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I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: sosickandtiredofyoupeople ()
Date: July 31, 2012 02:24PM

What the fuck is with foreignors feeling the need to hang bedsheets in their windows to act as curtains??? Do they have any fucking idea how trashy this looks? On top of that, its as if they have a 1000 watt bulb burning in the background to purposely draw attention to the sheet hanging in the window. Go buy some curtains you dumbfucks!!!

Please learn how to mow your fucking lawns, front and back.

That eye of rah bullshit hanging over your front door isn't going to keep away any bullshit spirits but it sure as hell looks like crap!! Take it down please.

Squeezing 5 cars into a 2 car driveway isn't any great feat, that also looks like crap with cars hanging out into the street and sidewalks, how about sending some of your family back to your country so you wont be forced to have 12 people living in the same house.

When an English speaking American neighbor says hello and is polite to you, perhaps you should say hello back and be polite in return. If you don't know the language, fucking learn it or leave this country.

Certain days are designated trash days. That does not mean you put your trash can out days in advance filled with your fucking curry allowing it to cook in the heat and stink up the neighborhood. Put it out the night before, or the morning of you dumbfucks.

Same goes for after trash day, put your fucking trash can away. Do not let it sit out for days and days.

Teach your kids what break time means at the pool. Its bad enough the lifeguards don't speak english, I'm getting sick and tired of seeing your little fuck kids have to be told to get out of the pool when they blow the whistle.

I understand you are most likely renting your house, and I understand the owner is also either a foreignor or underwater with the value of his house, but guess what? I'm not a foreignor and I have equity in my house and I would like to keep it that way.

So shape the fuck up or ship the fuck out of my neighborhood.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: dolphinclap ()
Date: July 31, 2012 02:29PM

I nominate this for post of the decade.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Abdullah ()
Date: July 31, 2012 02:29PM

I dunno'...it MIGHT be time to contact your HOA there, Yankee...

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: nicetry ()
Date: July 31, 2012 02:35PM

nobody on this website can relate to your post because they are all losers living in their parents basements.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: English motherfucker, do you speak it? ()
Date: July 31, 2012 02:39PM

I'm sick and tired of illiterate rednecks complaining about stupid shit.

What the hell is a foreignOr anyway?

By the way, your washing machine from 1978 is supposed to go to the dump, not be used as a planter for weeds in your backyard.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: wongwei ()
Date: July 31, 2012 02:47PM

Sadly, if this is your plight, you might as well go into forclosure and move about 150 miles in any direction. Our area has been occupied and it's never going to get better. We (visa vie elected officials) asked for it and now it's time to reep what we have sown.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: July 31, 2012 02:53PM

I feel for you OP. Thats why the Strife klan is moving out of little somalia/bangladesh/mexico (aka Herndon) and into a nice new development...elsewhere. Just a few more months until the home is built and no more stinky curry or lemon seasoned burned fish smells coming into my place through the vents or front door. No more roaming gangs of lord of the flies aged bastard children playing football in the parking lot or running into cars with over/under sized bikes since they have no father to teach them how to ride a bike properly. I will, however, miss how terrified these people get when they see my dog. He is a 1.5 year old chocolate lab. He is a big fucking idiot teddy bear that never barks at anything real (barks at retarded shit like shadows though) but because he is bigger than a cat and has teeth they jump a mile and/or run the fuck away when they see him. Love it. Sometimes I let him out to piss without a leash and wait for the screams. Yep, I'll miss that.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: July 31, 2012 03:07PM

There does seem to be issues with the third world people and things like garbage and lawns and the number of people that live in their homes.

After all, they are from the third world.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Johnny Quest ()
Date: July 31, 2012 03:17PM

You just described my neighborhood, although with more colorful language than I would have.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: CKaser ()
Date: July 31, 2012 03:42PM

The most ignorant, toothless, racist, illiterate, in-bred, tobacco-chewing, grease-covered, beer-swilling, Confederate-flag waving, cross-burning, grits-eatin' REDNECK is the epitome and grace, charm, wit, elegance, sophistication, euridition, and class when compared to a thrid world illegal. Period.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: guilty as charged ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:00PM

Regarding the OP I don't remember posting this but it sure as hell looks like something I would write.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Danny Carver ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:00PM

Get used to it, white folks; the dream is over.............It will only get worse as the niggers and spics, and 3rd worlders continue to inexorably overtake the white population.
Try to enjoy your life as best you can......liberalism has destroyed our country by making you feel ashamed of being white and ashamed of your culture; the same culture that was once the greatest country in the world.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: save me from this ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:08PM

Whats the deal with setting out the trash. It goes out no earlier than the night before not five days ahead. And please use a decent trash can, stop just setting it out in plastic bags which the crows tear open to get at whatever God awful crap you are putting in there.

One more thing and I will shut up. When you are five feet apart there really is no reason to yell to each other. I can hear your stupid gutter language a mile away. If you slam your car doors at 2 am one more time I am going to come out and kick your ass all the way back to whatever stinkhole country you crawled away from. Diversity my ass, knock this shit off.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Feds ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:20PM

save me from this,
You are hereby required to report to sensitivity training and multicultural workshops beginning next Monday. Your intolerance will not be tolerated.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Cletus the Slack Jawed Yokel ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:33PM

The most ignorant, toothless, racist, illiterate, in-bred, tobacco-chewing, grease-covered, beer-swilling, Confederate-flag waving, cross-burning, grits-eatin' REDNECK is the epitome and grace, charm, wit, elegance, sophistication, euridition, and class when compared to a thrid world illegal. Period.

Care to rethink that?

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: OP's House ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:34PM

This is what the OP's house looks like...

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Upside Down in Curry Odor ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:36PM

I feel your pain.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Richbitch ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:36PM

You bought a $600,000 townhouse and THEY are the idiots?

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: sosickandtiredofyoupeople ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:39PM

Richbitch Wrote:
> You bought a $600,000 townhouse and THEY are the
> idiots?

Yes, I bought a $600,000 townhouse for $500,000. Wanna rethink that idiot comment?

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:42PM

It's funny that the OP has a real, valid complaint that I see everyday, and everyone calls him a redneck. Why's he a redneck? Because he grew up in the U.S., takes care of his property, and is respectful to his neighbors?

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Jose and the Filthy Wetback ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:44PM

The most ignorant, toothless, racist, illiterate, in-bred, tobacco-chewing, grease-covered, beer-swilling, Confederate-flag waving, cross-burning, grits-eatin' REDNECK is the epitome and grace, charm, wit, elegance, sophistication, euridition, and class when compared to a thrid world illegal. Period.

Care to rethink that?

Abso-phukkin-lutely not. I repeat: The most ignorant, toothless, racist, illiterate, in-bred, tobacco-chewing, grease-covered, beer-swilling, Confederate-flag waving, cross-burning, grits-eatin' REDNECK is the epitome of grace, charm, wit, elegance, sophistication, euridition, and class when compared to a third world illegal. Period.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: allowmetoretort ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:45PM

sosickandtiredofyoupeople Wrote:
> Richbitch Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You bought a $600,000 townhouse and THEY are
> the
> > idiots?
> Yes, I bought a $600,000 townhouse for $500,000.
> Wanna rethink that idiot comment?

If you bought it for $500,000 you just brought the value of everyone else's $600,000 home to $500,000. Quit bitching when you're the problem.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: niggaplease ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:47PM

The real tragedy here is that you have to spend $500K on a fucking townhouse. This area is fucked beyond belief.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: sickandtiredofffxunderground ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:47PM

Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> It's funny that the OP has a real, valid complaint
> that I see everyday, and everyone calls him a
> redneck. Why's he a redneck? Because he ... is
> respectful to his neighbors?

I think the act of creating this post is quite the opposite of respect.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: sosickandtiredofyoupeople ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:48PM

allowmetoretort Wrote:
> sosickandtiredofyoupeople Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Richbitch Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > You bought a $600,000 townhouse and THEY are
> > the
> > > idiots?
> >
> > Yes, I bought a $600,000 townhouse for
> $500,000.
> > Wanna rethink that idiot comment?
> If you bought it for $500,000 you just brought the
> value of everyone else's $600,000 home to
> $500,000. Quit bitching when you're the problem.

Wrong, nice try though.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:57PM

sickandtiredofffxunderground Wrote:
> Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It's funny that the OP has a real, valid
> complaint
> > that I see everyday, and everyone calls him a
> > redneck. Why's he a redneck? Because he ...
> is
> > respectful to his neighbors?
> I think the act of creating this post is quite the
> opposite of respect.

Well, when you get the the point where you can't stand it anymore, what else do you do? How would you handle it? hmm?

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Date: July 31, 2012 04:58PM

Finally someone who feels my pain. I feel the same way about my $8,000,000 home I bought in Great Falls....sure it's worth $10,000,000 now, and it has more than enough garage room for my 8 cars, but those damn yuppies next door with their helicopter pad, tennis courts, and 9 hole golf course they built are really jacking up my skyline view. Sons o bitches....

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: JustanFYI ()
Date: July 31, 2012 05:32PM

By chance, do you live in Centreville Farms?

Your post was A+.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Novation ()
Date: July 31, 2012 05:53PM

Johnny Quest Wrote:
> You just described my neighborhood, although with
> more colorful language than I would have.

They just described all of NoVA. lol

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreigners bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Old House, Good Neighbors, and Love Diversity ()
Date: July 31, 2012 06:42PM

Real men don"t eat quiche or live in townhouses. and brag about the price,
I bet you drive a BMW and have beige carpeting.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: July 31, 2012 07:02PM

Ralph Pootawn Wrote:

> Well, when you get the the point where you can't
> stand it anymore, what else do you do? How would
> you handle it? hmm?

Perhaps he could have stated his complaints in a straight-forward, objective manner instead of attacking foreigners and using an expletive in almost every sentence?

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: the borg ()
Date: July 31, 2012 08:27PM

Genevieve Wrote:
> Perhaps he could have stated his complaints in a
> straight-forward, objective manner instead of
> attacking foreigners and using an expletive in
> almost every sentence?

sounds like he did. If they are indeed foreigners who refuse to adapt to laws like occupany, vehicle registration, zoning and county codes then call a spade a spade.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Alexander Smith ()
Date: July 31, 2012 08:32PM

Thank you for posting this, sosickandtiredofyoupeople. You see this kind of shit every where in FFX County it seems. It used to be only certain shithole areas.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Idiot ()
Date: July 31, 2012 08:45PM

Richbitch Wrote:
>> You bought a $600,000 townhouse and THEY are the
>> idiots?

> Yes, I bought a $600,000 townhouse for $500,000. Wanna rethink that idiot comment?

No, you bought a 500K TH for 500K. Prove it. Show me a comparable sale with 90 days of your transaction. Make that 365 days..

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Priapus ()
Date: July 31, 2012 09:18PM

The idiot OP probably bought an over flipped townhouse in an over priced neighborhood. That's why his foreign neighbors live there also. They were flipping houses, now they are stuck too. Now he knows why the deal was so cheap.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Dr Bombay ()
Date: July 31, 2012 09:20PM

The idiot OP probably bought an over flipped townhouse in an over priced neighborhood. That's why his foreign neighbors live there also. They were flipping houses, now they are stuck too. Now he knows why the deal was so cheap.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: July 31, 2012 09:28PM

High housing density brings out the worst in people.

I have not shared walls for many years and I hope that I never have to again.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Another POV ()
Date: July 31, 2012 09:38PM

Actually, I've had more problems with rednecks (most of whom don't realize they are rednecks) than with foreigners. And no, I don't live in Manassas or Woodbridge. Actually, you'd be surprised where I live. Keg parties, screaming, fireworks (not on the 4th), loud bands, etc. Fortunately, these are the type of people who never should have bought a home in the first place and are usually foreclosed on.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: time for a new BOS ()
Date: August 01, 2012 08:26PM

And now your board of supervisors will waste 100s of millions of your tax money on a streetcar on Columbia pike so that they can run back and forth to Arlington to shop at their ethnic markets and visit their relatives.What the hell were they thinking?

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: loner ()
Date: August 01, 2012 08:51PM

wnrsm Wrote:
> High housing density brings out the worst in
> people.
> I have not shared walls for many years and I hope
> that I never have to again.

Agree with that. My breaking point came when we had one of those winters where it snowed all the time. I would shovel out the spot on my assigned space and come back and someone had pulled into it. The tow companies wouldnt come out for such a low paying job when there were cars to be pulled out of ditches for premium rates. No use trying to find who had parked in the my space. The few times I did locate the offender they just claimed not to speak English or deny they knew the spaces were assigned.
Yeah I thought about letting the air out of their tires but I had my security clearance to think about and that wouldnt get me back in the space any sooner.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: qwerty ()
Date: August 01, 2012 09:21PM

The fact is this can happen to anyone in any neighborhood. Places that used to be just fine for families, such as Kings Park back in the early 80's, have been destroyed by folks that just don't give a damn about maintaining their property. There are lots of families that don't want to spend 70% of their income on housing - does that mean they are bad people and relegated to living in bad conditions? Most of those huge expensive homes have empty rooms with no furniture, no window treatments, etc. After you buy your $600-800K home and up it has to be furnished, painted, maintained and decorated. Add another $100-200K for that. So what's an average worker to do in this area? I guess grin and bear it and save your dollars to get out of this hellhole.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: thatsityep ()
Date: August 02, 2012 10:20AM

Tyhat very same $500k townhouse in VA will jsut cost you 80k in texas.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: August 02, 2012 12:54PM

thatsityep Wrote:
> Tyhat very same $500k townhouse in VA will jsut
> cost you 80k in texas.

The $420k educational difference doesn't seem so bad all of a sudden.

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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: typical 1 ()
Date: April 28, 2016 08:06PM

sosickandtiredofyoupeople Wrote:
> What the fuck is with foreignors feeling the need
> to hang bedsheets in their windows to act as
> curtains??? Do they have any fucking idea how
> trashy this looks? On top of that, its as if they
> have a 1000 watt bulb burning in the background to
> purposely draw attention to the sheet hanging in
> the window. Go buy some curtains you dumbfucks!!!
> Please learn how to mow your fucking lawns, front
> and back.
> That eye of rah bullshit hanging over your front
> door isn't going to keep away any bullshit spirits
> but it sure as hell looks like crap!! Take it down
> please.
> Squeezing 5 cars into a 2 car driveway isn't any
> great feat, that also looks like crap with cars
> hanging out into the street and sidewalks, how
> about sending some of your family back to your
> country so you wont be forced to have 12 people
> living in the same house.
> When an English speaking American neighbor says
> hello and is polite to you, perhaps you should say
> hello back and be polite in return. If you don't
> know the language, fucking learn it or leave this
> country.
> Certain days are designated trash days. That does
> not mean you put your trash can out days in
> advance filled with your fucking curry allowing it
> to cook in the heat and stink up the neighborhood.
> Put it out the night before, or the morning of you
> dumbfucks.
> Same goes for after trash day, put your fucking
> trash can away. Do not let it sit out for days and
> days.
> Teach your kids what break time means at the pool.
> Its bad enough the lifeguards don't speak english,
> I'm getting sick and tired of seeing your little
> fuck kids have to be told to get out of the pool
> when they blow the whistle.
> I understand you are most likely renting your
> house, and I understand the owner is also either a
> foreignor or underwater with the value of his
> house, but guess what? I'm not a foreignor and I
> have equity in my house and I would like to keep
> it that way.
> So shape the fuck up or ship the fuck out of my
> neighborhood.


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Re: I am sick and tired of foreignors bringing down the value of my $600K townhome and surrounding neighborhoods
Posted by: Buh bye ()
Date: April 28, 2016 11:24PM

It's only going to get worse as America continues its spiral downward into 3rd world status. It's coming, faster than you think.

America the great is fading away.

Goodbye, you will be missed.

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