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Holy fuck! great interest rates
Date: January 16, 2012 09:11PM

Saw this ad on TV....could not believe it was real. It was:


Damn! 100%+ interest.


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: Holy fuck! great interest rates
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: January 16, 2012 10:34PM

The indian nations are getting into the predatory loan sharking because they're a sovereign nation that can't easily be regulated by the state or the feds.

They're picking up the slack where all the states have cracked down on the predatory lenders.

They're all just assholes getting rich by fucking over people who are already financially fucked. Maybe I'm just sore because I couldn't live with myself if that was how I made my living.

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Re: Holy fuck! great interest rates
Posted by: lordfairfax ()
Date: January 16, 2012 11:07PM

wnrsm Wrote:
> They're all just assholes getting rich by fucking
> over people who are already financially fucked.

Those assholes are the original fucked-over people.

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Re: Holy fuck! great interest rates
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: January 16, 2012 11:46PM

So that gives them license to perpetuate it?

If that's the case, let's declare the ghettos as sovereign nations.

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