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Re: Marijuana legalied in small amounts in yet another city... Seatle!!
Posted by:
RESton Peace
Date: December 01, 2005 08:20AM
as long as it is located in a jurisdiction which does NOT allow it (the state of washington) and has superceding authority, it's like denver, a subjective law that will be enforcd at the state level to overrule the city.
I don't think it is completely legal, I think it is just the least prioritized offense. Like it would just be added on to a more serious offense or they would get you for possesion in order to seach you for something else. Anyways it is probably a small fine, but the US is close to just giving in and legalizing it.
Re: Marijuana legalied in small amounts in yet another city... Seatle!!
Posted by:
RESton Peace
Date: December 01, 2005 01:05PM
I disagree. And I WANT that to be the case, but having been around, the people who ACTUALLY VOTE, thus getting the attentions of our legislators, are the wealthy and the old. They still overwhelmingly want it to stay illegal.
Decriminalization is a more likely scenario but that's still light years off.