eesh Wrote:
> It would be interesting to see how many students
> are using loans to attend Georgetown Law. I don't
> think the overwhelming majority of students at
> Georgetown have affluent backgrounds.
If they are so poor they cant afford marginal expenses outside of school they overstretched their means going there big time and should have picked a different school if those student loans are so far outside of their means they wont be able to pay them back.
Theres less people with poor backgrounds there than you would think. While the average student may not be rich I highly doubt theres many people there who will be living in their car while they attend. Its about 70k a year to go there and live on campus with 25 percent of students receiving financial aid from the law school itself. "Last year, 557 out of 1,990 total students received grant money. Fewer part-time students received aid (only 10 out of 385 last year) than full-time students (547 out of 1,605)"
According to the planned parenthood website they cost 15-50 dollars a month. Which would also be 5 times less than the student trying to get it paid for by others claims.
By the way just for fun check out the guy who got in with a 126 LSAT and a 2.1 GPA