Re: Something seriously wrong with medical care in USA
Date: September 15, 2011 06:44PM
, Wrote:
> Mr. Misery Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > universal healthcare. Rich pay more taxes
> because
> > they have more money. Boom. Universal
> healthcare.
> > Problem solved.
> Fuck you, you fucking leech.
the extremely wealthy should pay more taxes. The people who are so wealthy they wouldn't even notice it. You made it in America. Congratulations. So that means it's okay to leave everyone else in the dust? Is that the American way? Capitalism, fine. Capitalism run rampant, unregulated, with the attitude that "I made it, you didn't, therefore you must be a lowlife junkie welfare queen"? There are very few 'leeches' compared to the number of people who were just born in the wrong place, with the wrong color skin, with the wrong genes, etc. You are paranoid. The scary black men in the bad part of town aren't getting over on you. Your own government is. Your insurance company is. Your bank is. Crabs in a pot. You pinch and poke and all the while, who's having you for dinner?
where are these brown colored people who are just living it up, rich, fat and happy on your dime? My schizophrenic friend is able to live with a roof over his head because of the dreaded, scary section 8 housing you love to hate so much. He works in a stable, shoveling horse shit. Sweating his balls off in the summer, freezing his ass off in the winter. But even if he was a junkie, a dealer, a thief or whatever, I don't see the part where he should lose the right to good, affordable healthcare, just like any other human being. Equal rights to good health, regardless of whether you pay into the system or not, are a good hard working person or not. That's humane. You make a ton of money, you pay more. More money = more to spare. Brother can you spare a dime? If that makes us 'socialist', if that makes us more like Sweden, then god damnit, let's be socialist, let's be Sweden. If that's america, then fuck america. Let's be Sweden instead.
That's it, we straight. So toss my salad.