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Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: paid off ()
Date: September 15, 2011 01:39PM

Just got an insurance statement about some blood tests done for my spouse.

The laboratory charged $1105 for the tests but, due to an agreement between the insurance company and the lab, the total amount paid to the lab was $110.

If we had not had excellent insurance, =we= would have had to pay that full $1105.

That's just wrong. How is anyone without insurance who isn't independently wealthy supposed to afford apparently-bogus bills like that?

This needs fixing.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Dr. Welby ()
Date: September 15, 2011 01:42PM

right on daddio the days of the kindly olde doc and benevolent health insurers and et al long gone

but the tea baggers wants there freedom

deregulate Wall Street!

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 01:44PM

I agree.

I nearly lost the leg because they wouldn't meet me halfway for the antibiotics.

here's my advice: if you're going to get hit by a truck, make sure it's insured for millions by a big corporation.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Les ()
Date: September 15, 2011 01:49PM

3000 dollars billed for a 2nd opinion at Reston Hospital on a fractured hip which turned out to be a negative. The tests included an X-ray and a Cat-scan. The primary care person was a nurse practitioner who relayed the diagnoses from a radiologist and an orthopedic surgeon. The original diagnosis of a fractured hip came from Fairfax Radiology in Sterling. The radiologist kept trying to steer us to Loudoun Hospital Emergency where he would call ahead for an emergency hip replacement surgery.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 02:00PM

still getting bills for the hip thing, over three years later

you want your money?

come and get it. I dare you. I double-dog dare you.

I'll go to my grave without even opening your bills.

and you can take that to the bank.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: jbalo ()
Date: September 15, 2011 02:03PM

behold. a serious mr. misery post.

OP - that sucks. did you go to an out of network lab? that could be the reason...

Mr. Misery Wrote:
> I agree.
> I nearly lost the leg because they wouldn't meet
> me halfway for the antibiotics.
> here's my advice: if you're going to get hit by a
> truck, make sure it's insured for millions by a
> big corporation.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: , ()
Date: September 15, 2011 02:05PM


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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 02:06PM

jbalo Wrote:
> behold. a serious mr. misery post.
> OP - that sucks. did you go to an out of network
> lab? that could be the reason...

why do you love your husband? You have a husband. Husband.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: jbalo ()
Date: September 15, 2011 02:07PM

aaaaand he's back.

Mr. Misery Wrote:
> jbalo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > behold. a serious mr. misery post.
> >
> > OP - that sucks. did you go to an out of
> network
> > lab? that could be the reason...
> why do you love your husband? You have a husband.
> Husband.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 02:08PM

band of huz

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: jbalo ()
Date: September 15, 2011 02:11PM

jbalo Wrote:
> behold. a serious mr. misery post.
> OP - that sucks. did you go to an out of network
> lab? that could be the reason...

But honestly, OP - if it was an in-network lab typically insurance companies have an agreement with the lab that they can't bill you what the insurance didn't pay. Check it out - you may not owe it afterall.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 02:14PM

universal healthcare. Rich pay more taxes because they have more money. Boom. Universal healthcare. Problem solved.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 02:16PM

cradle to the grave, you're taken care of. And the rich only have to save a little bit to buy that second yacht or third summer home. Done. It's as simple as that.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: , ()
Date: September 15, 2011 02:19PM

Mr. Misery Wrote:
> universal healthcare. Rich pay more taxes because
> they have more money. Boom. Universal healthcare.
> Problem solved.

Fuck you, you fucking leech.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: paid off ()
Date: September 15, 2011 02:27PM

jbalo Wrote:
> ...insurance companies have an agreement
> with the lab...

No, THAT is what the original post is about - if you have insurance, you pay nothing AND the insurance company pays, like, 10% of the bill TOTAL. If you do NOT have insurance, you pay the whole bill in full yourself.

That's just wrong.

People without insurance are LITERALLY paying 10 times what an insurance company pays

[we, having insurance, paid nothing...but to give a related example, I recently witnessed a Poor Thing at the dentist office who had no insurance and she was seriously afraid to have a crown and fillings done because of the expected cost to HER of the FULL price treatement while I, having insurance, wouldn't even have noticed the minimal co-pay on the greatly-reduced price for the same services]

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: jbalo ()
Date: September 15, 2011 02:31PM

oh i see! sorry for the misunderstanding. you're right. that sucks. a lot of times labs or doctors will give a special rate to people if they know they are paying privately. insurance companies have the benefit of economies of scale - they send volume, providers give deep discounts.

but yeah...i feel for those who don't have access to quality insurance or who delay or avoid care because they can't afford it.

paid off Wrote:
> jbalo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ...insurance companies have an agreement
> > with the lab...
> No, THAT is what the original post is about - if
> you have insurance, you pay nothing AND the
> insurance company pays, like, 10% of the bill
> TOTAL. If you do NOT have insurance, you pay the
> whole bill in full yourself.
> That's just wrong.
> People without insurance are LITERALLY paying 10
> times what an insurance company pays

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: yea that's not really what happens ()
Date: September 15, 2011 04:14PM

paid off Wrote:
> jbalo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ...insurance companies have an agreement
> > with the lab...
> No, THAT is what the original post is about - if
> you have insurance, you pay nothing AND the
> insurance company pays, like, 10% of the bill
> TOTAL. If you do NOT have insurance, you pay the
> whole bill in full yourself.
> That's just wrong.

> People without insurance are LITERALLY paying 10
> times what an insurance company pays

Because ers and hospitals can't turn people away so when people with no money or illegals come in they have to eat the cost and pass it on to people who can pay

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: ... ()
Date: September 15, 2011 04:43PM

The supply of medical services is constrained by the American Medical Association which operates as a state-sponsored cartel.

Do away with the cartel, do away with any and all regulation on the practice of medicine, and the problem will solve itself.

Finally, no one has a claim on any one else's property, even if they are rich.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Dr. Kildare ()
Date: September 15, 2011 04:44PM

paid off Wrote:
> Just got an insurance statement about some blood
> tests done for my spouse.
> The laboratory charged $1105 for the tests but,
> due to an agreement between the insurance company
> and the lab, the total amount paid to the lab was
> $110.
> If we had not had excellent insurance, =we= would
> have had to pay that full $1105.
> That's just wrong. How is anyone without insurance
> who isn't independently wealthy supposed to afford
> apparently-bogus bills like that?
> This needs fixing.

Not right? What exactly isn't right? You think medical tests requiring specialized equipment and people with specialized training to be free? Just cheaper? How much cheaper? What do you want to basis for the cost of the tests? Want the Government to establish the tests? Do you beleive there isnt enough competition amongst labs? What do you base your opinions on?

The problems that needs to be fixed are that not everyone has a good an insurance policy as you do. The problem is a lot of people have tests they dont need. But I am sure you dont feel that way about your tests (people never feels their medical needs are wasteful. Just everyone elses's)

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: September 15, 2011 04:46PM

paid off Wrote:
> Just got an insurance statement about some blood
> tests done for my spouse.
> The laboratory charged $1105 for the tests but,
> due to an agreement between the insurance company
> and the lab, the total amount paid to the lab was
> $110.
> If we had not had excellent insurance, =we= would
> have had to pay that full $1105.
> That's just wrong. How is anyone without insurance
> who isn't independently wealthy supposed to afford
> apparently-bogus bills like that?
> This needs fixing.

Quest and Care First?

Just went through this about 8 months ago myself.

Stop looking now. You're only going to get madder and madder the more you find out.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: September 15, 2011 05:06PM

Dr. Kildare Wrote:
> Not right? What exactly isn't right? You think
> medical tests requiring specialized equipment and
> people with specialized training to be free? Just
> cheaper? How much cheaper? What do you want to
> basis for the cost of the tests? Want the
> Government to establish the tests? Do you beleive
> there isnt enough competition amongst labs? What
> do you base your opinions on?
> The problems that needs to be fixed are that not
> everyone has a good an insurance policy as you do.
> The problem is a lot of people have tests they
> dont need. But I am sure you dont feel that way
> about your tests (people never feels their medical
> needs are wasteful. Just everyone elses's)

You missed the OP's point by a mile.

If a lab only charges an insurance company $110 for lab work under a "contract", how can they justify charging anyone off the street $1100 for the same tests?

I take that to mean if they can charge one person a set price, why not pass that price on to everyone and thereby negating the need for insurance?

See the scam now?

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 06:44PM

, Wrote:
> Mr. Misery Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > universal healthcare. Rich pay more taxes
> because
> > they have more money. Boom. Universal
> healthcare.
> > Problem solved.
> Fuck you, you fucking leech.

the extremely wealthy should pay more taxes. The people who are so wealthy they wouldn't even notice it. You made it in America. Congratulations. So that means it's okay to leave everyone else in the dust? Is that the American way? Capitalism, fine. Capitalism run rampant, unregulated, with the attitude that "I made it, you didn't, therefore you must be a lowlife junkie welfare queen"? There are very few 'leeches' compared to the number of people who were just born in the wrong place, with the wrong color skin, with the wrong genes, etc. You are paranoid. The scary black men in the bad part of town aren't getting over on you. Your own government is. Your insurance company is. Your bank is. Crabs in a pot. You pinch and poke and all the while, who's having you for dinner?

where are these brown colored people who are just living it up, rich, fat and happy on your dime? My schizophrenic friend is able to live with a roof over his head because of the dreaded, scary section 8 housing you love to hate so much. He works in a stable, shoveling horse shit. Sweating his balls off in the summer, freezing his ass off in the winter. But even if he was a junkie, a dealer, a thief or whatever, I don't see the part where he should lose the right to good, affordable healthcare, just like any other human being. Equal rights to good health, regardless of whether you pay into the system or not, are a good hard working person or not. That's humane. You make a ton of money, you pay more. More money = more to spare. Brother can you spare a dime? If that makes us 'socialist', if that makes us more like Sweden, then god damnit, let's be socialist, let's be Sweden. If that's america, then fuck america. Let's be Sweden instead.

That's it, we straight. So toss my salad.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: ... ()
Date: September 15, 2011 06:49PM

There is no 'right' to medical services, just like there is no 'right' to food, shelter, or anything else unless one enters in to a contract, or someone wishes to be charitable with their own damn money.

MrMisery and his ilk can go pick someone else's pockets.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 06:55PM

... Wrote:
> There is no 'right' to medical services, just like
> there is no 'right' to food, shelter, or anything
> else unless one enters in to a contract, or
> someone wishes to be charitable with their own
> damn money.
> MrMisery and his ilk can go pick someone else's
> pockets.

so if you're rich, you can afford the best healthcare money can buy. If you're not, you might be in big trouble. When there's enough pie for everybody, but you're just too Republican to share yours, decent healthcare for everybody becomes a right. You have more pie than everybody else. You should give more of your pie to the people who don't have as much pie. Because the people who don't have as much pie don't have much pie to give. Is that simple enough for you? I tried to put it into terms your Neo-Con Sean Hannity-loving ass could understand.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 07:05PM

you have a lot of pie.

I don't have very much pie.

you will probably live a healthier, less painful life because you have so much pie.

I might have to choose between my spleen and my house because I don't have enough pie.

Give me some of your pie.

In fact, give everyone with as little pie as I have more pie than you are currently giving. You will probably not even be able to eat all that pie.

If you don't give away more of your pie, I might die. The worst thing that will happen to you if you give away more of your pie is that you might have to eat just a little less pie. But you still have more than enough pie leftover even then.

If you weren't such a dick, you would just give away more of your pie and save the righteous indignation for later.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 07:06PM

it's really no more complicated than that.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 07:13PM

okay, let's try it this way:

you have a lot of toys.

I don't have very many toys at all.

You have so many toys you hardly even play with most of them.

I have so few toys the few I have are all broken.

Why don't you share some of your toys? You won't even miss them.

You are a very happy boy because you have all the toys you could ever want.

I am a very sad boy because my toys are all broken and old and they don't even work anymore.

If you shared some of your toys with the other boys and girls who don't have many toys, or any toys at all, then all of the children on the playground would be happier boys and girls overall.

Why don't you share your toys?

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 07:14PM

and I'm serious as a heart attack.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Lemon Meringue ()
Date: September 15, 2011 07:15PM

I work for my pie. I sacrifice for my pie. My plan has never been to guilt another into giving me their pie.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 07:20PM

you were a good little boy and you did all your chores and all your homework, so you earned all those toys you have. That's super duper.

I may or may not have been a bad little boy and may or may not deserve the few toys that I have.

But you are a happy little boy because you have all of those toys, which you earned, it's true. You get a gold star next to your name.

While I am a sad little boy because I do not have many toys......and while you did do all your chores and everything, that does not necessarily mean I don't have as many toys because I was bad. Maybe my mommy just has a drinking problem, so I am neglected and don't get as many toys as you do. It's not my fault my mommy has a drinking problem and blows all of daddy's money on booze. But still, I have no toys, and I am a very unhappy boy because of that.

You have so many toys (which you earned for being a good little boy, probably....we can't assume that either, actually)....but anyway, you have sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many toys.......wouldn't it be the good little boy thing to do to just share some of your toys with the little boys and girls who don't have as many toys?

That way, we would all be happy little boys and girls, and no matter how you slice it, that would be a good thing.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 07:26PM

Lemon Meringue Wrote:
> I work for my pie. I sacrifice for my pie. My plan
> has never been to guilt another into giving me
> their pie.

I know, and Mommy is very proud of you, honey. Yes, you were a good little boy so you deserve lots and lots of pie. YAY!

but....honey.....look at that other little boy over there in the sandbox....it looks like he needs a kidney transplant. Maybe if you shared some of your pie with him, he would get all better and not die.

Mommy is just soooooooo very proud of you.

...but seriously, that kid is going to die if he doesn't get a new kidney.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: jbalo ()
Date: September 15, 2011 07:27PM

Misery - what's with all the cohesive sentences and logical thought order?

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Green Hair ()
Date: September 15, 2011 07:29PM

Mr. Misery Wrote:
> ...but seriously, that kid is going to die if he
> doesn't get a new kidney.

Sorry, no sympathy for Mr. Vengeance.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Agent Smith ()
Date: September 15, 2011 07:34PM

Year Population
1 200 million
1000 275 million
1500 450 million
1650 500 million
1750 700 million
1804 1 billion
1850 1.2 billion
1900 1.6 billion
1927 2 billion
1950 2.55 billion
1955 2.8 billion
1960 3 billion
1965 3.3 billion
1970 3.7 billion
1975 4 billion
1980 4.5 billion
1985 4.85 billion
1990 5.3 billion
1995 5.7 billion
1999 6 billion
2006 6.5 billion
2009 6.8 billion
2011 7 billion
2025 8 billion
2043 9 billion
2083 10 billion

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: But seriously ()
Date: September 15, 2011 07:34PM

But seriously, if you're feeling so fucking generous YOU give him a kidney.

He'll die without it.

But let's face it, you're not going to give him a kidney because you don't REALLY give a shit.

You just like to pretend that you do.

Which is why you're muscle-bound from patting yourself on the back.


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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: September 15, 2011 07:40PM

little boys and girls should not have this "I worked for it so It's mine, all mine, BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!" mentality. This is not a political statement. If you are a human being and you have more to give, and there are people in need, you should give more. It's as simple as that. Nothing political about it. Just be a decent person and drop the party line for a moment. And the righteous moral 'american, joe six-pack, working man' indignation while you're at it.

I'm not the one being a baby. You are.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: But seriously ()
Date: September 15, 2011 07:43PM

Mr. Misery Wrote:
> If you are a human being and
> you have more to give, and there are people in
> need, you should give more. It's as simple as
> that. Nothing political about it. Just be a decent
> person and drop the party line for a moment.

You can spare a kidney.

There are people in need.

Give, or STFU.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Dr. Kildare ()
Date: September 15, 2011 08:17PM

SoylentGreen Wrote:
> Dr. Kildare Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Not right? What exactly isn't right? You
> think
> > medical tests requiring specialized equipment
> and
> > people with specialized training to be free?
> Just
> > cheaper? How much cheaper? What do you want
> to
> > basis for the cost of the tests? Want the
> > Government to establish the tests? Do you
> beleive
> > there isnt enough competition amongst labs?
> What
> > do you base your opinions on?
> >
> > The problems that needs to be fixed are that
> not
> > everyone has a good an insurance policy as you
> do.
> > The problem is a lot of people have tests they
> > dont need. But I am sure you dont feel that
> way
> > about your tests (people never feels their
> medical
> > needs are wasteful. Just everyone elses's)
> You missed the OP's point by a mile.
> If a lab only charges an insurance company $110
> for lab work under a "contract", how can they
> justify charging anyone off the street $1100 for
> the same tests?
> I take that to mean if they can charge one person
> a set price, why not pass that price on to
> everyone and thereby negating the need for
> insurance?
> See the scam now?

So you want the government to set or to control pricing strategies? Bring it up to your Republican candidtaes.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: , ()
Date: September 15, 2011 10:13PM

Mr. Misery,

Go tell your sob story to someone who cares. Fuck you.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: ... ()
Date: September 15, 2011 11:18PM

Yep; his puerile antics and incessant ad-hominem attacks render him predictable and belabouring.

, Wrote:
> Mr. Misery,
> Go tell your sob story to someone who cares. Fuck
> you.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Poor Miz... ()
Date: September 15, 2011 11:49PM

They took his kidney and didn't even pay him for it...!


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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Ellipsis ()
Date: September 16, 2011 12:28AM

Someone also pleasured himself in his bleeding asshole. He has a nasty habit of sleeping on his belly, an old habit from prison.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: September 16, 2011 05:16AM

Dr. Kildare Wrote:
> So you want the government to set or to control
> pricing strategies? Bring it up to your
> Republican candidtaes.

No, I want the insurance companies and the medical industries to stop making back room deals that ultimately fuck over the patients and make life without that insurance impossible.

I'm pretty sure the "government" is well aware that this goes on. Hence their quest to get someone, anyone to pay for insurance that wouldn't be needed if prices weren't so overly inflated.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: lordfairfax ()
Date: September 16, 2011 07:16AM

The real problem is people blindly consume medical services without comparing costs first. If the OP had been on the hook for lab charges, he or she would have shopped around before having the lab work done rather than simply clucking about the costs when the bill arrives. You don't order a meal, or clothing, or a car or computer without knowing the cost first.

Several years ago my three year old needed minor surgery. In a pre-surgical meeting, I asked the surgeon how much it was going to cost. His first response was "Why? Don't you have insurance?" I responded in the affirmative. He then stated he had no idea what the total cost would be but that his fee would 5k.

Unless and until we have patient accountability for costs, only the insurance companies and government will control costs.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Dr. Kildare ()
Date: September 16, 2011 08:20AM

SoylentGreen Wrote:
> Dr. Kildare Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So you want the government to set or to control
> > pricing strategies? Bring it up to your
> > Republican candidtaes.
> No, I want the insurance companies and the medical
> industries to stop making back room deals that
> ultimately fuck over the patients and make life
> without that insurance impossible.
> I'm pretty sure the "government" is well aware
> that this goes on. Hence their quest to get
> someone, anyone to pay for insurance that wouldn't
> be needed if prices weren't so overly inflated.

"Back room deals", so you are against the free market system of establishing prices where large buyers of a product are able to negotiate better deals. You think Walmart should be charged by their vendors the same price as some Mom and Pop store. That is definately progressive thinking. That thought was the basis for the Instate Commerce Commission (ICC). Again, I say, bring the idea to your Republican candidates, see how far you get. Otherwise join Progressive Democrtas.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: hgkjhbj ()
Date: September 16, 2011 08:23AM

lordfairfax Wrote:
> The real problem is people blindly consume medical
> services without comparing costs first. If the OP
> had been on the hook for lab charges, he or she
> would have shopped around before having the lab
> work done rather than simply clucking about the
> costs when the bill arrives. You don't order a
> meal, or clothing, or a car or computer without
> knowing the cost first.
> Several years ago my three year old needed minor
> surgery. In a pre-surgical meeting, I asked the
> surgeon how much it was going to cost. His first
> response was "Why? Don't you have insurance?" I
> responded in the affirmative. He then stated he
> had no idea what the total cost would be but that
> his fee would 5k.
> Unless and until we have patient accountability
> for costs, only the insurance companies and
> government will control costs.

I dont think at the time medical procedures are needed is a good time to be window shopping. The complete advantage is on the Dr.s side. And many people associate higher costs with quality. So you'll have wealthy people getting the best medical care and others, not so good care. Not the best system of allocating resources if you ask me.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: eye witness ()
Date: September 16, 2011 09:14AM

What is wrong is I can barely afford the $600 a month I pay for my monthly health care premium that I buy on my own. Employer stopped offering health care several years ago.

Then I see illegals without a care in the world and ten kids and still having more. They know they will get it for free while my premiums must pay for me and the loss the hospitals take on caring for the illegals.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Les ()
Date: September 16, 2011 10:18AM

Difficult to bargain when there are few labs. They're all Labcorp or Quest Diagnostics, and Quest is owned by a health insurer, Coventry HMO.

The same is true of radiology clinics. I don't know what the national chains are, but there are only two or three local chains in NoVa.

Uncompensated care is 40 billion dollars nationwide spread over 40-50 million under/uninsured. It's a pretty small amount when applied over the remaining population of 300 million. It'd be much more expensive to spread the cost of covering their insurance at $4000 to $5000 each.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: kljhkjhl ()
Date: September 16, 2011 11:34PM

eye witness Wrote:
> What is wrong is I can barely afford the $600 a
> month I pay for my monthly health care premium
> that I buy on my own. Employer stopped offering
> health care several years ago.
> Then I see illegals without a care in the world
> and ten kids and still having more. They know they
> will get it for free while my premiums must pay
> for me and the loss the hospitals take on caring
> for the illegals.

Jesus Christ, is it posible to have a conversation without dragging illegals into it? Im sorry you pay $600 for healthcare. But in addition to illegals you are paying for every American that doesnt have health insurance. They far outnumber the illegals.

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Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Posted by: Ellipsis ()
Date: September 17, 2011 12:20AM

Self-insure, and use some finagling with trusts so that Chapter 7 can be used to squash any emergency bills. Also, find a doctor who takes cash off the books; that solves many problems.

If one pays for health insurance, that is basically what one does - subsidise the brown tide that is flooding the country like an exploding septic tank.

eye witness Wrote:
> What is wrong is I can barely afford the $600 a
> month I pay for my monthly health care premium
> that I buy on my own. Employer stopped offering
> health care several years ago.
> Then I see illegals without a care in the world
> and ten kids and still having more. They know they
> will get it for free while my premiums must pay
> for me and the loss the hospitals take on caring
> for the illegals.

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