JBass Wrote:
> s
> "The interactive exhibit, Habit Heroes, featured
> animated fitness superheros Will Power and Callie
> Stenics and super-sized villains Snacker and Lead
> Bottom, who eat junk food and watch too much
> television. Critics said the exhibit reinforces
> stereotypes that obese children are lazy and have
> poor eating habits."
> How exactly is this improper? Fat kids DO have
> bad eating habits and ARE lazy. Ever notice a
> trend among those you see jogging? they are all
> skinny. Now this brings up one hell of a pickle.
> Do you think people run because they are skinny OR
> are people skinny because they run?
It's just another example of cowtowing to everyone's "feelings" and the overall pussification of this country.
That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.