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Game Change
Posted by: whiterussian ()
Date: March 11, 2012 01:03AM

I watched "Game Change"on HBO tonight. Despite all the hype, I thought it was pretty balanced and fairly accurate. It did make McCain look like the only adult in the room. Is that so, or no?

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: Nailin Palin ()
Date: March 11, 2012 01:58AM

It showed Mcain in a good light... I think he is decent man

The craziest was of course Palin

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: March 11, 2012 07:57AM

Nailin Palin Wrote:
> The craziest was of course Palin

It was sorta funny how her character was obsessed and paranoid about doing "the Alaskan poll". I realize it's a movie, but that plot element came up about ten times so I'm guessing there is some strange truth behind it.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: HBO sucks ()
Date: March 11, 2012 09:25AM

Watch "Undefeated" tonight on Reelz Channel at 8:00. A much more accurate account of the MSM frenzy to destroy a stong conservative woman. Steve Schimtt is a backstabbing fool who won't let McCain or Palin attack Obama and now he's trying to deflect the blame of losing the 2008 election onto someone else. Pathetic loser.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: Palin Poseur ()
Date: March 11, 2012 11:40AM

HBO sucks Wrote:
> Watch "Undefeated" tonight on Reelz Channel at
> 8:00. A much more accurate account of the MSM
> frenzy to destroy a stong conservative woman.
> Steve Schimtt is a backstabbing fool who won't let
> McCain or Palin attack Obama and now he's trying
> to deflect the blame of losing the 2008 election
> onto someone else. Pathetic loser.

You're delusional. Game Change is very fair to Palin. She was completely unqualified to have been chosen by McCain and the campaign's failure to properly vet her was akin to a 'perfect storm'.

That said, Palin was not the victim of a " frenzy to destroy" her, but of her own hubris and ignorance. I agree with her when she said that her selection of VP was part of "God's plan" that Obama become president.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: March 11, 2012 12:21PM

Do people really need further evidence at this point to know that Palin is a nutjob? Her role in politics now is being "That Weirdo Who Was McCain's Running Mate."

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: March 11, 2012 12:26PM

HBO sucks Wrote:
> Watch "Undefeated" tonight on Reelz Channel at
> 8:00. A much more accurate account of the MSM
> frenzy to destroy a stong conservative woman.

No one twisted or took out of context the many idiotic statements she made. No one is better at discrediting Palin than Palin herself. She is a middle aged woman controlled by a mind of a vapid 16 year old cheerleader.

Blessed are the murderous.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/11/2012 12:26PM by eesh.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: book ()
Date: March 12, 2012 11:59AM

Oh Lord they love to hate this woman. That movie is an embarrassment to HBO and should be tagged as a comedy. Even the haters know her portrayal is ridiculously exaggerated. She was the top rated Governor of Alaska. What have you done with your life. Sit around on a computer and try to belittle this woman. OK, keep going, she's taking it all to the bank. You sit behind your desk while she is on every major network. Stop being Jealous cuz you just cant handle your own lake of success. I'm and Independent that voted for Obama. Never again, I'd vote for a fish first. You haters keep focusing on this woman while the republicans swim up and bite you in the ass. Oh yes, watch Game Change...there's a huge game change coming. I don't care if Gas prices drop or the economy improves. This guy is so outta there...MARK MY WORKS. If I were you I'd keep watching MSNBC, let the lie live on until November when you have to face it cold and hard.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: March 12, 2012 12:09PM

book Wrote:
> I'm and Independent that voted for
> Obama. Never again, I'd vote for a fish first.
> You haters keep focusing on this woman while the
> republicans swim up and bite you in the ass.

Only a Palin-supporter could be dumb enough to think they're tricking people into believing they're someone who voted for Obama, by writing such a bitter post. lol, it's just so stupid.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: weeed ()
Date: March 12, 2012 12:10PM

book Wrote:
> Oh Lord they love to hate this woman. That movie
> is an embarrassment to HBO and should be tagged as
> a comedy. Even the haters know her portrayal is
> ridiculously exaggerated. She was the top rated
> Governor of Alaska. What have you done with your
> life. Sit around on a computer and try to
> belittle this woman. OK, keep going, she's taking
> it all to the bank. You sit behind your desk
> while she is on every major network. Stop being
> Jealous cuz you just cant handle your own lake of
> success. I'm and Independent that voted for
> Obama. Never again, I'd vote for a fish first.
> You haters keep focusing on this woman while the
> republicans swim up and bite you in the ass. Oh
> yes, watch Game Change...there's a huge game
> change coming. I don't care if Gas prices drop or
> the economy improves. This guy is so outta
> there...MARK MY WORKS. If I were you I'd keep
> watching MSNBC, let the lie live on until November
> when you have to face it cold and hard.

HEHEHE...U all WEEWEE'd up.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: Palin Poseur ()
Date: March 12, 2012 12:20PM

book Wrote:
> She was the top rated Governor of Alaska.

Until the electorate up there figured out who she REALY is. It was all downhill for her after the wool was pulled from their eyes. She was practically chased from office and had to quit.

> What have you done with your life.

Bachelor’s degree; masters degree; professional certifications; successful career; happy, loving family.
Pailn is an opportunist and a quiter.

> …she's taking it all to the bank…she is on
> every major network.

Other than FAUX SPEWS and the right-wing echo chamber, no one pays attention to her anymore.

> Jealous cuz you just cant handle your own lake of
> success.

What does ‘lake of success’ mean?

> I'm and Independent that voted for
> Obama. Never again, I'd vote for a fish first.

Speaking of hating…

> Oh yes, watch Game Change...there's a huge game
> change coming.

Agreed. It’ll be when the GOP loses the House in November.

> I don't care if Gas prices drop or the economy improves.

Luckily, everyone else does.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: Pumpkin Fingernail Toejam ()
Date: March 12, 2012 02:25PM

Two most unpopular members of Congress?

1. Nancy Pelosi
2. Harry Reid

Going on 2 years since Pelosi was bounced as Speaker and she still has the highest negatives according to Gallup. Republicans still up by 4 in the generic congressional poll. Me likey GOP changes in both the House and Senate. November is still a while off, but so far, so good.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: Palin Poseur ()
Date: March 12, 2012 03:38PM

Pumpkin Fingernail Toejam Wrote:
> Two most unpopular members of Congress?
> 1. Nancy Pelosi
> 2. Harry Reid

You are an idiot. First, the poll you cite is from Rasmussen, not Gallup. Second, the poll asked the question below, which includes exactly four of the 535 members of Congress.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: Pumpkin Fingernail Toejam ()
Date: March 12, 2012 04:31PM

Palin Poseur Wrote:
> Pumpkin Fingernail Toejam Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Two most unpopular members of Congress?
> >
> > 1. Nancy Pelosi
> > 2. Harry Reid
> You are an idiot. First, the poll you cite is
> from Rasmussen, not Gallup. Second, the poll
> asked the question below, which includes exactly
> four of the 535 members of Congress.

LOL. You're right it was Rasmussen. I was going off memory instead of checking which pollster it was. Regardless of whether it was Gallup or Rasmussen, my point stands, which is the two most unpopluar members of congress are the two democrat leaders. The pipe dreams of the democrats of holding onto the Senate or taking back the House are slipping away. I understand your name-calling diatribe. Liberals are scared. I'd be scared too if I was a lib and saw daily polling showing Obama losing to angry-man Santorum and every democrat senator who backed Obamacare up for reelection in red states under 50% in the polls. Still time to implode, but for now, the GOP is looking good for Congress and not bad for the presidential election.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: curious ()
Date: March 13, 2012 12:13AM

Saw the trailer- I thought the actors who played McCain and Palin looked amazingly similar to the real deal- maybe not so much McCain, but Palin looked identical (in my mind's eye).

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: yes sir e ()
Date: March 13, 2012 02:42AM

curious Wrote:
> Saw the trailer- I thought the actors who played
> McCain and Palin looked amazingly similar to the
> real deal- maybe not so much McCain, but Palin
> looked identical (in my mind's eye).

Julianne Moore was identical to Palin

Mcain as well...had to double take a couple times

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: Polywog ()
Date: March 13, 2012 02:13PM

Based on what I learned about her from Game Change, that Palin sure is a piece of work! We all dodged bullet by not electing that crackpot.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: Manila Envelop ()
Date: March 13, 2012 02:22PM

Polywog Wrote:
> Based on what I learned about her from Game
> Change, that Palin sure is a piece of work! We
> all dodged bullet by not electing that crackpot.

What did you learn about her in Undefeated or did you not want to see another POV that wasn't produced and directly by DNC mega-donors? Undefeated uses news clips, first hand accounts and facts, not innuendo slurs and anonymous attacks. You learned exactly what the liberals who made Game Change wanted you to learn. Not the truth, but rather a hit piece of their skewed view of a stong conservative women. Don't let the facts get in the way of your rabid uninformed hatred.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: Pancks(1) ()
Date: March 13, 2012 02:50PM

The Left is still foaming at the mouth about... Sarah Palin! How's your veep John Edwards doing... is he in jail yet? How about Al Gore the genius that flunked out of two universities and got a D in science!

Barack Obama adds $5 trillion to the national debt, he has trillion dollar plus spending deficits "planned" for the next decade, the real unemployment rate is stuck at 15%, black unemployment is at it's highest level in the past 100 years, tripled both spending in Afghanistan and combat troops ramping up the disastrous war there, continued the war in Iraq for three years, institute "regime change" in Libya, wasted $800 billion on a useless stimulus, and funneled a hundred billion to worthless green energy companies primarily owned by his major campaign donors!

He blocks domestic drilling (permits are down 70% since he's been elected) and gas prices have doubled and energy costs are skyrocketing. He and his wife Michelle Antoinette tell us to consider a "staycation" and that we have to be worried about global warming while they jump on 747s for date nights and to take the girls shoe shopping in Paris and London!

Let's see in Alaska Sarah Palin cleaned up corruption on both sides of the aisle, completed the largest natural gas pipeline deal in US history, slashed spending, created a budget surplus, and sent the tax payers of the state a big fat check from all the money she saved. And all you have for this woman is contempt.

You liberals that still support Barack Obama after all he's done are out of your freaking minds.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: Barack = Racist ()
Date: March 13, 2012 03:30PM

Obama Hates Americans Just Do the Math

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: Zionizer ()
Date: March 13, 2012 03:44PM

Calling an 8 month year old baby with Down Syndrome a retard and curse from God. Today's democrat party. Stay classy libs.

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Re: Game Change
Posted by: Undefeated? Seriously? ()
Date: March 13, 2012 05:18PM

Manila Envelop Wrote:
> What did you learn about her in Undefeated or did
> you not want to see another POV that wasn't
> produced and directly by DNC mega-donors?
> Undefeated uses news clips, first hand accounts
> and facts, not innuendo slurs and anonymous
> attacks. You learned exactly what the liberals
> who made Game Change wanted you to learn. Not the
> truth, but rather a hit piece of their skewed view
> of a stong conservative women. Don't let the
> facts get in the way of your rabid uninformed
> hatred.

C’mon man! Whatcha y’all wee-wee’d up about? How are the ‘first-hand accounts’ and ‘facts’ in Undefeated more valid than those in Game Change? In Game Change, an actress speaks Palin’s words verbatim, which isn’t much different than the ‘news clips’ in Undefeated.

Watching Undefeated, you learned exactly what the Palin celebrity machine wanted you to learn. Not the truth, but rather a glossy pictorial of their air brushed view of a deeply flawed women. Don't let the facts get in the way of your blind adoration.

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