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Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 06:26AM

Please see this thread:


And this article on the Patch, including comments:


My current theory is that Gordon is a "Cyber-Bully", using anonymity to belittle people, call them crazy. If I'm correct, she's also been filing false Police reports, and panicking entire schools, while preventing me from helping a child.

I'm curious: how many has she slandered? No, not insulted. She's allowed to do that.

And if there's a single word of this that I believe to be untrue, I will have committed slander. My address is out there. She's hiding.

Please help me get a better picture of this person. All that I know at this point is that she's a female in the Rose Hill area, and I'm not even certain of that.

If I am correct, she's put lives and careers in jeopardy. She almost destroyed my family, my reputation, and my life. It took me a long time to come up with this "theory", but I challenge you to find ONE OTHER EXPLANATION that actually fits the facts.

Has she driven a teen to suicide? How many times has she tried?

Please help me expose this person. If she continues to use anonymity to harm people, she put this forum in harm's way. If warrants are served, who knows what will be exposed?

Really, I ask you. Read my words in the context of a man, looking for "bumps", and trying to get answers. Yes, I prattled, rambled, insulted, and cajoled. I NEVER threatened anyone, as was initially alleged in the Patch.

Please... you've clearly been thinking about this for a long time Gordon. Do you have anything else that fits the facts?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 06:27AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Encyclopedia Brown ()
Date: June 02, 2012 06:50AM

No thanks crackpot, Gordon is right on the money on this one. You are 100% BATSHIT CRAZY!

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 06:51AM

how is it so many ppl keep focusin on me? CRAZY, yo............ new
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 01, 2012 01:17PM

Foster Brooks Wrote:
> Sorry I'm a dude but I do have dreamy eyes. Maybe
> Gordon blvd. drinks like a fish.

nah, I'm a lightweight. More economical that way LoLz. I get the same buzz but at half the price ;)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 06:51AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 06:52AM

Re: How much do you drink? new
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 01, 2012 08:52PM

@JBass Wrote:
> JBass Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > 5:01 2 - pint of Ranger IPA
> Did a tornado blow you away?

no, the 2 and a half bottles did

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 06:54AM

Re: Woman with baby begging for money
Posted by: Theory XXIV ()
Date: August 02, 2011 08:51AM

I wonder if GordonBlvd was one of these dead-eyed babies..that would explain the flat-affect sociopath style of hers..

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 06:56AM

At least she doesn't appear to be a racist. That's good. That's hard to fix.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 06:56AM


Re: Pit bull owners are Insane
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: February 14, 2012 03:10PM

yep.......it's all in the training............


that last line in that story is the one that ALWAYS gets me when we're talking about the Pits LoLz

wow..........these ppl were white too..........what's all up with that? LoLz

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: RG 3 fan Skins ()
Date: June 02, 2012 06:58AM

Please let the Lamb Ctr thread come back. This is batshit crazy in my opinion dude.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 06:58AM

I've only looked at a couple of threads. I'm sure that "spidering" the site would give me a MUCH better picture.

What I'm interested in, though, is where she might have tried to harm you, slander you, or maybe she intimidated your child?

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 07:06AM

"Please let the Lamb Ctr thread come back."

I don't understand the request....

If I've done something, just let me know, I'll try to correct it.

(I intend to let all my other threads die, BTW. I now believe that I've been misdirected, more deeply than I realized, from the outset.)



Was this woman driving through you neighborhood, endangering EVERYONE last night?

If she went out at all, I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions.

And this is why I wouldn't meet with anyone that had a "new" account. I only just started suspecting Gordon, but I wanted someone "established." Who knows how many times she's posted under "temporary" handles?

Look for "dots" (............) and the crazy "LoLz". I think we'll find that she's been busy. She's clearly a drunk, so I'm sure she's made a lot of mean and stupid mistakes.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 07:08AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: not agian please ()
Date: June 02, 2012 07:11AM


Please don't start all this again today. Most people on this forum have the no desire to see the train wreck you yourself are causing. Don't spew all this out in a public forum for all to see. Get some help. Please get some help.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 07:16AM

No Gordon. I have no idea how many "handles" you've used to call me crazy.

Anyone who reads would know: nothing else makes sense.

You've admitted to being a drunk, you've admitted to running around while you do it. Do you have a kid at home? More than one? Are they okay?

No Gordon. If you've got any sense at all, you're scared right now.

I think you did it to me, on Thursday.

Turned me against a man that seems to have an impeccable record.

Turned me against a man that I thought to be an incompetent counselor.

Really Gordon... what else makes sense???

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 6X ()
Date: June 02, 2012 07:16AM

I think this belongs in Off-Topic. Scott, do you know Mr. Misery?

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 07:18AM

Mr. Misery? No.

And if I'm correct, she has put a LOT of people in danger. An entire school panicked, and many reputations at stake.

She SAID she was calling the cops yesterday. Someone did. She KNEW there was a good chance that it wouldn't end well.

It EVEN explains why everyone avoided returning my calls. Fred Ellis started to help me, then stopped, inexplicably. Did you talk to him, Gordon? I'll be re-querying a number of people. Maybe this will "snap into place" for them.

And it's a good solution... it saves ALMOST everyone embarrassment.

You trolls can jump on, and tell me to shut up; but no -- the people she's harmed WILL see this. If you read it all, you'll understand that I've already been "destroyed", it just took to long to figure out how. The "why" still eludes me.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 07:26AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Redskins RG 3 fan ()
Date: June 02, 2012 07:22AM

Start a blog. It's far more effective means of discussing what you want out here, there, everywhere. Just a helpful suggestion

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 07:30AM

No... it's not effective at all. By the time Thursday was over, I couldn't even get people to sign a common-sense, no cost petition to keep kids safe.


I've explained why any responsible parent who sees that couldn't possibly find fault in just knowing who's in charge. For next time.

The nay-saying, again, just didn't make sense.

6x: I'll buy you lunch if you'll meet with me, or my Wife. Or come by for a beer, or do ANYTHING that Gordon inexplicably refused to do. She spent a week arguing that I wasn't real (if she was using the handles I think), only to find that she that she was two miles away, all along?

And yes, if she's spinning these streets drunk, she's a PHYSICAL menace, too.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 07:32AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Dancing Man/concerns ()
Date: June 02, 2012 07:38AM

2concerned Wrote:

> It EVEN explains why everyone avoided returning my
> calls. Fred Ellis started to help me, then
> stopped, inexplicably.

A woman did return your call, yet you told her to read a thread on this forum, rather than talk to her. If you had talked to her, perhaps all of this would have stopped.

You are now starting a new thread, blaming Gordon for your troubles. Looking back at your original, you were the one who first essentially asked for people to label you crazy. You literally said, if I am crazy, let me know and I will stop this. Instead of stopping you have now created a third thread.

Initially you thought a guy was a danger. You were told it was investigated and he wasn't.

You didn't want to stop there, and wanted to find out who is responsible in any given situation at school for kids' safety and created a petition to have one person designated.

You somehow frightened one of those designees (the principal of a school) resulting in you yourself being investigated (and in the first thread you even encouraged that at points).

This resulted in you escalating further, not catching onto the irony that you were causing all of this (you were in fear, requested an investigation..someone feared you and did exactly what you suggested all should have done with dancing man...follow up on their fear/perceptions of "something is wrong" with that guy..).

I believe you can't stop. Anxiety, OCPD, whatever it maybe...there are safe medications out there.

Take them. You are harming yourself by continuing to ramble, and by escalating this to three threads and wild ideas.

There is another explanation. You are suffering from something. Gordon didn't do whatever it is you think was done. Your theory is wrong.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 07:42AM

"if I am crazy, let me know and I will stop this"

Context again. Yes, I said that if someone would review the entire incident, from end-to-end, and they found no reason to be concerned, I would admit that I must have some "issues".

But, nobody would even look at a tape that only I had.

As for the woman, yes, I was EXTREMELY tired. I'd written everything concisely. I asked her to read it, and get back to me. She didn't. Gordon knew who she was and how to reach her, in the meantime.

Again... what makes sense???

"I believe you can't stop"

No... I can't. There's far too much at stake. Any real parent that reads my letter would surely understand. I think the Troll population is a LOT bigger here than I'd imagined. And the people arguing me down?

The don't even have the integrity to REGISTER AN ACCOUNT.

Why else would they resist, even letting parents know that something may or may not have occurred? Why was nobody interviewed? Why was the incident not reviewed? Why would Terrence call the Police, instead of me? Why would Mike Ricker look at what I wrote, and a professional in his field, determine that I was out of work, and estranged from my family. Either he's incompetent, or he was fed bad information.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 07:48AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Dancing Man/concerns ()
Date: June 02, 2012 07:47AM

2concerned Wrote:

> As for the woman, yes, I was EXTREMELY tired. I'd
> written everything concisely. I asked her to read
> it, and get back to me. She didn't.

Yet you continued to post on this forum, rather than sleep. You could have said a few very simple sentences. Your writing isn't as concise as you seem to believe it is. I truly don't understand begging for someone to contact you and then claiming you are too tired to talk, yet posting again and again and again.

> Again... what makes sense???

What makes sense is for you to follow up on your issues, make sure those aren't causing you to judge things differently from reality.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 07:49AM

"Your writing isn't as concise as you seem to believe it is."

You may be right, but I've seen you misread very simple sentences. What is your stake in this?

And how could anyone possibly know who's posting under your handle?

Are you Gordon?

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oh wow! Tard Bait! And with me being so stupid...................well, since the bait's soooooo shiny
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 07:50AM

well, that coupled with the fact I learned how to bite around the hook looooooooong time back.................

@6x - I disagree as apparently I am obviously the interest of the ppl of Fairfax County ROFLMAO!!!!!!
@not - desire, well no. But I gotta admit it "shore" is entertaining to watch..............A cpl weeks ago I stated I could not understand why ppl slow down to look at car wrecks when no lanes are blocked.
I guess I get it now, dont I? LoLz
@RG - oh no, my friend..........this is SOOOOOO the new Lamb thread. Lamb Ctr ppl look at this dude and go "whhhhoooooa, calm down bro"

pic unrelated
dis gonna be good.gif

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Re: oh wow! Tard Bait! And with me being so stupid...................well, since the bait's soooooo shiny
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 07:51AM

@Dancing - thanks. At least ppl know I honestly gave it a shot this time LoLz

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Dancing Man/concerns ()
Date: June 02, 2012 07:55AM

2concerned Wrote:

> "I believe you can't stop"
> No... I can't. There's far too much at stake.
> Any real parent that reads my letter would surely
> understand. I think the Troll population is a LOT
> bigger here than I'd imagined. And the people
> arguing me down?
> The don't even have the integrity to REGISTER AN
> Why else would they resist, even letting parents
> know that something may or may not have occurred?
> Why was nobody interviewed? Why was the incident
> not reviewed? Why would Terrence call the Police,
> instead of me? Why would Mike Ricker look at what
> I wrote, and a professional in his field,
> determine that I was out of work, and estranged
> from my family. Either he's incompetent, or he
> was fed bad information.

I am a real parent, and if I thought something was wrong/might harm children I would indeed report it. However, it was reported and investigated. Conclusion: no harm.

As I say to my kids when they ask for something, it could be yes it could be no...you can't ask expecting only the yes.

Terrence called the police, because something you wrote made him fearful. Just like you said, "there is too much at stake" he must have felt that way.

RE: Mike Ricker...you yourself said you are out of work after quitting and fearing now your own business won't get off the ground. Your family was in Iowa, and perhaps estranged was a true stretch of the word...but that doesn't equate to incompetence.

Please understand, using the analogy I gave you re: my kids asking questions..the answer to yours (all of them) might be "no"

Accept that and move on. Or if you must continue, first chat with whomever you have previously about anxiety and OCPD, and assess for some medications to ensure that your issues aren't clouding your actions/thoughts/posts

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Dancing Man/concerns ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:00AM

2concerned Wrote:
> "Your writing isn't as concise as you seem to
> believe it is."
> You may be right, but I've seen you misread very
> simple sentences. What is your stake in this?
> And how could anyone possibly know who's posting
> under your handle?
> Are you Gordon?

I am not Gordon. I don't believe I have misread simple sentences.

My stake? Just trying to help out...I am honestly worried about you.

My handle is anonymous because I don't think it is safe to post my private details on this type of forum.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:08AM

see, we are different. He's worried about you whereas I'm more worried about the ppl AROUND you LoLz

And I have no a stake in the world in any of this.........well I guess I dont want to read about you later and go "OH NO" so yeah, maybe I do.............

And of course I'm anonymous..................but that's a whole other story LoLz

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:10AM

I won't argue with anonymous people, or Gordon anymore.

Yes, I thought that "tilting at trolls" would give attention to a situation that concerned parents that were there.

Gordon has no stake, or none that's apparent.

Most of the others are judging me based on one admittedly failed effort that did little more than to attract racists and "hot cop" fans. I could've put the video out there from the first, but I explained why I didn't.

Every single thing I've actually done can be explained by concern.

I challenge you to apply the same standard to the "temporary" handles, and to Gordon.

If anyone who actually IS respected and real around here wants to get together, just let me know. No, I'm not crazy just because Gordon convinced people to say that I was.

No, until then, or Cary tells me to stop, this will continue. My Wife is awake, behind me, and PISSED. If I'm right, Gordon attempted to destroy my family and marriage. I WILL be calling the Police today, and be done with this. I'm just hoping that Gordon will call them herself, first.

Would two intelligent people read what I wrote, and come to such wrong basic conclusions? Especially when my marital status, and the location of my family could've been verified in an instant?

"well I guess I dont want to read about you later and go "OH NO" so yeah, maybe I do."

That's her own words. It explains EXACTLY why I needed to do this. She said the system was too broken -- nothing could ever get fixed. WTF?

@Cary: I'm going to begin spidering. I'll keep the page pulls to ten second intervals. If you want me to stop, just let me know.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 08:19AM by 2concerned.

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dude, your wife SHOULD be pissed
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:18AM


I'm laughing because right now, yr wife feels you are obsessed with another woman cause she lives close to you.
If she cant take that as a hint of what her future is going to be like...................well I'll just leave that up to her..............

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:19AM

Yes... I'm crazy, or so I've heard :-)

Other than "something does not make sense", including "he's crazy":



You called me out on Patch... out of concern for my kids? When you knew who and where I was???

Really... does that make any sense at all?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 08:21AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Small Fry ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:21AM

2concerned Wrote:
> Would two intelligent people read what I wrote,
> and come to such wrong basic conclusions?
> Especially when my marital status, and the
> location of my family could've been verified in an
> instant?

Based on my indepth analysis of the various threads on this page, as well as the comments section of the Patch online newspaper, I came to one and only one inescapable conclusion...


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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:23AM

No... I'm crazed. There's a subtle - but big - difference.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:26AM

@small fry - and entertaining!! you forgot entertaining LoLz

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Train Wreck Watching ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:28AM

What would it take to make you stop posting about this? What response would make you happy?

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Small Fry ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:30AM

2concerned Wrote:
> No... I'm crazed. There's a subtle - but big -
> difference.

Yes, the difference is remove the "ed" and replace with a "y". But that's okay. There will be PLENTY of plastic letters with magnets on them to spell any word you want, where you'll be going...

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:31AM

Look... if I can't even get anyone to meet, I'm fine with that.

Considering how concerned she is about her anonymity, I have a proposal that she can't possibly argue against.

Call the Police, Gordon. File a report. Give me the case #. The Police will protect you, and you'll have documentation of the threat. Then, I will speak with the Officer, and start finding out exactly what triggered these events.

If you caused a school lockdown, and Terrence did not overreact, then you've committed a terrorist act. Yes, laws change every day. That's why I harp on the fact that you really should get a good attorney.

It wasn't until this morning that it really "clicked". Suddenly a week of "craziness" made perfect sense. I thought for a bit that either the world was crazy, or I was. But I am what I am, and I think I EVENTUALLY came up with the right answer.

Does anyone have a more "rational" suggestion about how to proceed?

If I call the Police, they might end up after Cary's servers. He/She(?) understands free speech, obviously. I don't think I'll get shut down, now that I'm so close. And if I'm right, then Cary has every incentive to help. Show the system works without draconian IP laws. They're not needed. We already have all the legislation we need.

But, if nobody stands up and does what they know to be right, just because they're the only one... if they believe they're "crazy" because of that, then Gordon's right: then the system IS broke, and nothing ever WILL get done.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 08:32AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:32AM

@Train - control and power. That's what O.P. is looking for. Wants to principal and FCPS to bend to his will. All this other crap he's sprouting is just smoke and mirrors dont be fooled like I was....................at the end of the day he's just another Helicopter Dad (well wannabe anyways) whos all pissed off he didnt get his way (even though he actually did) and is just gonna whine like a little baby til he gets a pacifier or a bottle. No biggie.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:34AM

That's hardly a response, Gordon.

Tell me WHY you won't do it.

Suggest what "makes sense" to you.

It seems that very little does.

Or... are you willing to tell EVERYONE here that you'd rather I call the cops?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 08:38AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:38AM

2concerned Wrote:
> That's hardly a response, Gordon.

Even if I believed you were acting in good faith...which I don't...and even if I believed you were a reasonable person...which I don't...

You have no idea how to make a persuasive argument based on facts. You don't know how to demonstrate your assertions. You don't even understand basic rhetoric, since you committed about 3 major violations of it in your post.

In sum, your assertions don't deserve responses. They are nothing. They are unsupported. In legal terms, you didn't make a prima facea case for why anyone should even consider this, much less believe you.

That this thread has any responses is indicative, not of the value of the post itself, but primarily FU's love of drama.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Small Fry ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:40AM

2concerned Wrote:
> Look... if I can't even get anyone to meet, I'm
> fine with that.
> Considering how concerned she is about her
> anonymity, I have a proposal that she can't
> possibly argue against.
> Call the Police, Gordon. File a report. Give me
> the case #. The Police will protect you, and
> you'll have documentation of the threat. Then, I
> will speak with the Officer, and start finding out
> exactly what triggered these events.
> If you caused a school lockdown, and Terrence did
> not overreact, then you've committed a terrorist
> act. Yes, laws change every day. That's why I
> harp on the fact that you really should get a good
> attorney.
> It wasn't until this morning that it really
> "clicked". Suddenly a week of "craziness" made
> perfect sense. I thought for a bit that either
> the world was crazy, or I was. But I am what I
> am, and I think I EVENTUALLY came up with the
> right answer.
> Does anyone have a more "rational" suggestion
> about how to proceed?
> If I call the Police, they might end up after
> Cary's servers. He/She(?) understands free
> speech, obviously. I don't think I'll get shut
> down, now that I'm so close. And if I'm right,
> then Cary has every incentive to help. Show the
> system works without draconian IP laws. They're
> not needed. We already have all the legislation
> we need.
> But, if nobody stands up and does what they know
> to be right, just because they're the only one...
> if they believe they're "crazy" because of that,
> then Gordon's right: then the system IS broke, and
> nothing ever WILL get done.

So has the SWAT team surrounded your house yet and called for your surrender?

See the beginning...

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:40AM

@Kardinal - you sure got that right!!!
oh drama - lets get popcorn.jpg

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:42AM


That's enough.

Gordon wants me to call the Police.

I tried to avoid that.

I think she tried to destroy my reputation.

I think she tried to destroy Terrence Yarborough's reputation.

I think she tried to destroy Mike Ricker's reputation.

I think she distorted a story to panic a school.

I think she increased the danger to my family, inexplicably.

I think she argued that I don't exist, when I was in the phone book, and two miles away.

She is hiding.

I'm not.

Think about it.

What does "rational" mean to you, Gordon?

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: RG 3skins fan ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:42AM

It's my opinion someone needs to post Ozzys Crazy Train video here. I feel sorrow but this non stop posting, I am concerned for this individual and any one around him.

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OH NOES! PoPO comin!!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:44AM

Oh GOD would I LOVE to see the Warrant. ROFLMAO!!!!
Last Name: Boulevard First Name: Gordon
address 1313 Mockingbird Lane Yuppiesnots, VA 22404 (file not found LoLz)

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Dancing Man/concerns ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:45AM

2concerned Wrote:

> Call the Police, Gordon. File a report. Give me
> the case #. The Police will protect you, and
> you'll have documentation of the threat. Then, I
> will speak with the Officer, and start finding out
> exactly what triggered these events.
> If you caused a school lockdown, and Terrence did
> not overreact, then you've committed a terrorist
> act. Yes, laws change every day. That's why I
> harp on the fact that you really should get a good
> attorney.
> It wasn't until this morning that it really
> "clicked". Suddenly a week of "craziness" made
> perfect sense. I thought for a bit that either
> the world was crazy, or I was. But I am what I
> am, and I think I EVENTUALLY came up with the
> right answer.
> Does anyone have a more "rational" suggestion
> about how to proceed?
> If I call the Police, they might end up after
> Cary's servers. He/She(?) understands free
> speech, obviously. I don't think I'll get shut
> down, now that I'm so close. And if I'm right,
> then Cary has every incentive to help. Show the
> system works without draconian IP laws. They're
> not needed. We already have all the legislation
> we need.
> But, if nobody stands up and does what they know
> to be right, just because they're the only one...
> if they believe they're "crazy" because of that,
> then Gordon's right: then the system IS broke, and
> nothing ever WILL get done.

You are conflating a number of issues here.
But more to the point:
1) why on earth would you want to talk to the police again? You were upset when they came to your home previously, and didn't think they understood.

2) you now think Gordon caused the school lockdown? Not you and whatever you wrote that caused Terrence to be fearful (stand up for what he knows is right?)

3) The more rational approach is to do as I suggested previously. Determine if your issues are clouding your ability to ascertain how you should proceed. Figure out if it is anxiety, lack of sleep, OCPD first...

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I dont even know who the f**k Mike is in all this
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:48AM

but yeah, bring that on too...............

@RG3 here ya go :)

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:50AM

Dancing: you clearly don't read. Fuck off.

@Cary: I'm going to contact you directly. I'm hoping you'll step in with impartiality, and turn any logs related to Gordon or myself over to the authorities.

Clearly, they'll need to sort this out. I DO NOT want to put this forum in harm's way, unlike Gordon. If you review this, even at a high level, I think you'll agree: it ALL makes sense now. From the very first, I staked my reputation that I was right.

She attacked that, I think.

And if I'm correct, this apparent unemployed drunk, who confesses to DWIs, and stuff I haven't even started looking for -- well, she won't come into the light, even to save you legal fees. WTF?

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Dancing Man/concerns ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:54AM

2concerned Wrote:
> Dancing: you clearly don't read. Fuck off.

Actually, I do read. Have read every post. I haven't been rude, ever. Clearly I touched a nerve.

I was going to suggest you were projecting in your post above where you claim Gordon did a number of things (distoring an issue at a school, trying to destroy Terrence's and Ricker's reputations), but thought that would be rude on my part, so I didn't...

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so get this! Now he's threatening the ENITRE SITE just cause I wont agree with him?
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:54AM

now if y'all dont see what I mean when I'm talking about power and control, smoke and mirrors......................then y'all are slower than I am.

and that's pretty damn slow LoLz

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Diagnosis: Crazy ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:55AM

2concerned Wrote:
> Dancing: you clearly don't read. Fuck off.
> @Cary: I'm going to contact you directly. I'm
> hoping you'll step in with impartiality, and turn
> any logs related to Gordon or myself over to the
> authorities.
> Clearly, they'll need to sort this out. I DO NOT
> want to put this forum in harm's way, unlike
> Gordon. If you review this, even at a high level,
> I think you'll agree: it ALL makes sense now.
> From the very first, I staked my reputation that I
> was right.
> She attacked that, I think.
> And if I'm correct, this apparent unemployed
> drunk, who confesses to DWIs, and stuff I haven't
> even started looking for -- well, she won't come
> into the light, even to save you legal fees. WTF?

What legal fees would that be? You're the one that started the threads here on the forum and the rules are clearly stated in the sticky thread at the top. The only thing that Cary will do is block you from the site for Cyber Bullying.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:57AM

Contacted Cary.

I'm hoping to resolve this without cornering anyone who's into protected HARMLESS free speech.

Us "Civil Rights Nuts" tend to see eye to eye on that, even when we disagree about everything else.

I gave Cary my complete info.

Gordon: would you feel safe meeting me AT THE POLICE STATION? I'm willing. I think you're dangerous, and I don't run from that.

Heck, you even know what I look like. As far as you know, the reverse isn't true.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 09:00AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Small Fry ()
Date: June 02, 2012 08:59AM

2concerned Wrote:
> Contacted Cary.
> I'm hoping to resolve this without cornering
> anyone who's into protected HARMLESS free speech.
> Us "Civil Rights Nuts" tend to see eye to eye on
> that, even when we disagree about everything
> else.
> I gave Cary my complete info.
> Gordon: would you feel safe meeting me AT THE
> POLICE STATION? I'm willing. I think you're
> dangerous, and I don't run from that.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:03AM

ok, two parts
first, here's the Patch link he's been talking about. Had NO IDEA he had added more since I last saw it - great stuff LoLz


second - notice how the id changes on the Patch site for him? Its because they /b/anned his access to those older accts I think, and he will just make a new one, I reckon. I didnt even catch onto that til just now. Sad, eh?

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:09AM

Heheh... I suspected that Small Fry was her, too.

She doesn't know what a VPN tunnel is, I'm sure, so if I'm right, she's frantically creating more evidence right now. It sucks when you can't survive in the daylight, doesn't it, cockroach?

Unfortunately, if I'm right, she's also becoming more unhinged by the minute. If she's read ANYTHING, she knows that was part of my concern for the man.

No wonder I've been running in the same circles over and over.

But no... let me explain, one more time why I cannot stop:

- someone is stopping me from saving another parent from ANY of this
- someone is stopping me from letting parents know what happened
- someone is keeping everyone from a win-win solution
- someone has put herself far in front of ALL of you
- if that server is seized, who knows what they'll find

- someone threatened my life, liberty and ability to provide
- someone called the cops because I excerisized free speech
- someone called the cops yesterday, knowing it was clearly the wrong thing to do.

The list goes on. Yeah, I almost F'd up really badly. But, I suspect that FCPS's scramble right now would've uncovered this, eventually.

But the danger is escalating, if I'm right.

I can't stop Gordon. I've told you why.

Can you understand?

Do you care about anything but yourself? The concerned citizen, ripping through your neighborhood drunk? Probably arguing with teens on your cellphone, as you do...

How many crimes have you committed? How many people have you hurt?

Have you called a lawyer? I have.

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yep, that's me ...............
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:12AM


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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Mr. Insensitive ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:13AM

Wait a second. Is this the guy that reported the black guy dancing at the school? The one that had a daughter that went there, danced in front of the school, and then got up and danced or did something during a play/dance?

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Hank Moody ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:13AM

A rose by any other name... It's Mr Misery all over again. He's just upped the ante, that's all.

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Re: yep, that's me ...............
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:18AM

@Hank - I dunno.......did Mr M do anything this detailed? It's not like the Patch made up that news story about the school lockdown just to hook O.P. up, know what I mean?
@MR I - you didnt know that? oh WOW! but yeah, same dude. no joke

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Re: yep, that's me ...............
Posted by: Mr. Insensitive ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:28AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @Hank - I dunno.......did Mr M do anything this
> detailed? It's not like the Patch made up that
> news story about the school lockdown just to hook
> O.P. up, know what I mean?
> @MR I - you didnt know that? oh WOW! but yeah,
> same dude. no joke

Oh wow, that's amazing. At first when I heard that story I felt sorry for the guy that reported it, because it seemed kind of strange that some guy would dance at the school and get into a play/dance or whatever and dance without getting permission from the teachers. Wow, nutcases on both sides of the aisles.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Enough is Enuff ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:30AM

All this post needs is Tigers Blood and Winning and I would think the OP was Charlie Sheen.

@2Con- I have been reading these threads from the very first one. I am a counselor in the MH/SA field. YOU NEED HELP. Your very first post was based on concern, the rest I am not sure about. I have seen you decompensate through out your postings. During the day time you make a little more sense but at night you get worse. This reminds me of the Grease Man show. The only reason to listen was to see what he would say next.
The school lock down was based on your online behavior and your behavior alone. Not Gordon, not Terrance, You. Please get help.

BTW I am not a Gordon alias. ALso FERPA laws prevent you from getting the information that you wanted about the "dancing man" and his child.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:30AM

And she digs it deeper, in conflict with her own words.

You're losing it, honey.

I told you: very few people would make it through what I've been through, with their Liberty. I was investigated, and cleared. Nothing else makes sense. I'm crazy because Terry said I was because someone told him I was.

The "pro" came out and grilled me. Said I was tired. Never a threat. Not detached.

Do you know how to handle the questions that are coming, Gordon?

Yes, one of us is likely to "go in" today. Call the cops, please.

Didn't mean to bump the other thread, BTW. Sincere mistake.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 09:33AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Doctor Love ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:37AM

2concerned Wrote:
> And she digs it deeper, in conflict with her own
> words.
> You're losing it, honey.
> I told you: very few people would make it through
> what I've been through, with their Liberty. I was
> investigated, and cleared. Nothing else makes
> sense. I'm crazy because Terry said I was because
> someone told him I was.
> The "pro" came out and grilled me. Said I was
> tired. Never a threat. Not detached.
> Do you know how to handle the questions that are
> coming, Gordon?
> Yes, one of us is likely to "go in" today. Call
> the cops, please.
> Didn't mean to bump the other thread, BTW.
> Sincere mistake.

A pro doesn't come out and evaluate you for an hour. They place you in a facility and monitor you for 24 to 48 hours. Based on the threads and the times, it appears you've spent most of yesterday and last night on this forum posting crap. It's time to stop listening to those voices in your head.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:37AM

"It's not like the Patch made up that news story about the school lockdown"

No, I'm assuming they did not.

They definitely did not issue the restraining order, the day after I was cleared, and everything was known.

Something is fishy.

I'm pretty sure it's her.

Would a rational person post her crimes as she commits them? Does anyone else perceive a threat? (Annoyance aside.) She called the cops yesterday. Read the thread, look what happened.

She's a nut, I'm certain. Maybe I am, too. Mike says otherwise, and I actually only realized this morning that Mike might be sharper than I thought. You almost destroyed several careers, Gordon. You're threatening this very forum. You cannot follow reasoned argument.

You're a danger. I'm staking my career and everything I own on it. You gave me no choice.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Enough is Enuff ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:42AM

2Con-your paranoia is so strong that you believe that anyone that posts is Gordon.
Yes the "pro" investigated and you were cleared. That just means that you are not a threat to yourself or others. Mobile Crisis cannot take you in unless you are a threat to self or others. There are other mental health maybe substance abuse issues present for which they cannot force you to seek help.
If you would use all your computer knowledge you would find out that I am not Gordon, as I am not even in FFX at this point in time.
Please, for your own sake go talk with a counselor. As in a previous post, the CSB offers help, even if you do not have the ability to pay.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:44AM

Enough: really, no... what I meant was that I don't know anymore.

When people just tell me to shut up when I know what I'm saying makes sense, despite what's at stake...

No, you'll have a difficult time convincing me that I'm the irrational one.

Cary can "boot" me if there's disagreement. I'll just call the cops. Again, there is no option. Gordon herself said something like: "Have to do it, just in case."

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:48AM

@Enuff-wait a minute? I thought we WERE all Gordon? At least that's what we decided at the Conference last night....................
@Mr I - I can at least excuse Dancing Guy for two reasons.
a) he was an immigrant so his understanding that what he was doing was odd may have simply not been there, y'know?

and b) he willingly submitted to police when they came so they could clear his name up.

also something to think about: Dancing Guy was the first to experience what WE are experiencing now...............and also O.P. has a way of mixing words around (you gotta read thru all this crap to see it) so maybe we didnt get the FULL story on the initial meeting of those two, know what I mean?

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:53AM

Damn... stop bumping the other one if you want it to die, people.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Enough is Enuff ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:54AM

Yes, what you are saying may make complete sense to you. However, to the rest of us it does not. That is the irrational part. Please go see a counselor, it would be in your best interest. If there is truly no MH issues than you have nothing to fear. If nothing else, you can discuss all the stress that has been created over the past week.
If one person tells you that you have a horse's tail, you can blow it off.
If many people tell you that you have a horse's tail, look in the mirror. Please go talk with a professional.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:54AM

"he willingly submitted to police when they came so they could clear his name up."

I did once. I was left with good reason to be frightened, until I figured this out.

The Police and Woodburn are MORE than welcome to come by. I'll talk with them.

Call them, Gordon. Another false report would be WONDERFUL.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Enough is Enuff ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:56AM

THanks Gordon. I needed a good laugh.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Doctor Love ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:57AM

That's excellent, and then the prosecuting attorney will subpoena those entries and use them to convince the court (and jury) that you are mentally unbalanced. They'll take away your freedom, custody of your kids, I'm sure your wife will leave you, and that'll take years to rebuild. So if I were you, I would take a shower, take a valium, and have a nice long relaxing nap...And not worry about being online, or trolls, or forums to be posting your thoughts/opinions on. It's not that you don't have a right to do it, its just that for your own mental health I think it would be a good thing.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Enough is Enuff ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:00AM

Insanity-doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. We all must be insane if we think that 2Con is going to listen to our pleading for him to seek help.
Unless his wife or someone in is "support net" encourages him to seek help, I think we are just beating our head against a brick wall.
I am done with posting but will continue to monitor to see how this pans out.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Enough is Enuff ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:00AM

My herpes sores itch.



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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Doctor Love ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:02AM

I can't possibly be Gordon, too... it's just not rational.


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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: HaHaHaHa ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:04AM

Enough is Enuff Wrote:
> My herpes sores itch.
> .........................
> lOlz

"That won't heal if you don't stop picking".

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:04AM

You guys don't even have the integrity to own your words.

Or the capability to prove they're yours.

Keep the fuck off my lawn, and away from my kids.

What next, Gordon?

VERY HAPPY, BTW. My Wife doesn't want to toast SK anymore. I didn't think he was a deserving target, really -- he couldn't even find my IP until I told him how.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 10:10AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Doctor Love ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:10AM

2concerned Wrote:
> You guys don't even have the integrity to own your
> words.
> Or the capability to prove they're yours.
> Keep the fuck off my lawn, and away from my kids.
> What next, Gordon?

This is not about Gordon, this is about you my friend. It's time to turn off your computer and enjoy the weekend. No more worries, no more posts, no more trouble. Understand?

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Doctor Love ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:11AM

But then, I spend so much time talking to myself that I think I count as someone who's listening.

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Gordon? RATIONAL!!?!?!?!?!? Parish the thought LoLz
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:11AM


Hey gang! Check out what I got one day in the mail!

Thank You
From: 2concerned
Gordon Blvd
Date: 05/26/2012 07:23PM

I know it was your intent to be supportive early on.

I do want to apologize to you directly, and to thank you - for the early support, the good advice which I failed to heed, and for the opportunity to "bail out" as gracefully as possible.

I'm sure slings and arrows will be pointed at me for a while. I deserve it, and I will brave it. With any luck, I'll be able to keep my family out of the line of fire. I really thought... well... clearly, after a point, I wasn't thinking much at all.

I won't prattle on, wasting your time... I've done enough of that.

But, I hope you'll consider looking me up. You were one of the few who stayed level headed, even as I went further afield for attention. I'm truly ashamed of myself, but my only way forward is to face my shame.

Please, take a look at my petition. I so wish I'd thought to start there, but if you could spare a moment, I'd truly appreciate your opinion.


Best Regards,

cute, eh?

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Gordon B1vd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:13AM

See how I can't "fake" her.

She's signed her name to every friggin' word.

Or most of them.

So have I.

She just thought she was anonymous. I knew I wasn't for the first.

Who, do you think, is more likely to be telling the truth?

Why won't she let the "pros" sort it out? I could place the call now, and shut up. I've explained my hesitation. It's only for YOUR OWN GOOD that I'm not on the phone already.

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anywho, my whole point of posting that
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:15AM

is just to show that a bunch us tried on another thread (this is his third one, if you dont alreay know) the rational approach to things. Tried to tell him he'd done his job, was a good parent when calling the cops, etc. Some of us thought he was maybe faking it, but NONE of us knew he was seriously mental like this. Letter shows how quickly that bi-polar thingee can change a person cause it was only 6 days ago I got it, y'know?

Scary shit. And he's got a wife and two kids and fam members that enable this behavoiur to continue (see the Letter to Yarbourgh thread for a posting from his aunt excusing his behaviour - textbook enabling)

o.k. Enough of that. Now on with our show!

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wow.......................just wow
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:18AM

Gordon B1vd? really? Sad...................

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Doctor Love ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:18AM

That's alright Gordon. He's just confused, jealous, and lost.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:20AM

Calling again, Gordon?

I REALLY hope so.

With my Wife by my side, my children at home, and the threat finally identified... well, you've explained it yourself. I'm dangerous. I'm a hacker. I have OCPD. I'm crazy.

Yet you live two miles away, and have dedicated the past week to poking me with sticks? Knowing everything that was going on?

Yeah... you're a sociopath, Gordon. I can't wait to see what they dig up on you.

ALL: I'm going to keep this thread alive until about 12:00.

If nobody can talk Gordon into some reasonable solution, and I haven't heard from Cary, I WILL be calling the Police. Since there was an apparent terrorist threat against a public school, I have NO IDEA where this will go.

Please figure out a solution for her, before she drags EVERYONE into the light. I'm already there.

I've got nothing to lose here. I hope everyone can see that I'm trying to spare this forum from even one more bit of pain.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Gordon 2Concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:21AM

It's time to reveal the truth. Wonder why none of us showed up at your place? Or called? None of us are real. We're all here partying in your head. And we are Legion!

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OMG!!! seriously ROFLMAO!!!!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:26AM

@Gordon - soooooooooo +1

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:29AM

Heheh... if you admit that's a possibility, Gordon, they probably will take you away. It almost happened to me, at the most vulnerable moment of my adult life.

Take a seat, Gordon... it helps to stay cool.

Don't get flustered... they're going to fuck with you. A LOT.

Keep track of the time. You'll get that question unexpectedly.

Meet them in the front yard. Once you're in the house, no matter how much they seemed to believe you before you came in, you've surrendered MANY of your legal rights.

How much do you know about the law, Gordon? Your actions indicate that it's not much.

You WILL NOT be able to call an Attorney until you're actually charged. That might or might not be after "involuntary observation". It's scary shit... the fear reveals a lot about character, I think.

Good Luck, Gordon.

Do YOU have children, Gordon? Do you know what it's like when they're trying to decide whether you should have custody?

I'm pretty sure that you did that to me. If you have any empathy at all, you KNOW why I'll never stop until you're "checked".

BTW, Gordon, you might not know: the alcohol last night was a mistake. A huge one. And posting about it? Nice! I'm sure I'll find many many confessions, once I start looking into your nearly 2,000 posts.

But, I'm guessing you've noticed: the anxiety is MUCH worse the day after, right?

Yeah... breath deep.

And, again, I'm willing to meet with anyone. Are you? If not, what do you propose? I've been saying from the first, when I see danger, and I believe that I'm the only one who can fix it, I feel responsible. It's an integrity thing.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 10:38AM by 2concerned.

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so I'm old.......so what? LoLz
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:36AM


be on the lookout for one Gordon Blvd

here is a description

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and NOW!!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:40AM

Now here's something we hope you'll REALLY like :)

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:43AM

Hehe... I'm feeling a lot lighter, now Gordon -- I can fully appreciate the joke.

My conscience is clean, I'm already known, and I've already been checked.

I have NO secrets. Well, at least nothing I'd lie about. I'll tell you when I won't tell you.

That's important to me. The guilt eats me up. Some people are like that. I "cope" by staying "clear".

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:48AM

And really, my offer is still on.

If anyone who has a registered account that's older than this wants to get together, then I'd welcome it.

Talk to me and my Wife, draw your own conclusion, report back.

If everyone understands that I'm not crazy, then really, what other solution is there?

I'd MUCH rather the community push her out into the open that to pull EVERYTHING into the light. There are posts here by concerned parents... there are posts that kids made while drunk. Snitches, whores, whatever.

Think of all the people who's indiscretions are being endangered right now.

Anyone who's "real" would be finding a solution right now.

And no, coming by here would nearly assure the opposite. It's too late to shoot me... I even explained at one point that I needed to stay in the light to keep safe. The Police visit yesterday might give you an idea why.

How many people have you reported, Gordon? Falsely? Are any "in"?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 10:50AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Perspective ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:51AM

2concerned Wrote:
> Contacted Cary.
> I'm hoping to resolve this without cornering
> anyone who's into protected HARMLESS free speech.

The police are not going to want to spend any more time on this.

One reason why no one will meet with you is you provided every bit of personal info you could here. What is to stop you from posting names, pictures, phone numbers, and various other identifiers of anyone foolish enough to meet you?

Your campaign has now turned to blaming someone on this forum for all your troubles. That's stupid.

And I am confident Cary will not spend any time on this either, other than to suspend you when it comes time for all your thread creating to stop. This is what, the FOURTH one including the one in the Mount Vernon forum?

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Perspective ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:52AM

Aren't you supposed to be starting a business? You are spending so much time on this forum fighting strangers, when are you going to stop and put time into your business?

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:52AM

yes, ppl.....he's willing to meet you for a bite to eat........

pic unrelated

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 10:53AM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Perspective ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:55AM



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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:57AM

Gordon, maybe we just have a different sense of humor? Clearly, whoever called me in the first time thought I might be a threat. Yesterday, though? Explain!

Really... if she called the cops for that, how many people here has she reported before?

Is it even RATIONAL to imagine that I'm the only one?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 10:58AM by 2concerned.

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c'mon y'all.............I didnt think it was that hard........
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 10:59AM

If anyone who has a registered account that's older than this wants to get together, then I'd welcome it.

get together?...........bite to eat?

is this thing on?


pic unrelated
Morgan Freeman Cotton Candy.jpg

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 11:02AM

I love that... but, I think was adapted from this:

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 11:06AM

She's not even attempting to defend her call yesterday.

Am I really the only one that sees this?

No matter... I've already told her what I'm going to do.

Gordon, I think that you attacked my family. You almost destroyed us, and you left us with no choice.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 11:06AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 02, 2012 11:07AM

ha ha ha ha ha ha..........talk about the pot calling the kettle black


edit 1 - man, when are you gonna call? I was hoping the cops would get here by now. You've got to get into lockup by 4 or else you may miss dinner LoLz

edit 2- um............thats a picture of prairie dogs?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 11:09AM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: notanotherone ()
Date: June 02, 2012 11:09AM

Cary please move this to the off topic section! We really dont need another one of these threads started.

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Im suprised the spam filters even let someone even post that often.

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Re: Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 02, 2012 11:14AM

"when are you gonna call?"

I told you, 12:00. I'll be done with these posts then, except to follow your "disposition."

If I'm correct, I'll be able to get down to the appropriate apologies (from me) and get back to business on Monday.

If I'm wrong, I'll probably be in a padded cell.

This is almost over, folks. I don't understand, though, how someone who might've abused so many county resources could be considered "off topic" for Fairfax.

Or maybe I'm wrong... maybe she is a smart and stable adult.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2012 11:17AM by 2concerned.

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