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I'll start: I prefer 'Jeopardy!' since it's one of the few intellectual shows still running on TV. It actually makes you think, requiring the perfect combination of knowledge, intelligence, and skill. Other shows that would fit this category - 'The West Wing', 'All in the Family', etc. It's perfect proof that we don't need trash TV (i.e. 'Teen Mom' or 'Jersey Shore') to be entertained.
'Wheel', on the other hand, gets worse by the season with its gimmicks and loud contestants. Not my type of show...
"Jeopardy" all the way. I can solve the puzzles on Wheel of Fortune after they pick the first correct letter, but I always forget to answer in the form of a question.
Wheel of Fortune was better when the players had to play for money, which was then spent on a bunch of useless, overpriced bullshit in the showcases. SOme of that stuff was soooo ridiculous - "I'll take the golden griffin statues for $8,000 and the years supply of barbeque sauce for $500". LOL.
__________________________________ That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.
Warhawk Wrote:
> Wheel of Fortune was better when the players had
> to play for money, which was then spent on a
> bunch of useless, overpriced bullshit in the
> showcases. SOme of that stuff was soooo
> ridiculous - "I'll take the golden griffin statues
> for $8,000 and the years supply of barbeque sauce
> for $500". LOL.
"I'll take the ceramic dalmatian for $425. The rest on the gift certificate."
That's the Wheel I grew up with. Not the shit that's on these days.
I may be from Kansas, but I can seriously say that I prefer Jeopardy over
Wheel Of Fortune because on Jeopardy, you have the luxury of listening to
Alex Trebek read the clues to the contestants,unlke Wheel Of Fortune,where
contestants have to spin the wheel and call out letters just to solve some
boring puzzle regardless of its category.
The long and the short of it is Wheel Of Fortune is an egregiously stupid
game show and nobody learns anything new from watching that show except
how to make complete fools of themselves.
eesh Wrote:
> Jeopardy is so much better.....but as far as Wheel
> of Fortune, Vanna White does not age.
Agreed she is still hot. Though some of the international WOF models, they are smoking.
I may be from Kansas, but I can seriously say that I prefer Jeopardy over
Wheel Of Fortune because on Jeopardy, you have the luxury of listening to
Alex Trebek read the clues to the contestants, unlike on Wheel Of Fortune,
where contestants have to spin the wheel and call out letters just to solve
some boring puzzles regardless of their category.
The point I am making here is that Jeopardy is way better than Wheel Of Fortune
in almost every conceivable way you can think of.
In actuality, nobody really ever learns anything new from watching
Wheel Of Fortune except how to make complete fools of themselves.
Where I reside,Jeopardy airs at 4:30 p.m. and Wheel Of Fortune airs at 6:30 p.m.
on Wichita's NBC affiliate (KSNW,Channel 3).
And speaking of Wichita's NBC affiliate, if I were their program director,
I would cancel Wheel Of Fortune and replace it with either Jeopardy,
Family Feud, or infomercials.
7pm - 8pmEST on ABC is the most fucked up hour in the history of television. You spend the first half-hour screaming answers at the TV and the last half-hour in silence.
Jeopardy is probably one of only three intellectual game shows on TV
(Family Feud and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire are the others).
As for Wheel Of Fortune, that show just gets worse every single year
it remains on TV with its numerous gimmicks and dim-witted contestants.
The long and the short of it is that Wheel Of Fortune is not as popular now
as it was 30 years ago.
As for Pat Sajak and Vanna White,neither of them are as attractive now as they were 30 years ago.
The reality is all good things must come to an end sooner or later,no exceptions.
That includes game shows,reality shows,soap operas,talk shows,you name it.
If I had a choice between watching Jeopardy and watching Wheel Of Fortune,I'd rather watch Jeopardy,but if it was between watching Wheel Of Fortune and watching
the Disney Channnel, I'd rather watch the Disney Channel.
6pm-7pm CT on Wichita's NBC affiliate is the most fucked-up hour on TV.
You spend the first half watching local news,and spend the other half
watching garbage.
Wheel Of Fortune was better when the contestants had to play for money, which was then spent on useless,overpriced stuff in the showcases,and whatever money was
left in a contestant's cash account was placed on a gift certificate. That was
back in the 1970s and 1980s.
I don't know what anyone would or would not say, but I seriously think that it is an egregiously stupid idea for Wichita's NBC affiliate to air Wheel Of Fortune 6 nights a week, whether it's a new episode or a rerun from 2012,especially on Saturdays.
I don't know what anyone would or would not say, but I seriously think that ever since Jeopardy and Wheel Of Fortune moved from the CBS affiliate(KWCH,Channel 12)
to the NBC affiliate(KSNW,Channel 3)in 1999,Jeopardy still remains one of only three highly intellectual game shows on TV,while Wheel Of Fortune has transformed
into a mere shell of its former self.
I think the 3-second rule on the final spin,as well as adding $1,000 to whatever
space the Wheel landed on is complete bullshit,which I believe proves that
either Pat Sajak,Vanna White,a member of their production crew,or a combination
of all three,they all managed to really fuck up what used to be one of the most popular game shows on TV.
It seems as if Pat Sajak and Vanna White have no respect for the original format.
In regard to the Final Spin,they managed to ditch the original 5-second rule in
favor of a 3-second rule.
For instance,whenever the Wheel landed on a certain space($100,$150,$250,$500,or
$5000,for example),the consonants were worth their face value (whereas $100 was
$100,$150 was $150,$250 was $250,$500 was $500,and $5000 was $5000).
And now, $300 is $1300,$400 is $1400,and $5000 is $6000.
The current version of Wheel Of Fortune is really completely fucked up.
In reality,the only way that Wheel Of Fortune would be worth watching is if
Pat Sajak and Vanna White reinstate the 5-second rule on the Final Spin and
ditch the $1000 cash advance.
I don't know what anyone would say, but I seriously think that Pat Sajak and
Vanna White should retire from making appearances on Wheel Of Fortune.
They're not getting any younger. If anything, they're getting older and less attractive.
6pm-7pm CT (Monday thru Saturday) on Wichita's NBC affiliate
is the most fucked-up hour on TV. You spend the first 30 minutes
watching local news, and you spend the last 30 minutes watching garbage.
Who the hell would want to waste their time watching two washed-out old-timers
like Pat Sajak and Vanna White on Wheel Of Fortune 6 nights a week?
Only insipid lame-brained idiots would waste their time with that garbage.
I'm not an idiot. I can make due without watching that garbage.
If I said it once, I've said it a hundred times: Jeopardy is way better than
Wheel Of Fortune has ever been, or ever will be.
As far as Wichita's NBC affiliate and their airing of Wheel Of Fortune are involved, I seriously think they should devote their time to something more educational,like how to take proper care of animals,or how to perform proper
maintenance of your house,or even a highly intellectual game show like Jeopardy.
I don't get why people still refer to Wheel Of Fortune as "America's Game".
Most people do not realize that their TV stations, whether it's an ABC affiliate
or an NBC affiliate,cannot keep Wheel Of Fortune around forever no matter how popular or unpopular that show may be.
In my opinion,I believe Wheel Of Fortune should be cancelled because that show
serves no educational purpose whatsoever.
I also believe Jeopardy should be referred to as "America's Game".
I seriously believe that Wheel Of Fortune is an egregiously stupid game show
that nobody in their right mind gives a crap about,considering that show is filled with one bullshit gimmick after another,like Pat Sajak and Vanna White adding $1,000 to whatever space the Wheel lands on in regards to the Final Spin,
and the 3-second rule.
like to buy a vowel Wrote:
> I like the Wheel when hot big breasted women lean
> over to spin the wheel.
You're on the internet. There are much better sources for bewbs than WoF on TV. I bet there's a website full of screencaps of WoF boobies.
For those who think Vanna White is "hot",they should see her without the make-up,
flattering lighting,and custom-tailored clothing.I agree with BEH,that she looks
like something that rolled out of the crypt.
For those that actually enjoy watching Wheel Of Fortune, I can imagine they
are probably getting sick and tired of the same old,same old status quo (seeing Pat and Vanna on TV every single night).
In reality,neither Pat nor Vanna serve any real purpose whatsoever.
The only way Wheel Of Fortune will draw better ratings in terms of viewers per week is if they replace both Pat Sajak and Vanna White with somebody considerably
Wheel Of Fortune needs not only a new host,but a new hostess as well.
Pat Sajak and Vanna White serve absolutely no real purpose for that show whatsoever.
There are only three ways I would ever consider watching Wheel Of Fortune.
If it comes down to the series finale,the show itself gets a new host and a new hostess,and/or the 5-second rule gets reinstated and the show ditches the $1,000
cash advance on the Final Spin.
Jeopardy is really the kind of game show that is worth watching on TV.
As for Wheel Of Fortune, it is over. The ABC-affiliated stations,as well as the NBC-affiliated stations should just let it die.
Jeopardy and Wheel Of Fortune both ran out of gas like 20 years ago,but Jeopardy comes a lot closer to being considered a highly intellectual game show than Wheel Of Fortune will ever be.
I don't get why the Nielsen TV ratings system always seems to keep Jeopardy stuck at #2. I believe Jeopardy is more worthy of numero uno than Wheel Of Fortune is.
I don't know what anyone would say,but I seriously think that I will be celebrating like crazy if Wichita's NBC affiliate actually cancels Wheel Of Fortune.
I believe that if there was an actual list of the most highly intellectual game shows in TV history,Jeopardy would be #1,whereas Wheel Of Fortune would be so far outside the top 3 that it would not be considered as such.
There are people who think that it would be a sad day for the game show world if Wheel Of Fortune actually got cancelled,but there are also people who think it would be better not to have to deal with that boring game show anymore.
It may be a sad day for the game show world if Wheel Of Fortune got cancelled.
The way I see it,I do not think that it would be a sad day for the game show world
if Wheel Of Fortune actually got cancelled.If anything,it would be a very sad day for the game show world if Jeopardy actually got cancelled.I seriously think that
Jeopardy is by far the best damn game show that TV stations across all 50 states have to offer.
For those that actually enjoy watching Wheel Of Fortune,I can say that as good as some people say that show is,I can say that neither the current version nor the 2013-14 version or even the 2011-12 version are as good as the original 1983-84 syndicated version. Even the original 1975-76 version is better than the current version.
The Wild Card,the $1,000,000 space,or Pat Sajak and Vanna White adding $1,000 to whatever space the Wheel lands on regarding the Final Spin.
No wonder Wheel Of Fortune has been turned into a lame duck.
Although Wheel Of Fortune and Jeopardy are definitive classics that are way past their prime,I'd actually prefer Jeopardy over Wheel Of Fortune on any given day on any given week because of how well Alex Trebek pronounces foreign names,words or phrases. As for Wheel Of Fortune,Pat Sajak and Vanna White serve absolutely no real purpose for that show and they haven't done as such over the past 15-20 years.
How in the hell can numerous TV stations keep Wheel Of Fortune around when their respective program directors know full well that it is NOT going to save their stations any money in the long run?
I think the reason that Las Vegas' NBC affiliate (KSNV-TV) decided to dump both Jeopardy and Wheel Of Fortune is because that station probably wants to save money by replacing those shows with news-related programming. I think that dumping Wheel Of Fortune was a good move on their part,and that dumping Jeopardy was a bad move on their part.I also think that Wichita's NBC affiliate (KSNW-TV) should dump Wheel Of Fortune and retain Jeopardy. As for my two cents worth, if there was an actual competition between Jeopardy and Wheel Of Fortune,as to which I believe is the better game show,Wheel Of Fortune would lose the head-to-head competition big time.
WingNut wrote:
> William,if you don't know these things,how in the world are you ever going to be on Jeopardy???
I would rather be a part of Jeopardy's studio audience,thank you.
WingNut wrote:
> William,if you don't know these things,how in the world are you ever going to be on Jeopardy???
I would rather be a part of Jeopardy's studio audience,thank you.
William Wrote:
> WingNut wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> ------
> > William,if you don't know these things,how in
> the world are you ever going to be on Jeopardy???
> I would rather be a part of Jeopardy's studio
> audience,thank you.
WingNut wrote:
> William, if you don't know these things,how in the world are you ever going to be on Jeopardy???
I would rather be a part of the studio audience on Jeopardy,thank you.
I wrote:
Wheel Of Fortune is NOT nearly as good now as it was 30 years ago.
My interpretation of the aforementioned quote:
Wheel Of Fortune is NOT nearly as good now as it was back in the day.
And when I say "back in the day",I mean back in the days of Gerald Ford,
Jimmy Carter,and Ronald Reagan.