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Posted by: Pancks(1) ()
Date: March 15, 2012 10:22AM


People marvel at his eloquence; but I ain't deaf.
I have listened to his rambling, shambling, off teleprompter ums, uhs, ahs, and ers.

And while I may not be gifted with above average intelligence; neither am I stupid.
If this purple-lipped poseur, this golfing grifter; this "phenomenal" persona who attended Harvard - and supposedly shone as bright as a brilliant shooting star while there - had any kind of 'exceptional' grades that would bear out his 'brilliance' in academia; then don't doubt for a minute that Obama's sterling record of accomplishment wouldn't be thrust in our faces as often as his face is presented by the news media.

It isn't put out there because it does not exist.

I have even heard sycophants fawn over his good looks; but I ain't blind.
Dude is fugly.

'Some' say; hell, 'many' say, that Obama is a great guy. With a charming smile.

Cut me a *^%#!@+ 'ing break.

I disagree; adamantly and completely.

But then I'm not a member of the leftist media.
Or black.
Or liberal.
Or a Democrat.
Or college aged.
Or on welfare.
Or a union member.
Or a progressive, a Marxist, or a Muslim.

I'm just a conservative who is disgusted with him, his administration, his vacation addicted wife; and with the fools in this country who not only voted him into office, but who remain oblivious while extolling the con man's greatness.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2012/03/15/american-idol-pays-tribute-barack-obama#ixzz1pCAzxT67

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Re: Obama
Posted by: buster ()
Date: March 15, 2012 10:34AM


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Re: Obama
Posted by: butthurtv2.0 ()
Date: March 15, 2012 10:44AM

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Re: Obama
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: March 15, 2012 11:32AM

Bravo my friend

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Re: Obama
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: March 15, 2012 11:59AM

Pancks(1) Wrote:
> Obama.
> People marvel at his eloquence; but I ain't deaf.
> I have listened to his rambling, shambling, off
> teleprompter ums, uhs, ahs, and ers.
> And while I may not be gifted with above average
> intelligence; neither am I stupid.
> If this purple-lipped poseur, this golfing
> grifter; this "phenomenal" persona who attended
> Harvard - and supposedly shone as bright as a
> brilliant shooting star while there - had any kind
> of 'exceptional' grades that would bear out his
> 'brilliance' in academia; then don't doubt for a
> minute that Obama's sterling record of
> accomplishment wouldn't be thrust in our faces as
> often as his face is presented by the news media.
> It isn't put out there because it does not exist.
> I have even heard sycophants fawn over his good
> looks; but I ain't blind.
> Dude is fugly.
> 'Some' say; hell, 'many' say, that Obama is a
> great guy. With a charming smile.
> Cut me a *^%#!@+ 'ing break.
> I disagree; adamantly and completely.
> But then I'm not a member of the leftist media.
> Or black.
> Or liberal.
> Or a Democrat.
> Or college aged.
> Or on welfare.
> Or a union member.
> Or a progressive, a Marxist, or a Muslim.
> I'm just a conservative who is disgusted with him,
> his administration, his vacation addicted wife;
> and with the fools in this country who not only
> voted him into office, but who remain oblivious
> while extolling the con man's greatness.
> Read more:
> http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2012/03
> /15/american-idol-pays-tribute-barack-obama#ixzz1p
> CAzxT67

Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: Obama
Posted by: aladdin ()
Date: March 15, 2012 03:21PM

Pancks(1) Wrote:
> I'm just a conservative who is disgusted with him,
> his administration, his vacation addicted wife;
> and with the fools in this country who not only
> voted him into office, but who remain oblivious
> while extolling the con man's greatness.

I'm just a liberal who felt the same way about Bush.

Don't worry, you'll get past this in about 58 months.

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