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Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Alias Wrote:
> Yes Wrote:
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> > Alias Wrote:
> >
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> > > So, I'm just wondering.
> > >
> > > Is there such a thing as a guy who isn't a
> > whore?
> >
> >
> > Meade Haufe
> Great.
> Well, just wondering, that's all.
> It seems that guys are quick to condemn women for
> behavior which they, themselves, view as
> desirable.
> That seems rather dishonest to me.
> A whore is a whore, whether the whore be a man or
> a woman.
No there are no men who are whores (except for jigalos, but that's not what we are talking about), just men who bang lots of women. Women who bang lots of men are whores.
There's nothing dishonest or hypocritical about it. It's a societal standard. It's a double standard but there are tons of double standards. Women who bang lots of dudes are sluts/whores. Men who don't pay for a date are cheapskates. And so on and so forth.
I don't know if Kelly Kapowski would properly be considered as thick, but the thighs and bottom were heftier than most other girls, and tits were quite. I always thought of her as thick, but maybe others would not. Either way, her hottness to me was utterly off the charts!
Some are obviously just fat pigs. And what's with the one with turkey legs? But some aren't bad. Cute faces, just a bit too plump, and with a good/eager/upbeat attitude . . . they're fine with me.
Fat girls are great to abuse the fuck out of. You can smack the hell out of them while fucking them and cum all over their assholes or pussy and they don't say shit. Only problem is they smell like ass because they fart all the time especially when their pussies get dry or fucking from the ass and then they call the shit out of you cause they think they're in relationships after you fuck.
most fat girls are hot, and i love fucking the hot ones. they fuck hard and you can fuck them as long as you want. you can abuse them and beat them like theyre your little slut. you can slap their ass, and slap their pussy as hard as you can and they moan because they love it