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WNC and a benifit for Horses?
Posted by: Harleys&Morgans ()
Date: May 03, 2012 01:02AM

I know the risk I run, but at the stables today I heard of some kind of a benifit for horses and the W.N.C.? Could someone please advise is this is true and if so the details.

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Re: WNC and a benifit for Horses?
Posted by: WNC3 ()
Date: May 03, 2012 01:17AM

WNC donated the timmyslaw they recovered from the scene of the accident and gave it to all the horses.

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Who said this? Where did you hear this news? Or, Is it BS?
Posted by: Harleys & AMFs ()
Date: May 03, 2012 11:51AM

WNC supports Animal Allies every single year NOT, Horses charities that I know of.


And, may I add: to whom were you talking to at the time you were informed?

What stables ?

Very curious. Okay?

Relax. No need to fear nothing. Risks surround everyone such as yourself. Just never forgot how to cover and protect your self and assets.

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Re: WNC and a benifit for Horses?
Posted by: GoBacktoSchool ()
Date: May 03, 2012 11:53AM

They should have a "benefit" to send you back to school for your spelling. Injoy ur dai.

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Spelling, Grammar Control
Posted by: Harleys & AMFs ()
Date: May 03, 2012 12:07PM

No shame going back to school,

Pardon my post earlier. Didn't mean to sound like a detective. Unfortunately, my friends and family think those kind of communication skills come naturally to me. Dunno why but, they just do. LOL

Finished school and college proudly. Now had a job and living well.

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Re: WNC and a benifit for Horses?
Posted by: wncer ()
Date: May 03, 2012 12:13PM

I bet most of the WNC cant say they finished school

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