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My Father said Nigger and Imma say Nigger too!!!!
Posted by: King Zers ()
Date: July 11, 2012 11:38PM

alls i know is that yes i does seen a white man smell like cornpown and yes i does go to my momma and get high with her eryday....tag em and bag em...ur welcome white scum bags....im back bitches
ps my father said ni*ger so imma say nig*er too....f*ckin fags all of you go get a fuckin tan white people.....your welcome again

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Re: My Father said Nigger and Imma say Nigger too!!!!
Posted by: gerry con ()
Date: July 11, 2012 11:39PM

Do you live in reston? by the town center?

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Re: My Father said Nigger and Imma say Nigger too!!!!
Posted by: cracker fag ()
Date: July 12, 2012 12:10AM

My father hung white men so imma hang white men too!!!

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Re: My Father said Nigger and Imma say Nigger too!!!!
Posted by: Sanity ()
Date: July 12, 2012 01:22AM


Are you on Oxycontin? bath salts? Maybe BiPolar? You some crazy-ass shitperson.

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Re: My Father said Nigger and Imma say Nigger too!!!!
Posted by: CSB ()
Date: July 12, 2012 04:05PM

Sanity Wrote:
> WTF?
> Are you on Oxycontin? bath salts? Maybe BiPolar?
> You some crazy-ass shitperson.

what's wrong with "nigger" you people say it all the time...(yes i know you're black)

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Re: My Father said Nigger and Imma say Nigger too!!!!
Posted by: NBF ()
Date: July 12, 2012 10:29PM

I know alot of people who aren't black, and say the word "nigger"
Usually, its after watching the news or reading the paper, or coming back from an errand on Route 1.

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Re: My Father said Nigger and Imma say Nigger too!!!!
Posted by: racist golfer ()
Date: July 13, 2012 01:41PM

How did Tiger Woods get his name?

His mother was Thai


His father was a nigger


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Re: My Father said Nigger and Imma say Nigger too!!!!
Posted by: strandon ()
Date: July 13, 2012 01:51PM

NBF Wrote:
> I know alot of people who aren't black, and say
> the word "nigger"
> Usually, its after watching the news or reading
> the paper, or coming back from an errand on Route
> 1.

Excellent job!

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Re: My Father said Nigger and Imma say Nigger too!!!!
Posted by: whats in a name ()
Date: July 13, 2012 02:26PM

In the small town I am from the word "nigger" was used equally to describe blacks and whites. It had nothing to do with the lifestyle of the person. If you collected welfare, always in trouble with the police or had many kids with many women you qualified. The term "nigger rich" was often heard to describe a person who had come into some money, usually not enough to change anything but enough to be worthy of some attention. To "nigger rig" a car meant to fix a problem using a cheap method. Like supporting a loose tailpipe with a coat hanger.

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Re: My Father said Nigger and Imma say Nigger too!!!!
Posted by: Jonesy ()
Date: July 13, 2012 02:33PM

I once worked with an old school guy. Someone asked him to go get something for them and he said who was your nigger last week. He was lucky to keep his job after that remark

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Re: My Father said Nigger and Imma say Nigger too!!!!
Posted by: meh ()
Date: July 13, 2012 02:36PM

whats in a name Wrote:
> In the small town I am from the word "nigger" was used equally to describe blacks and whites. It had nothing to do with the lifestyle of the person.

>If you collected welfare, always in trouble with the police or had many kids with many women you qualified.

Sounds like it's entirely based off of lifestyle.

in which case, you're a nigger.

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Re: My Father said Nigger and Imma say Nigger too!!!!
Posted by: whats in a name ()
Date: July 13, 2012 02:39PM

sorry my bad, I did mean it WAS based on lifestyle. To be honest I think it was applied more to whites than blacks. The town was full of lazy ass people. I was glad to leave.

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Re: My Father said Nigger and Imma say Nigger too!!!!
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: July 13, 2012 03:44PM


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