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Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: August 29, 2011 06:59PM


A grizzly bear killed a Michigan man whose body was found by hikers last week in Yellowstone National Park, officials said Monday.

The victim was identified Monday as John Wallace of Chassell, Mich.

Wallace's body was discovered along a trail about five miles from the nearest trailhead. Results of an autopsy concluded that he died as a result of traumatic injuries from a bear attack.

It is the second time a visitor to the park has been killed by a bear this year.

Authorities say Wallace likely died Wednesday or Thursday.

He was traveling alone and had pitched a tent in a campground on Wednesday, park officials said. Yellowstone Superintendent Dan Wenk has previously said that the hiker was found with a snack bar in his closed backpack, but that it appears the grizzly did not try to get at the food.

"We know of no witnesses to the event at all," Wenk said on Monday. "As far as we know he was in good health and out enjoying the park."

Two trails and a section of the Hayden Valley west of Yellowstone's Grand Loop Road have been closed to hikers. Park officials asked hikers elsewhere in the park to stay on the trails, to hike in groups of three or more and carry bear spray.

Wallace's death comes after a female bear attacked and killed a 57-year-old California man in July on the popular Wapiti Lake Trail, several miles away from where the Michigan man was discovered Friday.

The female bear was not killed because officials said the sow was only defending its cubs and had not threatened humans before.

Rangers found grizzly tracks and scat, or bear droppings, near Wallace's body.

The Mary Mountain Trail is closed from March to June because park managers list it as "high-density grizzly bear habitat."

Park employees have been searching for the bear around the Mary Mountain Trail northeast of Old Faithful. That's the area where hikers discovered Wallace's body on Friday.

Traps have been set to try to capture the bear. Wenk said it would be killed if it can be linked to Wallace's death through DNA analysis.

You go hiking where the bears please take your pepper spray with ya.


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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: Timothy Treadwell ()
Date: August 29, 2011 07:13PM

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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: Olde Farte ()
Date: August 29, 2011 07:20PM

If I were going to hike in the backwoods of deadly-bear country, you can be assured that FIRST I would get licenses for and carry TWO auto-glocks.

The stupidity of some people of trying to go...ahem...bare handed "out there is beyond belief.

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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: Yucky24 ()
Date: August 29, 2011 07:30PM

People keep calling me a monster and crazy because I advocate hunting all dangerous species to extinction.

Or at the very least, dangerous species should be strongly managed in order to severely minimize human deaths and injuries.

Sorry, but I guess I'm a bit old fashioned in my views that our neighborhoods, parks and beaches should be safe for recreation.

And that concern for human life should ALWAYS be above that of animal life.

That would have been a common view 40 years ago but now I feel like I'm a lone voice shouting in the abyss.

Hopefully, more people will start to wakeup from this new age misanthropic religion of environmentalism and will start to agree with me.

And for those that denounce and automatically dismiss my views, remember that the next time you hear about an innocent person that was killed by a wild animal, that blood is on YOUR hands and NOT on mine...

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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: RankineCycler ()
Date: August 29, 2011 08:04PM

It comes down to one word: balance. You're a lone voice because you're endorsing a natural imbalance which would reduce human quality of life. Why don't you "wakeup"?

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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: Yucky24 ()
Date: August 29, 2011 09:11PM

RankineCycler Wrote:
> It comes down to one word: balance. You're a lone
> voice because you're endorsing a natural imbalance
> which would reduce human quality of life. Why
> don't you "wakeup"?

Cuz bitch, I'm worldly.

Unlike most of you leftist, white trash, obama supportering, rednecks; I've actually traveled to Europe numerous times.

Want to know what they did over there?

They hunted all of their dangerous predators to extinction long, long ago.

Yet despite your fucktarded nigger claims that that will "lower their quality of life", it's actually accomplished quite the opposite I can assure you.

Never once in my travels through Europe did I ever stop and say "You know, I wish a pack of wolves was attacking us right now... *sigh* This place sucks!"

But just a few centuries ago, Europeans were absolutely terrorized by roaming packs of wolves that killed THOUSANDS of Europeans (so when conservationists say "wolves would NEVER attack someone!" punch them in their lying fucking face).

In other words, they were living in hellish environments that basically conservationists like you are advocating that we implement now.

But fortunately for many thousands of innocent lives in Europe, there was no environmental movement in Europe back then (holy shit - that's definitely no longer true today) and so common sense prevailed and they decided to collectively hunt them down in order to protect their fellow countrymen.

In other words, they basically did what I advocate.

The result?

Well, for starters, their landscapes are far, far superior to ours - absolutely breathtaking, in fact.

Which in and of itself totally debunks this fucking retarded liberal environmental propaganda lie that we've all been brainwashed with since childhood, that if we were to hunt a certain dangerous species to extinction, well then that would lead to a chain reaction in our "extremely delicate" ecosystem! which supposedly would result in our eventual starvation! and our lakes would turn into glowing green cesspools! and our forests into wastelands!...


Europe is still EXTREMELY beautiful.

And better yet, you can actually ENJOY that beauty because the mere fact alone that it's EXTREMELY SAFE means their natural beauty is far more accessible AND relaxing...

The only thing you have to worry about now when enjoying nature in Europe is that a cute little bunny (or swan) might hop into the road while you're driving...


I -HATE- having to carry around a massive fucking revolver and rifle every time I want to walk down a fucking nature trail.

Not to mention having to constantly worry about storing your toothpaste and shit in a bear bag is sooo fucking annoying.

And I know that you leftist nigs seriously <3 your Urop.

So let's copy your commi eurotrash friends and get rid of our roaming dangerous predators as well!

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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: August 29, 2011 09:22PM

Yucky24, your views are simply unbearable.

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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: OP=yuck24@AOL.COM ()
Date: August 29, 2011 09:30PM

Yucky24 Wrote:
> Yet despite your fucktarded nigger claims

Don't worry chief. Once you pass your GED, those nigger claims won't seem that fucktarded.

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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Date: August 29, 2011 10:22PM

I like the sign. Almost quit reading but managed to get to the "punch line"

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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: postpoppunk ()
Date: August 29, 2011 10:44PM

Good for the Grizzly - stay off it's turf or suffer the consequences.

There are plenty of areas to enjoy the great outdoors that do not have bears as a hazard.

I have family in Montana and know the Yellowstone / Big Sky / Glacier area very well...I always hope mother-nature wins when humans encroach on her too closely.

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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: August 29, 2011 11:00PM

I'd pack my S&W .357 Magnum, and Marlin .35 Remington.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: Survival Guy ()
Date: August 30, 2011 12:04AM

why didnt he just play dead? Isnt that what you're supposed to do when a 1500 lb raging bear comes at you? I would have rolled into a ball like one of them potato bugs and just rolled my ass down a big ass hill. Grizzly woulda been like "heelllllsss to the NO, I aints THAT hungry!"

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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: August 30, 2011 05:33AM

Olde Farte Wrote:
> If I were going to hike in the backwoods of
> deadly-bear country, you can be assured that FIRST
> I would get licenses for and carry TWO
> auto-glocks.
> The stupidity of some people of trying to
> go...ahem...bare handed "out there is beyond
> belief.

Glock is a monkey gun. It will bring down a monkey and negro at a minimun. Not bears.


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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: Olde Farte ()
Date: August 30, 2011 07:43AM

dika-dika Wrote:
> Glock is a monkey gun. It will bring down a
> monkey and negro at a minimun. Not bears.

10+ rounds of .40 will bring down a grizzly. I'm not talking "pow...pow...pow", I'm talking "BRRRRRRRRAAAAAAP".

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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: August 30, 2011 07:56AM

Yucky should be hunted to extinction.Bears should be left alone.
If you don't want to be eaten by a bear, stay out of their habitat.

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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: Bill N ()
Date: August 30, 2011 02:27PM

Yucky24 Wrote:
> And that concern for human life should ALWAYS be
> above that of animal life.
> That would have been a common view 40 years ago
> but now I feel like I'm a lone voice shouting in
> the abyss.

What part of the effing country were you in 40 years ago? I recall 40-50 years ago listening to my grandfathers tell me how they used to shoot chicken thieves and hang horse thieves when they were kids, and they would tell those stories as if they wished things were still that way. In the middle ages it was a capital crime in parts of Europe to kill wild animals that the king or local lord might want to hunt, even if it wandered onto your plot, and in parts of the UK or not too long ago tenant farmers would be required to assist their landlords in staging hunts that would invariably result in significant damage to those tenant farmer's leaseholds. So much for putting humans above other animals.

We treasure and protect those things which we find useful or otherwise valuable and have little difficulty with killing off or destroying those things we do not. That is why at one time the law had no problem with you killing off a wolf that wandered accross your property, but if it was your neighbor's dog or cow you might end up facing a judge to explain your actions. What has changed today is that we have a greater understanding of how things interact. A generation or two ago we would shoot hawks as threats to poultry and now a hunter friend of mine is protecting one that lives in his yard because they help keep the squirrel population in check.

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Re: Man Killed By Grizzly In Yellowstone
Posted by: RankineCycler ()
Date: August 30, 2011 02:58PM

Bill N Wrote:
> Yucky24 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > And that concern for human life should ALWAYS
> be
> > above that of animal life.
> >
> > That would have been a common view 40 years ago
> > but now I feel like I'm a lone voice shouting
> in
> > the abyss.
> What part of the effing country were you in 40
> years ago?

Yucky24 is 23 years old, as he stated in another thread. He often adopts an anachronistic mindset to self-justify his delusions and to impress a wise image of himself upon fools.

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