Yucky24. Wrote:
> Video games are a plague on mankind.
> And any White person who plays them should be
> executed by the state (when it becomes White
> Nationalist in nature).
> And any White parents who buy their children video
> games should be tortured by the state and then
> executed.
> I honestly don't understand what the fuck is going
> through someone's head when they buy their kids
> junk food and video games.
> How fucking insane can you be to willingly ruin
> the lives of your own children?
> And these White parents who don't seem to give a
> fuck about the GPA of their children also blow my
> fucking mind.
> My parents pounded into my head from the age of 3
> that grades are EVERYTHING.
> If I wouldn't have gotten a near perfect GPA, they
> would have disowned me.
> Yet I see so much White Trash in this area that
> doesn't seem to give a fuck about honoring their
> Master Race elf-like White genes and ancestry.
> They let them get brainwashed by leftist
> entertainment all day like MTV and rap music that
> turns them into degenerate scum; they let them
> wear bling and act like niggers; they let them
> waste their lives playing video games all day;
> they let them become obese; they let them cruise
> through school with shitty grades; they let them
> date outside of their race; etc.
> What the fuck is wrong with you people?
> Is putting just a tiny bit of effort into your
> lives really too much ask?
> Of course playing video games for 8+ hours a day
> (or even 1 hour a day) is wrong. Holy fuck.
> This whole "I'm a gamer lulz" culture makes me
> what to puke.
> That's right. Millions of young adults these days
> revolve their entire pathetic lives around playing
> video games... AND THEY'RE PROUD OF IT!?
> /2326-468x-nintendo-nerd-lord.jpg
> Oh Mighty White God Zeus. Come down from Mount
> Olympus and smite your corrupted children...
While I take your point, perhaps it could have been phrased more artfully.