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Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: March 01, 2012 04:20PM


"The interactive exhibit, Habit Heroes, featured animated fitness superheros Will Power and Callie Stenics and super-sized villains Snacker and Lead Bottom, who eat junk food and watch too much television. Critics said the exhibit reinforces stereotypes that obese children are lazy and have poor eating habits."

How exactly is this improper? Fat kids DO have bad eating habits and ARE lazy. Ever notice a trend among those you see jogging? they are all skinny. Now this brings up one hell of a pickle. Do you think people run because they are skinny OR are people skinny because they run?

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: truebass ()
Date: March 01, 2012 05:33PM

Just making more excuses for fat people. 40 years ago, nobody was obese, or even really overweight. Nowadays, kids don't go outside and play, eat terrible food, and blame it on some problem other than their unhealthy habits. And now they think its ok because everyone else is overweight. It's amazing how fit younger people are now in the minority.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: wei8lost ()
Date: March 01, 2012 05:40PM

truebass Wrote:
> Just making more excuses for fat people. 40 years
> ago, nobody was obese, or even really overweight.
> Nowadays, kids don't go outside and play, eat
> terrible food, and blame it on some problem other
> than their unhealthy habits. And now they think
> its ok because everyone else is overweight. It's
> amazing how fit younger people are now in the
> minority.

You know I was a fat kid growing up and that didn't change until I got off the fucking couch, put down, the damn junk food, and started making a change. Yeah I got made fun of, got the crap beat out of me, yes it did have a lost lasting impression on my self esteem but goddamn it in my late 20's I am in the best shape of my life! How many people in their late 20's are fit enough to join the military????

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: lizzie ()
Date: March 01, 2012 05:45PM

What does that have to do with anything though? lol...fat people are gross. Being fat is a sin. That's why fat people develop so many health problems, to punish them, it's a curse. Just like having unprotected sex with multiple people, you will get AIDs and die and even if you use condoms you will get HPV. Don't be fat, don't be a whore.

I have everything you said I wouldn't, HA!

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: Ding an sich ()
Date: March 01, 2012 06:01PM

America is too comfortable with fat.

The last country I lived in, people would TELL you TO YOUR FACE that you are gaining too much weight. There was social pressure to be fit. Honestly, I gained about 20 pounds when I moved here. There are some really fucked up things about this country, and fat-acceptance is one of them.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: Eric Cartman ()
Date: March 01, 2012 06:08PM

Here's the chief critic now...

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: wei8lost ()
Date: March 01, 2012 06:26PM

Ding an sich Wrote:
> America is too comfortable with fat.
> The last country I lived in, people would TELL you
> TO YOUR FACE that you are gaining too much weight.
> There was social pressure to be fit. Honestly, I
> gained about 20 pounds when I moved here. There
> are some really fucked up things about this
> country, and fat-acceptance is one of them.

lol let me guess you lived in Germany too?

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: There's fat and then there's FAT! ()
Date: March 01, 2012 07:59PM

Fat people live in a self perpetuated fantasy world. They think that walking alone is all that's needed, diet is secondary. Walking is a lousy form of exercise,unless you can walk for miles of course. Most fat folk walk twice around a track and feel they have had a 'kick ass" workout, so then they can stuff their faces. You need to get out there and run, start with a mile then increase. Those Richard Simmons " sweating to the Oldies" CDs are a waste of effort. Ask yourself if he looks like he's in shape? Get out there and run, run, run.!!!!!

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: nother look at it ()
Date: March 01, 2012 08:25PM

truebass Wrote:
> Just making more excuses for fat people. 40 years
> ago, nobody was obese, or even really overweight.
> Nowadays, kids don't go outside and play, eat
> terrible food, and blame it on some problem other
> than their unhealthy habits. And now they think
> its ok because everyone else is overweight. It's
> amazing how fit younger people are now in the
> minority.

Do you ever think that for some (most) people, there is a genetic predisposition to being fat? Reasons I think this might be the case, is I remember in junior high when we used to have to do those presidential fitness tests, I remember some of the druggies would do like 18 pullups, and run crazy fast sprints. It wasn't like they were working out or anything, they just had this super human strength and speed. So, they had a genetic predisposition to strength and speed...much like some people might have a genetic predisposition to fatness.

Then, I remember in high school, I had a buddy who all he and his older brother did was play video games, and eat ridiculous amounts of pasta and doritos...all f'in day. Skinny as rails, however, they were strong as f***. Of course, they never lifted, but the one dude could do that "human flag' thing where he grabs a pole and holds himself parallel to the ground. They did not play any type of sports, ever.

Now, as I am older, my wife, who eats fish and vegetables, no fried food and never junk food, and is fairly skinny, has cholesterol through the roof.

Me, on the other hand, who eats cheeseburgers and french fries maybe three nights a week, and at least one steak a week, has perfectly fine cholesterol.

Some chicks have nice, big ti**ies...now, I would say 99% of chicks would like 'em, but some have 'em, some don't. It's not like they work harder to have 'em...they either have 'em, or don't. They were born that way.

I think fatness, in many cases, is like baldness, cholesterol, big ti**ies etc...that is, there is a strong genetic predisposition to it.

I know, there are those people that are fat and lose a Sh**load of weight, and so of course there are cases where people are just fat f***, but I think in many cases, people are kind of born that way.

As for why is there possibly more fat people now than 30 years ago? I remember plenty of fatsos then. But maybe it is like anything else...you ever see those civil war uniforms at a museum? You would have to be 5'2 and 120 pounds to fit in them. So people have been getting bigger for years.

I think big people breed with big people, and the offspring is bigger...and so on.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: tomahawk ()
Date: March 01, 2012 08:26PM

Oh, wow, so if you're fat and you watch TV, you're a "villain"!

I bet they got fat watching the Disney channel.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: Skill ()
Date: March 01, 2012 09:04PM

There is absolutely no need for teenage girls to outweigh women who have given birth to multiple children. There is no such thing as a fat person who eats healthy and works out correctly. There are people who are skinny barely work out and eat terribly; they have guts however, and none of them have a six pack through genetics. If you eat alot of bad food, and/or do not workout, you will get fat. When fat people decide to workout and eat correctly, they become skinnier. Genetics is a minor factor, which determines how quickly you can lose or gain weight. The thing is, hard work cancels that aspect of genetics out. Fat people are less inclined to work hard, and they stay fat.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: aha ()
Date: March 01, 2012 09:10PM

Thanks, Dr.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: Ding an sich ()
Date: March 01, 2012 10:40PM

I've seen plenty of fat people become fit people. Stop using genetics as an excuse.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Date: March 01, 2012 10:46PM

Here's a photo of the "Snacker" character...



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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: March 01, 2012 10:50PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Here's a photo of the "Snacker" character...


Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: dr logic ()
Date: March 01, 2012 11:36PM

Ding an sich Wrote:
> I've seen plenty of fat people become fit people.
> Stop using genetics as an excuse.

So, since you've seen plenty of fat people become fit people, it must be that ALL fat people can become fit people?

And thus, it is not possible that some obesity is due to genetics?

I see.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Date: March 02, 2012 06:34AM

dr logic Wrote:
> Ding an sich Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I've seen plenty of fat people become fit
> people.
> > Stop using genetics as an excuse.
> So, since you've seen plenty of fat people become
> fit people, it must be that ALL fat people can
> become fit people?
> And thus, it is not possible that some obesity is
> due to genetics?
> I see.

You don't see any fatties in refugee camps.


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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: no kidding ()
Date: March 02, 2012 07:19AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> dr logic Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ding an sich Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I've seen plenty of fat people become fit
> > people.
> > > Stop using genetics as an excuse.
> >
> >
> > So, since you've seen plenty of fat people
> become
> > fit people, it must be that ALL fat people can
> > become fit people?
> >
> > And thus, it is not possible that some obesity
> is
> > due to genetics?
> >
> > I see.
> You don't see any fatties in refugee camps.

Probably not...at least if they've been there awile. Yes, the good healthy living of a starvation diet coupled with dysentery can do wonders.

So, because people can be starved to within inches of their lives due to near absolute extremes in poor health, diet and nutrition, there does not exist the possibility that some obesity is due to genetics?

I see.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: March 02, 2012 07:21AM

JBass Wrote:
> http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/46591027#.T0_nPFwV3j
> s
> "The interactive exhibit, Habit Heroes, featured
> animated fitness superheros Will Power and Callie
> Stenics and super-sized villains Snacker and Lead
> Bottom, who eat junk food and watch too much
> television. Critics said the exhibit reinforces
> stereotypes that obese children are lazy and have
> poor eating habits."
> How exactly is this improper? Fat kids DO have
> bad eating habits and ARE lazy. Ever notice a
> trend among those you see jogging? they are all
> skinny. Now this brings up one hell of a pickle.
> Do you think people run because they are skinny OR
> are people skinny because they run?

It's just another example of cowtowing to everyone's "feelings" and the overall pussification of this country.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Date: March 02, 2012 07:55AM

no kidding Wrote:

> So, because people can be starved to within inches
> of their lives due to near absolute extremes in
> poor health, diet and nutrition, there does not
> exist the possibility that some obesity is due to
> genetics?
> I see.

I think there are people who are pre-disposed to carry more body fat with fewer calories. But in a worse case scenario, I think this should result in a person being overweight...not obese. The obesity part comes from a person having no self-control. It's a behavioral issue, not a genetic one.


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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: Fatty Arbuckle ()
Date: March 02, 2012 07:55AM

The United States is the only country in the world whose poor people are sometimes fat.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: March 02, 2012 08:02AM

Fatty Arbuckle Wrote:
> The United States is the only country in the world
> whose poor people are sometimes fat.

I have to believe that a large part of that is because the food we eat now compared to 30, 40 or 50 years ago is pre-packaged shit. And it's the poor people who eat the cheapest food out there, which is often the worst food nutritionally.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: and? ()
Date: March 02, 2012 08:06AM

Fatty Arbuckle Wrote:
> The United States is the only country in the world
> whose poor people are sometimes fat.

What's your point, son?

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: Ding an sich ()
Date: March 02, 2012 10:35PM

dr logic Wrote:
> Ding an sich Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I've seen plenty of fat people become fit
> people.
> > Stop using genetics as an excuse.
> So, since you've seen plenty of fat people become
> fit people, it must be that ALL fat people can
> become fit people?
> And thus, it is not possible that some obesity is
> due to genetics?
> I see.

Just an excuse to be lazy. Take responsibility for your fat ass and get in shape.
I mean, are you SERIOUSLY trying to argue that there is actually a SIGNIFICANT portion of the fat population that is INCAPABLE of losing weight?

You're not just a fatass, you're also a retard. Shit only gets this bad in America.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: Stinkfist ()
Date: March 02, 2012 10:39PM

We all need to eat less and have more sex.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: tomahawk ()
Date: March 02, 2012 10:47PM

Fatty Arbuckle Wrote:
> The United States is the only country in the world
> whose poor people are sometimes fat.

Yes, and we act like that's a bad thing.

Considering humans have spent our entire history worrying about having enough food to make through the next winter, I'd say it's quite an accomplishment that even poor people are fat in this country.

The fact that we have the luxury of whining about it just makes the point. And it's typical of the modern whiny American to look at one of our greatest achievements and be ashamed of it. I suppose you'd prefer your poor people to be like the ones in Ethiopia: skinny and dying.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: Ding an sich ()
Date: March 02, 2012 10:54PM

tomahawk Wrote:
> Fatty Arbuckle Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The United States is the only country in the
> world
> > whose poor people are sometimes fat.
> Yes, and we act like that's a bad thing.
> Considering humans have spent our entire history
> worrying about having enough food to make through
> the next winter, I'd say it's quite an
> accomplishment that even poor people are fat in
> this country.
> The fact that we have the luxury of whining about
> it just makes the point. And it's typical of the
> modern whiny American to look at one of our
> greatest achievements and be ashamed of it. I
> suppose you'd prefer your poor people to be like
> the ones in Ethiopia: skinny and dying.

Fat is never good... There are plenty of countries with poor people that are healthier than those here.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: Ding a Ling ()
Date: March 03, 2012 08:21AM

Ding an sich Wrote:
> dr logic Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ding an sich Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I've seen plenty of fat people become fit
> > people.
> > > Stop using genetics as an excuse.
> >
> >
> > So, since you've seen plenty of fat people
> become
> > fit people, it must be that ALL fat people can
> > become fit people?
> >
> > And thus, it is not possible that some obesity
> is
> > due to genetics?
> >
> > I see.
> Just an excuse to be lazy. Take responsibility for
> your fat ass and get in shape.
> I mean, are you SERIOUSLY trying to argue that
> there is actually a SIGNIFICANT portion of the fat
> population that is INCAPABLE of losing weight?
> You're not just a fatass, you're also a retard.
> Shit only gets this bad in America.

No, dearheart, I am not fat at all. I am merely discussing the possibility that some instances of obesity may be genetically influenced.

Settle down, and don't be so dam angry.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Date: March 03, 2012 08:34AM

tomahawk Wrote:
> Fatty Arbuckle Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The United States is the only country in the
> world
> > whose poor people are sometimes fat.
> Yes, and we act like that's a bad thing.
> The fact that we have the luxury of whining about
> it just makes the point. And it's typical of the
> modern whiny American to look at one of our
> greatest achievements and be ashamed of it. I
> suppose you'd prefer your poor people to be like
> the ones in Ethiopia: skinny and dying.

Unlike Americans, who are fat and dying.

It's not an accomplishment that we have one of the most cost-efficient food delivery systems in the history of the world and we choose to load it with high-calorie, low nutrition artery-clogging shit.


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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: obviously obvious ()
Date: March 03, 2012 09:41AM

W.r.t. Disney's Here Today, Gone Tomorrow exhibit - makes total sense to me that they both put it in place and got rid of it almost immediately.

Looks to me like some well-meaning higher-up decided to try to use Disney's very strong influence to literally make things better, then some high-level bean-counter said something like:

== "Is this bringing in more bucks for Disney?"


== "Is there any chance this will cost Disney bucks?"

and made the obvious bean-counter decision to shut it down.

Business is business.

Sorry, fatties.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: March 03, 2012 08:20PM

The "Obesity epidemic" is pure bullshit. I don't see anymore obese people these days then I did 15 years ago. The only thing I've noticed is that kids don't seem to get outdoors as much as we did when I was their age, but I still don't see these purported hordes of obese people.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: LTdaream ()
Date: March 03, 2012 08:49PM

Everybody saying obesity is nota problem, go to a college campus. These 18,19,20, year old girls have guts and fat legs all over the place, even the skinny ones have guts and cellulite over their bodies. It isnt so much we are fat, which we are, but as a nation we are not fit at all. Most girls do not work out at all, and drink/eat carp. We need to get healthier as a nation. S I wouldnt attribute being fat only to laziness, but also t how we eat now, large portions, etc.

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Re: Disney changes obesity exhibit after complaints
Posted by: Observations ()
Date: March 03, 2012 09:06PM

ThePackLeader Wrote:
> The "Obesity epidemic" is pure bullshit. I don't
> see anymore obese people these days then I did 15
> years ago. The only thing I've noticed is that
> kids don't seem to get outdoors as much as we did
> when I was their age, but I still don't see these
> purported hordes of obese people.

Well, I see a LOT more obese people now than when I was growing up in the sixties - especially kids. It used to be almost unheard of for kids to be fat - now fat kids are everywhere. It's really a shame.

I blame the schools, in part, for this. When I was growing up, the cafeteria ladies cooked (not microwaved) real food. And it was good. Schools now pride themselves on serving nutritious meals - but it's really just food that is somewhat lower in fat and sugar but that simulates the crap that you can get at any fast food or pizza place. It's not teaching kids how to make good choices. And a lot of them aren't going to get that instruction at home.

True story. One of my son's friends is dangerously obese. When he came home from college recently, he had lost 35 pounds. That's because he was cooking for himself instead of eating the fast food that his family put on the table every night. Sad that it takes leaving home to learn how to eat right.

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