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Bishop forced to resign for not being a pedo
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: June 26, 2012 10:10PM

The Pope has accepted the resignation of an Argentine bishop after the publication of pictures showing him embracing a woman on a Mexican beach.


There'll be none of that straight, heterosexual, non-pedopheliac behavior going on in the Catholic church.
It's much better to stick to the tried and true underage boy fondling.
obispo fernando maria bagalló 2.jpeg

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Re: Bishop forced to resign for not being a pedo
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: June 26, 2012 10:38PM

All abrahamic religions obsess over the regulation of human sexuality. Their beliefs are usually unnatural and illogical, yet we give them carte blanche because they consider it "holy".

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Re: Bishop forced to resign for not being a pedo
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: June 26, 2012 10:52PM

I've always wondered how many people would be religious if they never found out about it until they were adults. Can you imagine trying to explain any of that nonsense to anyone other than a child?

"Ok Bob, here is how the human race actually started. Forget all that stuff about natural selection and biology that you learned in school.

This invisible man in the sky created this guy named Adam from local dirt he found. Then he took one of Adams ribs and made a woman named Eve. You follow? Bob? Bob?

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Re: Bishop forced to resign for not being a pedo
Posted by: Anagram ()
Date: June 27, 2012 12:22AM

Filthy non-paedophile!

How dare he touch a MILF!

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Re: Bishop forced to resign for not being a pedo
Posted by: poorboy ()
Date: June 27, 2012 02:27AM


What happened to you? Why do you hate?

Did a man sexually abuse you?

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Re: Bishop forced to resign for not being a pedo
Posted by: obvi ()
Date: June 27, 2012 02:29AM

poorboy Wrote:
> Numbers,
> What happened to you? Why do you hate?
> Did a man sexually abuse you?

anonymous alias post

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Re: Bishop forced to resign for not being a pedo
Posted by: transparent ()
Date: June 27, 2012 02:39AM

obvi Wrote:
> poorboy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Numbers,
> >
> > What happened to you? Why do you hate?
> >
> > Did a man sexually abuse you?
> anonymous alias post

anonymous eesh post

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Re: Bishop forced to resign for not being a pedo
Posted by: Too Funny ()
Date: June 27, 2012 04:08PM

LOL @Numbers and his obsession.

Poor guy. How does he sleep at night?

Biting his finger nails off fearing that at any moment a priest or college basketball coach will sneak into his bed and force him to drop his pajama bottoms.

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Re: Bishop forced to resign for not being a pedo
Posted by: zzzz... ()
Date: June 27, 2012 04:10PM

Too Funny Wrote:
> LOL @Numbers and his obsession.
> Poor guy. How does he sleep at night?
> Biting his finger nails off fearing that at any
> moment a priest or college basketball coach will
> sneak into his bed and force him to drop his
> pajama bottoms.

No, Alias

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