 4th and 5th grade. kid was cool, he still is cool and if he lived here rather than the west coast we'd probably be friends. but that's all i can say for positives.
oh i guess there was another nigga that i liked. he was chill as fuck and always so god damn laid back. he was funny as hell and tall. can't really say anything bad about him because he didn't do shit all. he's doin well in college too, good to see that.
so as you can see, in my personal experience, though limited, i have not met many good niggas.
though, i don't hate them at all until i first interact with them.
but yeah... niggas on these forums be the worst, most annoying, monkey ape nigga beasts and a lot of the niggas that i have met over the years have not done especially well despite having many privileges.
tl;dr niggas gon' nigg