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A letter to my ex
Posted by: Jane2 ()
Date: October 14, 2011 11:11PM

My therapist told me that it helps writing letters

to people even if they never read it. I want to tell

my ex husband how I feel cuz he doesn't talk to

me anymore.

You hurt me in ways I can never describe, I needed you and

you werent their for me. I gave you

almost thirty years of marriage, I stood beside you

everyday even when you didnt pay attention to me. I

gave you three wonderful children and then you dumped me

so you could have "freedom." You threw me away

like some old rag and now I am in a dark place

all by myself.

I can forgive you if you forgive me, just let

me in your life again please.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: October 14, 2011 11:20PM

Sentence structure seems very familiar...age of poster given years of marriage + # of kids is also familiar.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: G&S means ()
Date: October 14, 2011 11:37PM

jane::conie as conie::jane

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: lordfairfax ()
Date: October 15, 2011 12:23AM

That is one fucking sad letter, especially the last sentence. Look, just go out and get laid and forget about that asshole.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Conie ()
Date: October 15, 2011 12:33AM

Jane2 Wrote:
> My therapist told me that it helps writing letters
> to people even if they never read it. I want to
> tell
> my ex husband how I feel cuz he doesn't talk to
> me anymore.
> You hurt me in ways I can never describe, I needed
> you and
> you werent their for me. I gave you
> almost thirty years of marriage, I stood beside
> you
> everyday even when you didnt pay attention to me.
> I
> gave you three wonderful children and then you
> dumped me
> so you could have "freedom." You threw me away
> like some old rag and now I am in a dark place
> all by myself.
> I can forgive you if you forgive me, just let
> me in your life again please.

o.k,,,you're seriously scaring me now. I'm not kidding.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: October 15, 2011 12:50AM

I did a few of those letters too, but I didn't post them for anybody to read. It does help sort out your feelings and get them out into the open.

You can't make anybody do something they don't want to - at least not for very long. Also, you can't change the past.

Go through your stages of loss on through to acceptance and your own pace. Don't wait for him. Your current state gives you less of a chance of getting back into his life than you would if you took care of yourself and got over it.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Conie ()
Date: October 15, 2011 12:58AM

wnrsm Wrote:
> I did a few of those letters too, but I didn't
> post them for anybody to read. It does help sort
> out your feelings and get them out into the open.
> You can't make anybody do something they don't
> want to - at least not for very long. Also, you
> can't change the past.
> Go through your stages of loss on through to
> acceptance and your own pace. Don't wait for him.
> Your current state gives you less of a chance of
> getting back into his life than you would if you
> took care of yourself and got over it.

cool...thanks :)

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Conie ()
Date: October 15, 2011 01:59AM

Jane2 Wrote:
> My therapist told me that it helps writing letters
> to people even if they never read it. I want to
> tell
> my ex husband how I feel cuz he doesn't talk to
> me anymore.
> You hurt me in ways I can never describe, I needed
> you and
> you werent their for me. I gave you
> almost thirty years of marriage, I stood beside
> you
> everyday even when you didnt pay attention to me.
> I
> gave you three wonderful children and then you
> dumped me
> so you could have "freedom." You threw me away
> like some old rag and now I am in a dark place
> all by myself.
> I can forgive you if you forgive me, just let
> me in your life again please.

I don't know who you are Jane 2. And i do not appreciate
you expressing what you think i'm thinking....Go the fuck away
before i get my boys to find you.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Conie ()
Date: October 15, 2011 02:03AM

Not fucking kidding..

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: jane's ex ()
Date: October 15, 2011 07:01AM

You bitched and nagged me for 26 of our 30 years together.
You put my needs at the lowest priority.
You devoted all your time to our kids and your Mom.
I stayed with you all these years because I could not let the kids suffer.
Now that the kids are grown and your Mom has passed away you think you can just turn a switch and make me love you again?
Yes, now that the kids are grown, healthy and happy its time for me to have a little freedom.
Fuck You I hope you choke on the half of my 401k you are getting.
I am renting a cabin in montana for a year so I can get started on my manifesto.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: October 15, 2011 09:06AM

G&S means Wrote:
> jane::conie as conie::jane

now, now...I never said that.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Conie ()
Date: October 15, 2011 09:44AM

Gonads & Strife Wrote:
> G&S means Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > jane::conie as conie::jane
> now, now...I never said that.

you did imply it

no, jane is actually my stalker troll.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: been there too ()
Date: October 15, 2011 09:50AM

"I can forgive you if you forgive me, just let

me in your life again please"

I know someone who will be getting a 2am call from the ex who is at a bar and very horny

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: October 15, 2011 09:53AM

I merely stated that certain elements of the OP were familiar. I didn't imply they were indicative of a certain poster. The others took care of that part.. either way, I don't believe you were the OP because I know you wouldn't bother posting something like that here.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Hay Zeus ()
Date: October 15, 2011 09:54AM

When I find myself emotionally disengaging from a relationship its because my partner is a needy nag who looks to me to make her happy.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: October 15, 2011 09:56AM

lordfairfax Wrote:
> That is one fucking sad letter, especially the
> last sentence. Look, just go out and get laid and
> forget about that asshole.


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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Hank Moody ()
Date: October 15, 2011 10:53AM

What a sad existence. At some point Jane2 will have to look past her ex-husband and begin to understand the relationship she had with her father. I'm guessing it was quite fucked up, perhaps even abusive.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: friskydingo ()
Date: October 15, 2011 11:03AM

I sure jane2 will get over it just fine. Time heals all wounds.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: October 15, 2011 11:50AM


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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Janeesh ()
Date: October 15, 2011 11:54AM

Jane2 Wrote:
> My therapist told me that it helps writing letters
> to people even if they never read it. I want to
> tell
> my ex husband how I feel cuz he doesn't talk to
> me anymore.
> You hurt me in ways I can never describe, I needed
> you and
> you werent their for me. I gave you
> almost thirty years of marriage, I stood beside
> you
> everyday even when you didnt pay attention to me.
> I
> gave you three wonderful children and then you
> dumped me
> so you could have "freedom." You threw me away
> like some old rag and now I am in a dark place
> all by myself.
> I can forgive you if you forgive me, just let
> me in your life again please.

eesh obfuscation post

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Strawman ()
Date: October 15, 2011 11:56AM

friskydingo Wrote:
> I sure jane2 will get over it just fine. Time
> heals all wounds.

eesh post

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Harry Tuttle ()
Date: October 15, 2011 01:21PM

I wonder if Jane's papa used to smack her at the dinner table too...

Signatures are for fags

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Hubby ()
Date: October 15, 2011 02:10PM

I'm sure him leaving you had nothing to do with your appalling physical appearance .

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Re: A letter to my ex
Date: October 15, 2011 02:16PM

Jane2 Wrote:
> My therapist told me that it helps writing letters
> to people even if they never read it. I want to
> tell
> my ex husband how I feel cuz he doesn't talk to
> me anymore.
> You hurt me in ways I can never describe, I needed
> you and
> you werent their for me. I gave you
> almost thirty years of marriage, I stood beside
> you
> everyday even when you didnt pay attention to me.
> I
> gave you three wonderful children and then you
> dumped me
> so you could have "freedom." You threw me away
> like some old rag and now I am in a dark place
> all by myself.
> I can forgive you if you forgive me, just let
> me in your life again please.

So what you are saying is that this guy was an asshole to you for three decades and he repaid your loyalty by leaving you and now you want to have a relationship with this prick because you are afraid of being alone. That about right?


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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: October 15, 2011 10:09PM

You're applying logic here? Fascinating.

How many times have you seen someone doing stupid things because of love/lust/enamoration/etc? Also, how often have you seen someone prefer the predictably dreadful over the unknown?

I'm guilty of all of that in the past. Maybe you haven't lived until you have been there and gotten past it. The rough part is that each person has to get past it by themselves and there are no shortcuts.

That said, my wife leaving me was one of the best things to happen to me. I certainly didn't feel that way for the first year or so. Man was I in a fucked up place. I am thankful that I didn't have any children with her. She never wanted to have kids, ever - but she got married again after getting knocked up. Then she had another kid and another divorce. I would not be doing nearly as well today if she had stuck around. I just wish I had the guts at the time to get out sooner.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Jane2 ()
Date: October 23, 2011 02:26PM

I can't stop thinking about you. Sometimes I

think I hate you with all my heart.

I have waited all this time for you to say "I'm sorry" but

I don't think you could ever apologize to me.

Now you are ignoring me, you just pushed me out

of your life like I never existed. I gave you all those

years of marriage and the whole time you couldn't wait

to be with someone else. Did those flings make you happy?

All those cold lonely nights I spent in bed while you were out

having a good time with strange women. What didn't you like about me?

Couldn't I satisfy you? My therapist wants me to release you from my thoughts

but I can't. Not until you are sorry for what you did to me.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Dear Jane, ()
Date: October 23, 2011 03:09PM

I think you should take up running. It will clear your head of your ex. I don't know why you can't move on but sitting at home thinking about him hurts no one but YOU!

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: jane3 ()
Date: October 23, 2011 03:22PM

Jane why don't you taking your fucking writing skills somewhere else?

Dear Abby,

My name is Jane2 and I don't know how to put my big boy panties on and deal with a break up like a normal person. Instead I come to my favorite blog, fairfax underground dot com, to annoy the fuck out of other people with my fake break up, is that normal? Should I be speaking professional help for my fucked up life?


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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Black Adam ()
Date: October 23, 2011 04:04PM

Jane2 Wrote:
> I can't stop thinking about you. Sometimes I
> think I hate you with all my heart.
> I have waited all this time for you to say "I'm
> sorry" but
> I don't think you could ever apologize to me.
> Now you are ignoring me, you just pushed me out
> of your life like I never existed. I gave you all
> those
> years of marriage and the whole time you couldn't
> wait
> to be with someone else. Did those flings make you
> happy?
> All those cold lonely nights I spent in bed while
> you were out
> having a good time with strange women. What didn't
> you like about me?
> Couldn't I satisfy you? My therapist wants me to
> release you from my thoughts
> but I can't. Not until you are sorry for what you
> did to me.

ms jane2 you iz heereby invited ta my church nex sunday. I takes up collections at both servicez so I will be dere. I wll find you cauz you will bee da only white woman dere. We can help u somthin powerfull, we haz god on our sides.


Yours in Christ
Black Adam

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: post eesh ()
Date: October 23, 2011 04:08PM

Black Adam Wrote:
> Jane2 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I can't stop thinking about you. Sometimes I
> >
> > think I hate you with all my heart.
> >
> >
> > I have waited all this time for you to say "I'm
> > sorry" but
> >
> > I don't think you could ever apologize to me.
> >
> > Now you are ignoring me, you just pushed me out
> >
> > of your life like I never existed. I gave you
> all
> > those
> >
> > years of marriage and the whole time you
> couldn't
> > wait
> >
> >
> > to be with someone else. Did those flings make
> you
> > happy?
> >
> > All those cold lonely nights I spent in bed
> while
> > you were out
> >
> > having a good time with strange women. What
> didn't
> > you like about me?
> >
> >
> >
> > Couldn't I satisfy you? My therapist wants me
> to
> > release you from my thoughts
> >
> > but I can't. Not until you are sorry for what
> you
> > did to me.
> ms jane2 you iz heereby invited ta my church nex
> sunday. I takes up collections at both servicez so
> I will be dere. I wll find you cauz you will bee
> da only white woman dere. We can help u somthin
> powerfull, we haz god on our sides.
> http://www.baptist411.com/churches/details/5505/

eesh post

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: October 23, 2011 08:05PM

Did you loose your child to war? You don't know pain. Your pain is nothing. Move on.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Get out there ()
Date: October 23, 2011 08:22PM

You need to spend time with those less fortunate---volunteer to help. You will feel your life is meaningful. Also get out and do things you enjoy. Do things that you couldn't do if you were tied to him.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: the doctor is in ()
Date: October 23, 2011 11:56PM

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Jane2 ()
Date: November 19, 2011 11:36PM

You're hurting me again. I gave you

thirty years of marriage and you can't even

spend time with me during the holidays. Thanksgiving

is about being a family but you leave me here to rot while

you and your hussy go out and have a good time. You told the

kids not to come home to me. You're punishing me and I

don't know why. Didn't we share memories? Didn't we have nice

holidays together? I was thinking about making another suicidal

gesture just to get you home but I know that would make you angry.

Please just think of me during the holidays.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: .sorry ()
Date: December 04, 2021 02:29PM

Jane2 Wrote:
> You're hurting me again. I gave you
> thirty years of marriage and you can't even
> spend time with me during the holidays.
> Thanksgiving
> is about being a family but you leave me here to
> rot while
> you and your hussy go out and have a good time.
> You told the
> kids not to come home to me. You're punishing me
> and I
> don't know why. Didn't we share memories? Didn't
> we have nice
> holidays together? I was thinking about making
> another suicidal
> gesture just to get you home but I know that would
> make you angry.
> Please just think of me during the holidays.


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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: Used, abused and thrown away ()
Date: December 04, 2021 08:54PM

Thank for the laugh you old bitch.

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Re: A letter to my ex
Posted by: @ goddamn ()
Date: June 07, 2023 07:10AM


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