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How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes out of business?
Posted by: When? ()
Date: June 24, 2012 08:05PM

How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes out of business?
Its coming.
But when?
How much longer do they have left?

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Re: How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes out of business?
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: June 24, 2012 08:12PM

Considering how easily they can drop all their brick and mortar locations and go strictly internet...............never.

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Re: How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes out of business?
Date: June 24, 2012 09:46PM

When? Wrote:
> How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes
> out of business?
> Its coming.
> But when?
> How much longer do they have left?

People have been asking the same thing about K-Mart for the past 15 years. Best Buy has its issues, but I don't think it is going away anytime soon. Now is it a good investment? Probably not.


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Re: How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes out of business?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: June 24, 2012 10:11PM

If Radio Shack can stay in business this long, Best Buy won't be going anywhere.

I think hhgregg will fizzle out before Best Buy.

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Re: How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes out of business?
Posted by: tomahawk ()
Date: June 24, 2012 10:14PM

I was watching a movie the other day from the 90s, and the main character went into Radio Shack. Wow, what a difference to what it is now. There were 3 walls of electronic components for projects, tons of stuff. Now it's like two drawers in a cabinet and half the store is cellphone shit and crappy toys. The science kits for kids are so dumbed down it's scary.

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Re: How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes out of business?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: June 24, 2012 10:23PM

Radio Shack is kind of like the scientology version of retail electronics.

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Re: How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes out of business?
Posted by: Hank Moody ()
Date: June 24, 2012 10:24PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> When? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes
> > out of business?
> > Its coming.
> > But when?
> > How much longer do they have left?
> People have been asking the same thing about
> K-Mart for the past 15 years. Best Buy has its
> issues, but I don't think it is going away anytime
> soon. Now is it a good investment? Probably not.

The big difference between the two is that very few people showroom shit they want to buy at K-Mart and then order the product from Amazon.

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Re: How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes out of business?
Posted by: Zappy ()
Date: June 24, 2012 10:30PM

Best Buy is floundering for sure...they haven't changed anything about how they do business. It rolled up in here in the mid-90's and it's the same store it is now that it was then. I dislike everything about it. The fucking pumped up house/techno music that forces me to shout ot be heard...and the lack of knowledgeable sales people. There's nothing like asking someone questions about a $5,000 television that they can't answer...

Oh and then there's my favorite...Their salespeople will spend all kinds fo time telling me what a quality piece of merchandise I'm looking at and then when I make a buying decision they ask me if I'd like to buy an extended warranty to go with it. I have yet to have anyone answer my question of, "Um...you just got done telling me what a quality piece of merchandise this is...why would I buy an extended warranty for it? It's never going to have a problem, right?"

And fuck your price matching, Best Buy. I'll stay home and order on the Interwebz...

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Re: How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes out of business?
Posted by: tomahawk ()
Date: June 25, 2012 01:33AM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> Radio Shack is kind of like the scientology
> version of retail electronics.

LOL nice.

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Re: How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes out of business?
Posted by: Bust Buy ()
Date: June 25, 2012 02:55AM

Best showroom for Amazon ever!

Really I don't think I've been in a Best Buy store in probably 5 years at least.

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Re: How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes out of business?
Date: June 25, 2012 05:45PM

The thing that gets me about Best Buy (the one at Fair Lakes, at least) is that the place is CRAWLING with sales people. Can't move from one aisle to the next without someone coming up to you. That'd be fine except they don't know anything. "Do you sell any Bluetooth keyboards?" I ask. "Well, let me see," the salesperson says, carefully peering at each description. "I'm looking for an affordable laptop, 13"-14" screen." "Well, let me see," the salesperson says, looking at each description just like I could do. "How do you turn the volume up on this GPS?" "Well, let me call over someone else who can answer that."

I give 'em credit for having lots of salespeople (and for hiring some in wheelchairs, etc.). They just don't train 'em. And I gotta agree with Zappy: "Really quality item there. But it only has a 90 day warranty . . . "

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Re: How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes out of business?
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: June 25, 2012 05:48PM

tomahawk Wrote:
> I was watching a movie the other day from the 90s,
> and the main character went into Radio Shack. Wow,
> what a difference to what it is now. There were 3
> walls of electronic components for projects, tons
> of stuff. Now it's like two drawers in a cabinet
> and half the store is cellphone shit and crappy
> toys. The science kits for kids are so dumbed down
> it's scary.

Last time I was at microcenter, I noticed they've got some fun projecty stuff in the books section.

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Re: How soon until the entire Best Buy company goes out of business?
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: June 26, 2012 08:25AM

Two Feet In The Grave Wrote:
> They just don't train 'em.

When I worked in electronics retail, they hired based on knowledge you already have or could fool them into thinking you have. They never trained on products... the only training I ever got was on the details of the extended warranty plans and how to pitch them, which I never did.

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