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Re: The M1911 Colt .45
Posted by: EtTKC ()
Date: July 08, 2014 09:49PM

i saw a wikipedia article saying russia has been building USA rocket engines since before von braum and it was a little know cold war secret usa hid. must be true.

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Re: The M1911 Colt .45
Posted by: wp3mP ()
Date: July 08, 2014 09:50PM

a new report from china says their telephone chips were not stolen from USA companies and their chip factories were not paid for by stocks in ATT and verizon - they were into electronics before the japanese

the news was printed like in the 1990's , that's so old news.

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Re: The M1911 Colt .45
Posted by: tMYx9 ()
Date: July 08, 2014 09:53PM

i just got a wire to sell another battle ship to china for the steel value

turns out USA never had the largest fleet. the british have been supply the ships since WWI. they need the metal back now.

where's that towel i hope it's warm and smells nice !

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Re: The M1911 Colt .45
Posted by: aging debbie does dallas fan ()
Date: July 08, 2014 10:01PM

ha! i'm sure they'd know not to beleive that crap.

don't forget Chrystler was bailed out 3x by USA taxpayer but in the 1990's loaned italy money because fiat was TITS UP (and in germany gas was $12/gal and their auto workers were doing 1/2 days, news reported)

guess what they opened a new ferrarri plant and we got a gov stealer / dealer here in fairfax: were there aren't any rich to buy them - just gov tax money launderers that don't deserve ferrari (not that some don't or shouldn't)

well just a couple years ago Ferrari walked into a delaware court claiming Chrystler owed italy money and therefore assumed owndership of Chrystler

and that wasn't a year or so after italy was crying bankruptcy for a recent earthquake

oh btw NY NY shared all the sky scraper secrets NY City had had on file for legal reasons (but did not own) (ie and chicago plans) with the italians as part of a religious school "exchange"

oh just a little

yes some one shows you papers presenting a history that didn't happen and papers showing you they are official and signed and it was reported on years ago it must be true


or say fuck you. I know Made in the USA when my cousin isn't being evicted

or go put a sweet towel on your head. they'll probably put a target chip in it.

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