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fairfax corner movie theater
Posted by: burkeresident ()
Date: August 20, 2011 12:32AM

Hi dose the rave 16 in fairfax corner allow american express to be used as form of payment?

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Re: fairfax corner movie theater
Posted by: Call 'em ()
Date: August 20, 2011 04:33AM

Why don't you call them up when they open in the morning? You're question seems a bit obscure. However, have you just tried to pre-order your tickets using something like Fandango? They might accept that form of payment.

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Re: fairfax corner movie theater
Posted by: Priapus ()
Date: August 20, 2011 06:27AM

If he waits until morning the owner of the credit card will have alerted the police about the stolen card

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Re: fairfax corner movie theater
Posted by: Have a good time ()
Date: August 20, 2011 08:30AM

They do accept American Express or so I am told. I have also heard that if you run short of money or have maxed out your card they also take IOUs.

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Re: fairfax corner movie theater
Posted by: Call 'em ()
Date: August 20, 2011 10:34AM

So, if they take AmEx for the tickets, can one assume that they'll also accept that form of payment for the overpriced slice or square of pizza from the Sbarro food counter in the theater? If so, count me in.

Wait ... I don't own an AmEx card.

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Re: fairfax corner movie theater
Posted by: Ruccaz ()
Date: August 20, 2011 01:17PM

I heard you can use IOU's to pay for your entire film experience. That doesn't include movies shown in 3D however though. You have to pay the additional cost plus the IOU. IOU's can be used for certain food on the snack menu, although this only initials popcorn, diet soda, sugar-less candy and the blue frozen icee (not the red), either the nacho chips or the cheese, not both as well as the hot dog bun (must pay for the hot dog). You can use an IOU to pay for an entire burger (minus the patty, you'll have to use actual currency for that).

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Re: fairfax corner movie theater
Posted by: Leave Home Without It ()
Date: August 22, 2011 11:24AM

I think they accept cash, but im not sure.

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Re: fairfax corner movie theater
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: August 22, 2011 01:45PM

They accept all major credit cards, cash, IOU's and creative sob stories.
But they won't let you in if you're Mexican or a Negro.

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Re: fairfax corner movie theater
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 22, 2011 02:33PM

ProVallone Wrote:
> They accept all major credit cards, cash, IOU's
> and creative sob stories.
> But they won't let you in if you're Mexican or a
> Negro.

What if you're from the Dominican Republic and are both?

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