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Puppy Killer in NE Busted
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: July 12, 2012 05:16PM

A Northeast D.C. man accused of killing a sleeping 6-month-old puppy has been arrested, officials said Thursday.

Sean Delontay Branch, 24, was arrested Wednesday on a felony animal cruelty charge, according to the Washington Humane Society.

On June 29, Branch allegedly dropped a 100-pound cement block on the dog's head behind the Circle Seven Express store at 1209 Mount Olivet Road NE, officials said. The puppy, named King Tut, died as a result of his injuries.

"This extreme act of cruelty -- one of the worst I have seen in my career -- is indefensible, and we look forward to bringing to justice the person who committed this vile crime," Scott Giacoppo, the Humane Society's chief programs officer and vice president for external affairs, said in a statement

I am seriously going to stop reading the news.

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