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Laziest time in your life?
Posted by: Questioniiiii ()
Date: May 09, 2012 01:23PM

Junior year of college. Skipped so many classes, totally unmotivated, drinking too much, chasing tail. My grades dipped a bit but nothing too major. Time of my life!

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Re: Laziest time in your life?
Posted by: Ion power ()
Date: May 09, 2012 01:31PM

Best advice for young folks: get all the partying, wilding out, fighting, fucking you can before you finish college and enter the workforce in this area. This area will turn you into a khaki wearing, suburban government automaton in a short amount of time. Then the highlight of your life will be Spider Kelly's for happy hour conversating about the Metro rail extension with some government chick.

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Re: Laziest time in your life?
Posted by: FreddyTheFeddy ()
Date: May 09, 2012 02:41PM

Ion power Wrote:
> Best advice for young folks: get all the partying,
> wilding out, fighting, fucking you can before you
> finish college and enter the workforce in this
> area. This area will turn you into a khaki
> wearing, suburban government automaton in a short
> amount of time. Then the highlight of your life
> will be Spider Kelly's for happy hour conversating
> about the Metro rail extension with some
> government chick.

Well said. I'll add: Marry government chick, have kids, become helicopter parents.
Get divorced and do it all over again with government chick #2.
Watch kids become suburban government automatons.

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Re: Laziest time in your life?
Posted by: Sgt Fury ()
Date: May 09, 2012 03:15PM

hell right now I'm just waiting around to die

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Re: Laziest time in your life?
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: May 09, 2012 03:43PM

Questioniiiii Wrote:
> Junior year of college. Skipped so many classes,
> totally unmotivated, drinking too much, chasing
> tail. My grades dipped a bit but nothing too
> major. Time of my life!

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Re: Laziest time in your life?
Posted by: ballzerone ()
Date: May 09, 2012 04:23PM

I would have to say the last 3 hours. I've done nothing but tweet, troll, lurk and jerk off between bong hits.

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Re: Laziest time in your life?
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: May 09, 2012 04:41PM

Ion power Wrote:
> Best advice for young folks: get all the partying,
> wilding out, fighting, fucking you can before you
> finish college and enter the workforce in this
> area. This area will turn you into a khaki
> wearing, suburban government automaton in a short
> amount of time. Then the highlight of your life
> will be Spider Kelly's for happy hour conversating
> about the Metro rail extension with some
> government chick.

Bravo, poignant.

Also, Im willing to bet the OP is the ripe old age of College Senior.

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Re: Laziest time in your life?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: May 09, 2012 05:52PM

> Laziest time in your life?

I didn't have a job all summer after I graduated college. But, I still lived in my college apartment and had a pool & hot tub. Slept past noon every day, hung out at the pool until the evening, then went out drinkin' with my friends all night. We stayed out until sunrise every day for 3 months straight. It was glorious.

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Re: Laziest time in your life?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: May 09, 2012 07:33PM

Right now. All I have to do is stink and play guitar on street corners without pants on.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Laziest time in your life?
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: May 09, 2012 07:43PM

Ion power Wrote:
> This area will turn you into a khaki
> wearing, suburban government automaton in a short
> amount of time. Then the highlight of your life
> will be Spider Kelly's for happy hour conversating
> about the Metro rail extension with some
> government chick.

I feel like there is this unspoken consensus that you can't wear anything non-conformist in Northern Virginia. Yet in my experience, the things that push my edges are the ones that other people like. Examples: a few pink hair extensions, a tutu with corset, or a cutsy puffy sleeved dress in black vinyl.

Conclusion: We are boring because we wrongly assume we have to be.

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Re: Laziest time in your life?
Posted by: sink pisser ()
Date: May 09, 2012 08:50PM

Don't know. But I do know that one of my examples of extreme laziness is pissing in the sink so I don't have to lift the toilet seat if it is down. I have done that since my late 20's.

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Re: Laziest time in your life?
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: May 09, 2012 09:19PM

Absolutely now. I'm 52, retired and spend most days fishing, cooking and playing soccer. Life is good!

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Re: Laziest time in your life?
Posted by: George Washington et al. ()
Date: May 09, 2012 09:44PM

496, you're welcome.

Step up, give me another 25 years. Fishing, cooking, soccer, really?

Fix the negro problem?

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