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Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 08, 2012 07:06PM

Now you can rent a casket for viewing which comes with an inner container, usually cardboard, that the body is buried or cremated in. How fucking cheap do you have to be to do this to a family member?




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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: BrandonG.M.U. ()
Date: July 08, 2012 07:11PM

Its for the viewing which does cost money, and goes against one of the main reasons why people get cremated in the first place. I know that my grandmother requested my mom to just cremate her because she didn't want my last childhood memory of her to be as a corpse in a box.

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: Crispy Critter ()
Date: July 08, 2012 07:11PM

Ehhh... Don't know about doing it for somebody else but I can see how somebody might do it for themselves (by directive).

I don't need all that kinda crap. I'll be dead fer fux sake. Just shove me in the oven and crank it to 11 for a while and I'll be good.

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: July 08, 2012 08:25PM

You can do it for me too. I will be dead. Trust me, I won't care!

Fairfaxunderground rules: Lilliputions, not ok. Midgettville ok. I got it now.

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: July 08, 2012 08:38PM

eesh Wrote:
> Now you can rent a casket for viewing which comes
> with an inner container, usually cardboard, that
> the body is buried or cremated in. How fucking
> cheap do you have to be to do this to a family
> member?

This is EXACTLY what I want. My will specificially states cremation as my final wish. Why on gods green earth would anyone spend thousands on something that will get buried under ground? Plus, the dead person doesn't give a fuck how plush and soft it is inside. I know that my dead ass won't care.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: Mort Tician ()
Date: July 08, 2012 09:01PM

Use of a "cardboard box" to put someone in the ground also has environmental advantages as well as financial. We are seeing a definite increase in demand for this product...

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 08, 2012 09:36PM

Mort Tician Wrote:
> Use of a "cardboard box" to put someone in the
> ground also has environmental advantages as well
> as financial. We are seeing a definite increase in
> demand for this product...

First off, you aren't a mortician. Second, the environment is soooooo much better off with formaldehyde filled bodies rotting in biodegradable boxes.

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: Sorry ()
Date: July 08, 2012 10:01PM

Funeral instructions in a will are not legally binding. Your next-of-kin can do with you what he or she chooses

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: Shalom ()
Date: July 08, 2012 10:10PM

Not all religions believe in pumping in the formaldehyde, thus preserving the body better than McDonald's fries and Big Mac. (For a video, see below.) Nor do they believe in keeping the body around for a "viewing" for a week or longer, or putting them in a piece of furniture that would put your California King to shame.

Example (just one of many):

"Jewish burials take place as quickly as possible, following a principle of honoring the dead (k'vod hamet). Only if immediate relatives cannot arrive in time from abroad, or there is not enough time for burial before Shabbat or a holiday, are burials postponed for a day. Anything less is considered a "humiliation of the dead," Greenberg explains.

"If you don't already have funeral plots purchased, you or a representative will need to contact a cemetery to purchase a plot. You will also need to contact a funeral parlor to transfer the body and schedule the time of the funeral. Jewish law mandates a simple pine box, so although you may need to choose a plot, you don't need to concern yourself with elaborate decisions about coffins. Or with cremation or embalming, which are forbidden by Jewish law (halacha), Greenberg writes. However, many Reform rabbis will officiate at funerals involving cremation and embalming, according to Reform Rabbi Steven Chester."

See http://www.jewishfederations.org/funeral-customs.aspx

And for the less squeemish out there, human decomposition:

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: Funerals are Not Cheap ()
Date: July 09, 2012 01:42AM

I dont think it makes the family cheap depending on the circumstances. I had friend before who's Mom died suddenly. They were not real close, but because she was her only next of kin, she was responsibale. Anyway She and her husband didnt have money to cover a funeral, and the State would only cover 500.00 that was because her Mom was receiving help. Anyway she called every funeral home in the area no one would help her. She called the last one, they said come in we will help. They did the whole thing Viewing, Service, etc for the 500.00, she just had to pay the Minister's Fee which I think she said was 185.00. Anyway her Mom's wishes were to be ceremated. Because she couldnt afford to buy a casket, she had to opt for the rental. So like I said in some cases, you don't have a choice.

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: the living ()
Date: July 09, 2012 05:24AM

Warhawk Wrote:
> My will specificially
> states cremation as my final wish. Why on gods
> green earth would anyone spend thousands on
> something that will get buried under ground?
> Plus, the dead person doesn't give a fuck how
> plush and soft it is inside. I know that my dead
> ass won't care.

But, your dead ass does care or you wouldn't have written it into your will.

Why not let your loved ones decide what brings them peace after your death. Ater all, you'll be dead, so why would you care?

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: July 09, 2012 05:33AM

the living Wrote:
> Warhawk Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > My will specificially
> > states cremation as my final wish. Why on gods
> > green earth would anyone spend thousands on
> > something that will get buried under ground?
> > Plus, the dead person doesn't give a fuck how
> > plush and soft it is inside. I know that my
> dead
> > ass won't care.
> But, your dead ass does care or you wouldn't have
> written it into your will.
> Why not let your loved ones decide what brings
> them peace after your death. Ater all, you'll be
> dead, so why would you care?

My dead ass won't care, but my living one does. I'd like to think that my family cares enough about me to fufill my wishes. Of course, I'll never know for certain since I'll be dead. It's not like I'll be able to check in afterwards.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: why would you fucking care? ()
Date: July 09, 2012 05:38AM

Warhawk Wrote:
> the living Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Warhawk Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > My will specificially
> > > states cremation as my final wish. Why on
> gods
> > > green earth would anyone spend thousands on
> > > something that will get buried under ground?
> > > Plus, the dead person doesn't give a fuck how
> > > plush and soft it is inside. I know that my
> > dead
> > > ass won't care.
> >
> > But, your dead ass does care or you wouldn't
> have
> > written it into your will.
> >
> > Why not let your loved ones decide what brings
> > them peace after your death. Ater all, you'll
> be
> > dead, so why would you care?
> My dead ass won't care, but my living one does.
> I'd like to think that my family cares enough
> about me to fufill my wishes. Of course, I'll
> never know for certain since I'll be dead. It's
> not like I'll be able to check in afterwards.

What if your loved ones would like to visit your grave and plant flowers?

You're dead so why would care whether your dead ass is buried or set on fire?

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: Olde Farte, II ()
Date: July 09, 2012 08:52AM

eesh Wrote:
> ...the environment is soooooo much better off with
> formaldehyde filled bodies rotting in biodegradable boxes.

Both of my parents' bodies were buried in cardboard boxes (*); neither of them were embalmed (though Dear Ol' Ma's was refrigerated for quite some time before a "funeral slot" opened (Arlington National)).

And it had nothing to do with the environment!

The OP product looks like just the thing to use if one needs to look over a dead body before disposing of it.


IMHO, even OLD dead bodies could find some use by science; MUCH better disposal than burying.


(*) In reality, the boxes were made of fiberboard, not cardboard - probably for structural reasons during transportation. Not sure if Arlington allows, say, "shroud" burials - that is, an old sheet to provide a visual shield.

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 09, 2012 09:17AM

Olde Farte, II Wrote:

> Both of my parents' bodies were buried in
> cardboard boxes (*); neither of them were embalmed
> (though Dear Ol' Ma's was refrigerated for quite
> some time before a "funeral slot" opened
> (Arlington National)).

Can you still do this nowadays? I know Virginia has some strict laws when it comes to burying bodies that aren't embalmed.

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: meh ()
Date: July 09, 2012 09:51AM

why would you fucking care? Wrote:

> What if your loved ones would like to visit your
> grave and plant flowers?
> You're dead so why would care whether your dead
> ass is buried or set on fire?

Are you stupid?

I'm alive now, and I understand how financially taxing a viewing + funeral and all that other shit costs. So, preparing for the future I write in my will that I wish to be cremated. Leaving out the reason why, but because there's no reason to spend all that money on my corpse.

If they want to, that fine but ALIVE ME doesn't want them to. I care NOW because money is somewhat important now. I can't care after I'm dead because I'll be dead.

I feel like you quoted something you didn't even read, fucking moron.

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: Remember Me ()
Date: July 09, 2012 09:57AM

I want a marble mausoleum attended by virgin priestesses. The sacrifice of snow leopards and other endangered species will occur on a daily basis on the ivory altars. Black rhino horn powder shall be spread on the ground. The skins of 100 Bengal tigers shall drape my tomb. Money shall be diverted from food from the poor to pay for it, and children from the schools shall spend their days practicing the songs to praise me.

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: July 09, 2012 10:08AM

Any chance of a shot at those virgin priestesses while I'm still alive?

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: Olde Farte, II ()
Date: July 09, 2012 10:36AM

eesh Wrote:
> Olde Farte, II Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> > ...neither of them were embalmed...
> Can you still do this nowadays? I know Virginia
> has some strict laws when it comes to burying
> bodies that aren't embalmed.

I haven't a clue, actually - but since this is a federal military cemetery it's unlikely Virginia laws about such things apply anyway.

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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: Olde Farte, II ()
Date: July 09, 2012 10:46AM

Olde Farte, II Wrote:
> I haven't a clue, actually...

Now I do!

Here's the Virginia Code:


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Re: Rent a Casket WTF?
Posted by: anger management ()
Date: July 10, 2012 03:08AM

meh Wrote:
> why would you fucking care? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What if your loved ones would like to visit
> your
> > grave and plant flowers?
> >
> > You're dead so why would care whether your dead
> > ass is buried or set on fire?
> Are you stupid?
> I'm alive now, and I understand how financially
> taxing a viewing + funeral and all that other shit
> costs. So, preparing for the future I write in my
> will that I wish to be cremated. Leaving out the
> reason why, but because there's no reason to spend
> all that money on my corpse.
> If they want to, that fine but ALIVE ME doesn't
> want them to. I care NOW because money is somewhat
> important now. I can't care after I'm dead because
> I'll be dead.
> I feel like you quoted something you didn't even
> read, fucking moron.

Warhawk/meh needs a chill pill. His temper will put him in an early oven.

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