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Race and IQ
Posted by: FB ()
Date: September 13, 2005 05:35PM

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic
Medical Research News
Published: Tuesday, 26-Apr-2005
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A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic.
The lead article in the June 2005 issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a journal of the American Psychological Association, examined 10 categories of research evidence from around the world to contrast "a hereditarian model (50% genetic-50% cultural) and a culture-only model (0% genetic-100% cultural)."

The paper, "Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability," by J. Philippe Rushton of the University of Western Ontario and Arthur R. Jensen of the University of California at Berkeley, appeared with a positive commentary by Linda Gottfredson of the University of Delaware, three critical ones (by Robert Sternberg of Yale University, Richard Nisbett of the University of Michigan, and Lisa Suzuki & Joshua Aronson of New York University), and the authors' reply.

"Neither the existence nor the size of race differences in IQ are a matter of dispute, only their cause," write the authors. The Black-White difference has been found consistently from the time of the massive World War I Army testing of 90 years ago to a massive study of over 6 million corporate, military, and higher-education test-takers in 2001.

"Race differences show up by 3 years of age, even after matching on maternal education and other variables," said Rushton. "Therefore they cannot be due to poor education since this has not yet begun to exert an effect. That's why Jensen and I looked at the genetic hypothesis in detail. We examined 10 categories of evidence."

The Worldwide Pattern of IQ Scores. East Asians average higher on IQ tests than Whites, both in the U. S. and in Asia, even though IQ tests were developed for use in the Euro-American culture. Around the world, the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100; and for Blacks about 85 in the U.S. and 70 in sub-Saharan Africa.

Race Differences are Most Pronounced on Tests that Best Measure the General Intelligence Factor (g). Black-White differences, for example, are larger on the Backward Digit Span test than on the less g loaded Forward Digit Span test.

The Gene-Environment Architecture of IQ is the Same in all Races, and Race Differences are Most Pronounced on More Heritable Abilities. Studies of Black, White, and East Asian twins, for example, show the heritability of IQ is 50% or higher in all races.

Brain Size Differences. Studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) find a correlation of brain size with IQ of about 0.40. Larger brains contain more neurons and synapses and process information faster. Race differences in brain size are present at birth. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites who average 5 cubic inches more than Blacks.

Trans-Racial Adoption Studies. Race differences in IQ remain following adoption by White middle class parents. East Asians grow to average higher IQs than Whites while Blacks score lower. The Minnesota Trans-Racial Adoption Study followed children to age 17 and found race differences were even greater than at age 7: White children, 106; Mixed-Race children, 99; and Black children, 89.

Racial Admixture Studies. Black children with lighter skin, for example, average higher IQ scores. In South Africa, the IQ of the mixed-race "Colored" population averages 85, intermediate to the African 70 and White 100.

IQ Scores of Blacks and Whites Regress toward the Averages of Their Race. Parents pass on only some exceptional genes to offspring so parents with very high IQs tend to have more average children. Black and White children with parents of IQ 115 move to different averages--Blacks toward 85 and Whites to 100.

Race Differences in Other "Life-History" Traits. East Asians and Blacks consistently fall at two ends of a continuum with Whites intermediate on 60 measures of maturation, personality, reproduction, and social organization. For example, Black children sit, crawl, walk, and put on their clothes earlier than Whites or East Asians.

Race Differences and the Out-of-Africa theory of Human Origins. East Asian-White-Black differences fit the theory that modern humans arose in Africa about 100,000 years ago and expanded northward. During prolonged winters there was evolutionary selection for higher IQ created by problems of raising children, gathering and storing food, gaining shelter, and making clothes.

Do Culture-Only Theories Explain the Data? Culture-only theories do not explain the highly consistent pattern of race differences in IQ, especially the East Asian data. No interventions such as ending segregation, introducing school busing, or "Head Start" programs have reduced the gaps as culture-only theory would predict.

In their article, Rushton and Jensen also address some of the policy issues that stem from their conclusions. Their main recommendation is that people be treated as individuals, not as members of groups. They emphasized that their paper pertains only to average differences. They also called for the need to accurately inform the public about the true nature of individual and group differences, genetics and evolutionary biology.

Rushton and Jensen are well-known for research on racial differences in intelligence. Jensen hypothesized a genetic basis for Black-White IQ differences in his 1969 Harvard Educational Review article. His later books Bias in Mental Tests (1980) and The g Factor (1998), as well as Rushton's (1995) Race, Evolution, and Behavior, show that tests are not biased against English speaking minorities and that Black-White-East Asian differences in brain size and IQ belong in an evolutionary framework.


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let the flame wars begin
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: September 13, 2005 07:04PM

i would just like to point out to people that flaming in this tread would be misdirected. flame elsewhere like the other site... which is still retarded. just a preemptive "shut the hell up."

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: yanbmj ()
Date: May 16, 2009 11:13AM


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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: WFB ()
Date: May 16, 2009 11:17AM

* Ethnic Differences in Cognitive Ability - East Asians typically earn higher IQ scores than white Americans, especially in the verbal intelligence areas. African-Americans typically earn IQ scores one full standard deviation below those of white Americans. The IQ difference between African-Americans and whites remains at all levels of socioeconomic status (SES), and is even more pronounced at higher levels of SES. Recent narrowing of the average IQ gap between black and white Americans (about 3 IQ points) is attributed to a lessening of low black scores and not an overall improvement in black scores on average. The debate over genes versus environment influences on the race IQ gap is acknowledged.
* The Demography of Intelligence - Mounting evidence indicates that demographic trends are exerting downward pressure on the distribution of cognitive ability in the United States and that the pressures are strong enough to have social consequences. Birth rates among highly educated women are falling faster than those of low IQ women. The IQ of the average immigrant of today is 95, lower than the national average, but more importantly the new immigrants are less brave, less hard working, less imaginative, and less self-starting than many of the immigrant groups of the past.
* Social Behavior and the Prevalence of Low Cognitive Ability - For most of the worst social problems of our time, the people who have the problem are heavily concentrated in the lower portion of the cognitive ability spectrum. Solutions designed to solve or mitigate any of these problems must accommodate, even be focused towards, the low cognitive ability profile if they are to have any hope of succeeding.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: May 16, 2009 11:23AM

yanbmj Wrote:


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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: WFB ()
Date: May 16, 2009 11:28AM

It's from the well-researched study documented in The Bell Curve.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: May 16, 2009 11:35AM

The 'Bell Curve' Agenda

"The Bell Curve," a flame-throwing treatise on race, class and intelligence by the late Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray advances a grisly thesis: I.Q., largely inherited and intractable, dictates an individual's success -- an economic death knell for much of America's black population. The story has America increasingly divided by race and sliding inexorably into castes based on I.Q.

The book has already ignited bitter controversy, and that is no surprise. It declares settled what many regard as an unresolved argument over whether I.Q.'s have scientific merit. Moreover, Mr. Murray's record as a political ideologue who uses social science data to support his policy preferences touches a tender spot in American intellectual history on the issue of race and intelligence.

The notion that one group could be genetically superior to another has a long and sordid history in this country and abroad. Bigots purported to find "scientific" evidence that blacks, or American Indians, or Jews, to name three targets, were of inferior stock. Even supposedly objective scholars lent their talents to such racism.

Individual readers can judge the authors' racial attitudes and data. The concern here is the governmental fallout of a book that aspires to set the agenda of social policy debate for the decade. What gives their sweeping generalities poignancy is an overlay of sophisticated statistical tools that create an aura of scientific certitude sure to intimidate ordinary citizens from challenging the alarming conclusions.

That would be tragic. Though "The Bell Curve" contains serious scholarship, it is also laced with tendentious interpretation. Once unlike-minded scholars have time to react, they will subject its findings to withering criticism. At its best, the Herrnstein-Murray story is an unconvincing reading of murky evidence. At its worst, it is perniciously and purposely incendiary. The graphs, charts, tables and data admit of less dire conclusions. But less dire would not have put Mr. Murray on the cover of news magazines, though it would have given America's disadvantaged a more accurate, hopeful glimpse of their future.

The authors argue that there is an underlying core to intelligence, separate from individual talents or skills, that is well measured by I.Q. tests. I.Q. scores are largely inherited and after childhood immutable. In their view, high I.Q. leads to high income and respectable behavior. Low I.Q. leads to social pathology -- poverty, welfare dependency, out-of-wedlock births and crime.

The book says low-I.Q. parents produce large families, dragging average I.Q.'s lower. Its authors belabor the well-known fact that the average I.Q. of blacks is 15 points below that of whites and dismiss arguments that these low test scores reflect little more than biased testing. Their implication is that blacks are trapped at the bottom of society.

But many experts reject these chilling conclusions. For starters, the authors' statistical techniques are insufficiently powerful to distinguish the impact of I.Q. from talents or skills, some of which can be taught. Here, terminology matters. Were Mr. Murray parading around town with a story about skills, he would sound like everyone else who has tried to explain the explosive increase in income inequality in the last two decades. By blaming low I.Q. for poverty, he makes remediation look silly; by blaming skills for poverty, he would have invited society to try. The first finding is obviously the more attractive for Mr. Murray, who has built his career on arguing for the elimination of social programs.

The authors give short shrift to explanations for low I.Q. scores that are less bleak than their own. Some remedial programs have raised I.Q.'s, even if temporarily. I.Q.'s for blacks, as well as whites, are moving higher over time. Black educational achievement is catching up. And other countries do a better job integrating minorities in the economic mainstream than the U.S. does. One of the authors' key measures of innate intelligence, scores on the military's qualifying test, has been shown to be a product of education, an environmental factor. The issue is balanced interpretation. Mr. Murray has created an act of advocacy; he has not built a scientific case.

"The Bell Curve" presumes, but does not prove, that differences in genes account for 60 percent of the differences in the I.Q.'s of children. It is essential to note -- which the authors do but many of their critics do not -- that group differences in I.Q. may have nothing to do with genes even if individual I.Q.'s are largely inherited. An example proves the point. Plants grown together under ideal conditions will achieve different heights based solely on individual genetic makeup. But lock half the plants in a dark closet and the difference in average height of the two groups will be due entirely to environment. So even if I.Q.'s are deemed to be largely inherited, that says nothing about the potential impact on I.Q. of altering prenatal care or aggressive early education.

Mr. Murray's findings are not wrong because they are ugly. They are wrong because they blind us to more compelling interpretations and because they ignore the huge gaps in understanding the precise nature of intelligence. What is right about the book was already well known: skills have taken on increasing importance in the economy and they are difficult to acquire. What is new about the book -- the fixation on genes as destiny -- is surely unproved and almost surely wrong: programs here and abroad produce measurable, if unspectacular, results. These sobering lessons were clear before "The Bell Curve" was published. They remain so afterward.


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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: HHH ()
Date: May 16, 2009 11:47AM

The Bell Curve merely documents and explains the obvious.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: May 16, 2009 11:52AM

Au contraire. It tendentiously posits an ideology under the patina of demonstrably bad and false science.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: HHH ()
Date: May 16, 2009 11:59AM

demonstrably bad and false science.

The fact that it documents something that you don't want to hear hardly makes it bad science. Anyway, it's all obviously true as even a cursory glance at society proves.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: May 16, 2009 12:03PM

A cursory glance at this man, for example?


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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: HHH ()
Date: May 16, 2009 12:06PM

Yes, a man who is not only half white but was nurtured and raised in white society!

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: May 16, 2009 12:10PM

Like this man, who's all white and raised in white society?


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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: HHH ()
Date: May 16, 2009 12:14PM


Born as no name Maddox Manson was born to unmarried, 16-year-old Kathleen Maddox in Cincinnati General Hospital, in Cincinnati, Ohio; no more than three weeks after his birth, he was Charles Milles Maddox. For a period after her son's birth Kathleen Maddox was married to a laborer named William Manson, whose last name the boy was given. Charles Manson's biological father appears to have been a "Colonel Scott", against whom Maddox filed a bastardy suit that resulted in an agreed judgment in 1937. Possibly, the boy never really knew him.

According to Manson, his mother, alleged to be an alcoholic, once sold him for a pitcher of beer to a childless waitress, from whom his uncle retrieved him some days later. When his mother and her brother were sentenced to five years imprisonment for robbing a Charleston, West Virginia, service station in 1939, Manson was placed in the home of an aunt and uncle in McMechen, West Virginia. Upon his mother's 1942 parole, Manson was retrieved by his mother and lived with her in run-down hotel rooms.[7] He would one day characterize her physical embrace of him on the day she returned from prison as his sole childhood joy.[12]

In 1947, Kathleen Maddox tried to have her son placed in a foster home but failed because no such home was available. The court placed Manson in Gibault School for Boys, in Terre Haute, Indiana. After 10 months, he fled from there to his mother, who rejected him.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: May 16, 2009 12:17PM

Bottom line, a white man raised in white society - which is no more homogenous than black society.

Who's covering his eyes up now?

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: HHH ()
Date: May 16, 2009 12:22PM

Raised? The way Manson was "raised" is hardly one typical of middle class society white or black. Anyway, when the best you can come up with is a deranged anomaly like Charles Manson it's obvious that you have no argument. You wish that the Bell Curve could be disproven but in your heart you know it's accurate.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: May 16, 2009 12:32PM

The Bell Curve has been debunked.



Only racists still hew to its views.

Meanwhile, how does this well-raised middle-class white fit with your ideology?

Another exception?

There are just so many it seems... perhaps the sun doesn't revolve around the earth after all?


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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: h ()
Date: May 16, 2009 12:44PM

Only racists still hew to its views.

Accusations of racism are the last refuge of those who have lost the argument.
You can bring out anomalies all day and it doesn't prove a thing. The Bell Curve doesn't say that ALL blacks score lower on IQ tests or that ALL Asians score higher than whites or that ALL Ashkenazi Jews have superior intelligence. It was a carefully researched and documented analysys of how IQ scores are normally distributed and that a person's intelligence is the sum of many small random variations in genetic and environmental factors.

Funny that you would choose Jayson Blair as a nom de plume. He's not much of an example for your thesis.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: May 16, 2009 12:49PM

Sorry, it has been debunked. See links in prior post.

Denial is the last refuge of an internet moron.

That would be you sir.

My problems had nothing to do with race, but rather my documented bipolar disorder.

And at least I'm willing to post under my real name, unlike anonymous cowards such as yourself.

Good day, sir.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: HHH ()
Date: May 16, 2009 01:13PM

Always an excuse. Your bipolar disorder caused you to lie about your lack of a college degree, your fabrication of stories, the high error rate and your generally sloppy work habits I suppose. Yet, they promoted you anyway and yet you blew your golden opportunity. Now you try and tell me that the Bell Curve has been debunked. Why should I, or anyone else for that matter believe anything you have to say about anything? You are a proven and disgraced liar. Your sorry story also lends credence to the Bell Curve's analysis.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: May 16, 2009 01:21PM

Nigga please... crawl back under whatever rock you came out from under.

And take your jive-ass honky ad hominems with you.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: HHH ()
Date: May 16, 2009 01:24PM

Nigga please... crawl back under whatever rock you came out from under.

And take your jive-ass honky ad hominems with you.

Good English! And so well-written! You really are a poster boy for the failure of affirmative action! By the way sambo, you responded to me, not me to you.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: May 16, 2009 01:30PM


It always comes out eventually, doesn't it.

That little thing called racism.

Having established, then, your bigotry, there's just one kind favor I ask of you: please don't confuse your (racist) ideology with science.

'Kay, bro?

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: HHH ()
Date: May 16, 2009 01:36PM

But you can call me a jive-ass honky? It works both ways nigga, to use your inane locution. By the way, I am not your 'bro and if I were I wouldn't admit it.
So tell me, how many opportunities have you blown since the Times canned your worthless ass you living breathing proof of The Bell Curve?

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: May 16, 2009 01:42PM

Certainly not as many dicks as you've blown, girlie-man.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: HHH ()
Date: May 16, 2009 01:44PM

So you blow dicks and opportunities? No doubt your as worthless at one as you are at the other.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: May 16, 2009 01:46PM

I may have blown some opportunities.

But you the only one blowing dicks on this thread, cracka.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: HHH ()
Date: May 16, 2009 01:50PM

So now it's cracka? The angrier you get the more ghetto you become. Mentally ill, unemployable and racist. Get yourself addicted to crack and you can be a pillar of your community!

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: May 16, 2009 01:53PM

I'd rather be a ghetto pimp, than a cock-sucking girlie-man such as yourself.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: HHH ()
Date: May 16, 2009 01:55PM

You'd fail as a ghetto pimp just like you fail at everything else. Hard to be much of a pimp when your ho's laugh at your stupid loser ass.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: May 16, 2009 01:58PM

Like the faggots in the bath house laugh at your shriveled limp dick?

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: HHH ()
Date: May 16, 2009 02:05PM

Unless they have an affirmative action program for ghetto pimps you don't have a chance. Even if they did you'd still fuck it up.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: May 16, 2009 03:54PM

Everyone STFU. The OP is a troll just trying to start a flame war.

“It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful." - Anton Lavey

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: ¿TROLL? ()
Date: May 16, 2009 04:43PM

>The OP is a troll just trying to start a flame war.<

Yes, and?

Some men, after all, just want to watch the world burn -- and if we can't manage that, a flame war will suffice.

Peace out,


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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Howie Feltersnatch ()
Date: May 18, 2009 01:02PM

FB Wrote:
East Asians average higher on IQ tests than Whites

Riddle me this, then: How come Asians can't drive worth shit if they're so smart?

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Because ()
Date: June 13, 2009 04:47PM

Because intelligence doesn't necessarily correlate with physical coordination.

To wit: OJ, a supremely well-coordinated physical specimen, but not the sharpest blade in the drawer.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: June 13, 2009 04:48PM

Furfur Wrote:
> Everyone STFU. The OP is a troll just trying to
> start a flame war.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: June 13, 2009 05:16PM

Furfur jumped into this thread in his alt-internet hero mode almost two hours after HHH and I had let it die. It was a totally unnecessary gesture. He's a dumbass. (I guess he was just dying to use his stupid Psycho graphic.)

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: June 13, 2009 05:23PM

Obviously since people are still commenting, the fact you stopped commenting isn't enough.

Jayson Blair Wrote:
Furfur jumped into this thread in his alt-internet hero

I'm more of an anti-hero...

Jayson Blair Wrote:
(I guess he was just dying to use
> his stupid Psycho graphic.)


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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: June 13, 2009 05:34PM

>Obviously since people are still commenting, the fact you stopped commenting isn't enough.<

That would be incorrect. People only started commenting again after you resurrected the thread.

I do take responsibility for this second resurrection.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: New York Times ()
Date: June 13, 2009 05:36PM

Jayson Blair Wrote:
> >Obviously since people are still commenting, the
> fact you stopped commenting isn't enough.<
> That would be incorrect. People only started
> commenting again after you resurrected the
> thread.
> I do take responsibility for this second
> resurrection.

I graduated high school with Todd.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: New York Post ()
Date: June 13, 2009 05:39PM

Well isn't that special.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Long Island Press ()
Date: June 13, 2009 05:42PM

I was born in the same hospital as Todd.

Top that, motherfuckers.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: June 13, 2009 05:44PM

I'm Todd's father.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: TheMeeper's Last Sigh ()
Date: June 13, 2009 05:48PM

Son of a bitch...

>grumble murmur<

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Cary's Simulacrum ()
Date: June 13, 2009 06:03PM

This thread is officially closed.

Whoever makes the next post on this godforsaken, miserable thread will be immediately and permanently banned.

No exceptions. Not even for Gravis.

Don't test me on this!

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Anonomous ()
Date: November 01, 2011 11:18PM

TheMeeper's Last Sigh Wrote:
> Son of a bitch...
> >grumble murmur<

You're ignorant. You want to speak to others about these false ideologies and believe that people are inherently greater based on what they were born into and not what they earn in a lifetime and yet you live in a county who's primary goal is exactly. While i believe you have every right to be here, it is my firm suggestion that you move the fuck away. Only a foolish man would entertain the thought of the "scientific evidence" that supports him self without being readily available the the intelligent minds whom hold a different skin pigmentation. Figuratively pull your of your ass and stop with this brain washed bullshit. If you were black you wouldn't even consider this and it's not because black people aren't coherent enough to understand the information above it's because you clearly have a pride issue. In vernacular, you're probably a pussy. But be clear on my feelings also. I feel pity for you. I regret that you have now created a predisposition for yourself against so many people who very well could have been the best people in your life. Out of the millions of years man kind has been on the earth you are more pleased by the fact that you're a white human then a human.


Don't expect a long conversation over this discussion or even another response.

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: Jayson Blair ()
Date: November 01, 2011 11:36PM

Anonomous Wrote:
> Blah blah blah
> P.S. Blah blah blahsize>

Shut up, wouldya?

I'm waxing nostalgic here over one my earliest, long forgotten troll threads at FU.

Posting as:
- Jayson Blair (all posts in thread)
- Because (?)
- New York Times
- New York Post
- Long Island Press
- TheMeeper's Last Sigh
- Cary's Simulacrum

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Re: Race and IQ
Posted by: h ()
Date: December 21, 2016 10:50PM


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