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Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
dont think im stupid just cause what i say u think ill give u any real information about me hell no. im not risking my ass cause off a bunch druggies. ive been in to long to see to many go down and that shit aint for me. so go'head thinking that im a retard i dont give a fuck. bunch of crackers on this site anyways never understand u peoples.
if "they" wanted to come get you they would already have you. Even if you are at school you're not anonymous. It would be a matter of minutes for "them". Cary's policies can only protect for so long and so far.
dude...learn some english. i dont care if you're not from the country or not, you're here, speak it. and noone cares about your little rants and tyrades, such as this one. just please, for all of us, shut up.
Thank you for proving we are not all the same! Next will find out because he can't write, get a job, have half a brain, and is discriminated against. Move Back To France you low life pile of s_ _ t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!