Obama encourages this sort of assclownery.....
Posted by:
Dumb Dems
Date: July 09, 2012 01:31PM
Report: Mitt Romney protesters crash into cop boat
By: Tim Mak
July 9, 2012 08:01 AM EDT
Two protesters tried to crash a Mitt Romney fundraiser by sailing across a pond — and wound up crashing into a police boat instead, according to a report.
Two men tried to sail across Georgica Pond in the East Hamptons to get access to the fundraiser held at the home of Revlon Inc. Chairman Ronald Perelman, reports The L.A. Times.
East Hampston Village authorities claim that David Fink and Simon Kinsella attempted to cross the police line on the water, ignoring orders to stop, and “subsequently struck” a police boat.
One of the men tried to escape by swimming to shore, and was arrested nearby, while the other was arrested on the boat.
The two were arrested for resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and obstructing government administration, according to the newspaper.