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drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: jbalo ()
Date: August 18, 2011 11:17AM

Drug tests required in Kentucky and Florida to get welfare benefits such as food stamps. What do you think? Do this in Virginia?

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: August 18, 2011 11:29AM

Sure, it's time to stop the welfare brood sows from spending tax dollars on crack instead of milk.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: Naked Truth ()
Date: August 18, 2011 11:33AM

Besides, the blackies don't need welfare now that they have flash mobs.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: August 18, 2011 11:37AM

This is what has always got me about food stamps,

First, some stores will give cash as change for the food stamps
Second, Yuo can buy brand name cereal and whatnot. While I spent my childhood eating 9 lb bags of "loops o Fruit" I would see my Food-Stamp using neighbors buying Fruit Loops in the grocery. That has irked me since I was 6.

Hell yes. Drug test for all government freebies, including unemployment!

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: jbalo ()
Date: August 18, 2011 11:47AM

Definitely agree. Ideally the increased cost for the tests and the added administrivia behind them would be self-funded through the mitigation of wasted welfare dollars to people sitting on their plasticcovered brown felt floral couches watching maury povich and smoking crack. Of course liberals are up in arms about the idea citing civil rights.

Yo, it ain't your right to use my tax dollars to get high.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: August 18, 2011 11:50AM

Stupid liberals... ITs quite simple, if they fail the test they get no benefits. Every 1 failed test saves hundreds a month.... More than enough to test a couple that come up clean.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 18, 2011 12:10PM

I'm personally against any drug testing and think this idea is dumb because unless you test them every month (a huge expense), people can just pass the test once, then go back to smoking weed while collecting welfare. I guess it sorta sounds good on paper, but I think it's mainly a tool to give the idiot redneck teabaggers the satisfaction that they're allowed to oppress people they don't like (aka minorities).

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: random testing-YES ()
Date: August 18, 2011 12:14PM

If LaQuinta wants kids plus us to pay for them she as sure as hell better be tested for drugs and booze.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: August 18, 2011 12:23PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> I'm personally against any drug testing and think
> this idea is dumb because unless you test them
> every month (a huge expense), people can just pass
> the test once, then go back to smoking weed while
> collecting welfare. I guess it sorta sounds good
> on paper, but I think it's mainly a tool to give
> the idiot redneck teabaggers the satisfaction that
> they're allowed to oppress people they don't like
> (aka minorities).

Not every month, once at the beginning and then random drug tests. Get a letter and you better show up to the testing facility.

also, drug testing is no where near as expensive as you are making it out to be.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 18, 2011 12:34PM

I used to have to send new hires and subcontractors to some place in Reston to get drug tested, I think it was around $120 plus whatever overhead we incurred for handling the paperwork. That was a few years ago, maybe it's cheaper now. Seemed like a total waste, IMO.

Not real expensive, but I'll be surprised if these states save any money by doing it.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: Naked Truth ()
Date: August 18, 2011 12:45PM

Why don't we just get rid of the blacks? Problem solved!

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: August 18, 2011 12:48PM

Naked Truth Wrote:
> Why don't we just get rid of the blacks? Problem
> solved!

And create more room for the messikanz? I don't think so..

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: Yucky24 ()
Date: August 18, 2011 01:58PM

I think we should just remove welfare.

We did just fine as a society before it was implemented.

Ann Coulter wrote a pretty devastating article this week on the failings of the leftist implemented welfare state and how it relates to the London riots:


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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: look longterm ()
Date: August 19, 2011 05:07AM

jbalo Wrote:
> Drug tests required in Kentucky and Florida to get
> welfare benefits such as food stamps. What do you
> think? Do this in Virginia?

We need to invest more money into welfare programs and education to solve problems that are longterm. Drug testing will drive away the citizens who need help the most. Welfare programs do not cost taxpayers anything, the programs pay us in the longrun through the tax revenue we receive from people that are saved by the system. People get back on track and start paying taxes rather than going to prison and really costing us some money.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: Yes, Please Test ()
Date: August 19, 2011 05:38AM

Yes, drug testing should be mandatory. There's no way that people should continue to receive hand-outs without providing some proof that they're clean and free of drugs. Also, if they've been receiving welfare for a year and still haven't found a steady job, then make them put in 20 hours of community service for their paycheck.

America's infrastructure is crumbling. I say use them to be the laborers during the rebuilding process.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: August 19, 2011 05:49AM

look longterm Wrote:
> jbalo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Drug tests required in Kentucky and Florida to
> get
> > welfare benefits such as food stamps. What do
> you
> > think? Do this in Virginia?
> We need to invest more money into welfare programs
> and education to solve problems that are longterm.
> Drug testing will drive away the citizens who need
> help the most. Welfare programs do not cost
> taxpayers anything, the programs pay us in the
> longrun through the tax revenue we receive from
> people that are saved by the system. People get
> back on track and start paying taxes rather than
> going to prison and really costing us some money.

"drive away the citizens who need help the most"...tired over used statment please make a new one like "drive away the drug addict who need help the most to pay for their drug habit"....Now that is economical. they tax free drug dealers will make a profit.

costing us some money....speak for your self use the word "me instead of us", don't worry about my money. You probably don't pay taxes and work anyway, just sit on you ass stealing free wifi, posting bullshit. In the short term get your self a job and then talk about your longterm.

Welfare programs do not cost taxpayers anything, the programs pay us in the longrun through the tax revenue we receive from people that are saved by the system...... PROOF SHOW ME. I know the statement is bullshit. I just want to see if you can back up your creativity.


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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: no bleeding heart ()
Date: August 19, 2011 06:48AM

the meeper wrote:
"a tool to give the idiot redneck teabaggers the satisfaction that they're allowed to oppress people they don't like (aka minorities"

Maybe the people paying the bills are fed up with drug addicts sucking up tax dollars. They have money enough to buy crack and pot they have money enough to pay for food. But that might be asking for personal responsiblity and that doesnt fit in with a liberal viewpoint.
Easier to blame the Tea Party than to take assume the violators should be held responsible.

BTW there are more whites on food stamps per capita than minorities so your theory is wrong.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 19, 2011 07:30AM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> I used to have to send new hires and
> subcontractors to some place in Reston to get drug
> tested, I think it was around $120 plus whatever
> overhead we incurred for handling the paperwork.
> That was a few years ago, maybe it's cheaper now.
> Seemed like a total waste, IMO.
> Not real expensive, but I'll be surprised if these
> states save any money by doing it.

Virtually every insurance company out there now requires drug screening for ANYone to operate ANY commercial vehicle. That's over the road trucks all the way down to your local contractors pick up truck. Every dump truck driver, every delivery driver (except the ones that use their own cars i.e. pizza dudes), UPS/FedEx, you name it. Even mechanics that test drive what they're working on...car, truck or motorcycle.

Point being.......I'm sure it's not free but the cost has been driven down considerably. And there's more than plenty of places to get it done.

Of course it's all done in the name of safety but the underlying reason is you get cheaper business insurance.

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Obama: Released Taliban Prisoners Could ‘Absolutely’ Pose Threat to U.S
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: August 19, 2011 07:59AM



Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2015 11:09PM by WingNut.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 19, 2011 08:01AM

SoylentGreen Wrote:
> Of course it's all done in the name of safety but
> the underlying reason is you get cheaper business
> insurance.

Which is basically the reason I am against drug-testing. People drove trucks in the 60s, 70s, and 80s without getting drug tested. Nowadays we need to feel "safe" knowing that the garbage man didn't smoke a joint at a party last week.

It's just a stupid invasion-of-privacy based on fear.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: sumguy ()
Date: August 19, 2011 09:02AM

Also if they started drug testing that just another hole for money to disappear into. Any body who thinks that welfare doesn't cost the tax payer anything should be drug tested (do you smoke crack) where does that money come from. They do test for drug abuse if you are on medicaid you don't lose medicaid you just get moved around alot. Most doctors don't like to treat a pregnant woman who is on drugs.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: jbalo ()
Date: August 19, 2011 09:20AM

Welfare is not a right but a benefit funded by taxpayer dollars. Just like my employer isn't required to pay or even employ me if I show up to work high, the government shouldn't be paying those who do the same. I want the 7.5% of my very hard earned money to be aggressively managed by those we trust to do so. Weeding out those who squander our funds on illegal drugs may actually prompt them to get a job so they can get their fix with their own money or better, get their shit together.

I watched my own mother suffer through working 3 shitty hourly jobs when I was young and my dad was too drunk to work. She did it so she wouldn't have to take handouts and I am thankful for that every day of my life. I much prefer a culture of merit and accountability than one of entitlement.

I observe my liberal friends and the snotty little entitled brats they raise. Meanwhile, the children of my conservative friends (including my own kids) respect authority, understand hierarchy and appreciate there are consequences for their own choices and actions. Could be a fluke, but I've seen it too many times to not suggest there isn't a pattern.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: well ()
Date: August 19, 2011 09:28AM

Who really suufers?

1. the bills are mean spirited. They foster the stereo types that were expressed very well above.
2. Most of the laws require the recipients to pay over $1000 every six months to have the test administered. This is nothing more then a modern version of a poll tax.
3. What about the children? It is always the children of the drug abuser that suffers. So we need a program that circumvents the parents and provides needed serves directly to the children.
4. Drug abusers who need money will find it. Perhaps the next time by hitting you over the head.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: bled dry ()
Date: August 19, 2011 09:31AM

I have no problem giving a handup to someone who has fallen down. What I dont expect is to support them and a slew of kids with different dads the rest of their lives plus the next generation they breed.
There must come a time when the welfare must end and people must take responsiblity for their actions.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: August 19, 2011 11:20AM

> 4. Drug abusers who need money will find it.
> Perhaps the next time by hitting you over the
> head.

This is so blazingly stupid.... Im not even going to retort but just chuckle at your stupidity.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: look longterm ()
Date: August 20, 2011 07:23AM

bled dry Wrote:
> I have no problem giving a handup to someone who
> has fallen down. What I dont expect is to support
> them and a slew of kids with different dads the
> rest of their lives plus the next generation they
> breed.
> There must come a time when the welfare must end
> and people must take responsiblity for their
> actions.

Governer Scott in Florida is just another closed minded cry baby republican fool. His plan would cause higher taxes more crime and more prison costs in the longrun.
Welfare is a bargin at twice the price it is an outstanding value for us working taxpayers.


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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: Charles Dickens ()
Date: August 20, 2011 07:44AM

"We did just fine as a society before it was implemented.

Ann Coulter wrote a pretty devastating article this week on the failings of the leftist implemented welfare state and how it relates to the London riots"

Start up the workhouses and slow down immigration

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: jbalo ()
Date: August 20, 2011 08:06AM

look longterm Wrote:
> bled dry Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I have no problem giving a handup to someone
> who
> > has fallen down. What I dont expect is to
> support
> > them and a slew of kids with different dads the
> > rest of their lives plus the next generation
> they
> > breed.
> > There must come a time when the welfare must
> end
> > and people must take responsiblity for their
> > actions.
> Governer Scott in Florida is just another closed
> minded cry baby republican fool. His plan would
> cause higher taxes more crime and more prison
> costs in the longrun.
> Welfare is a bargin at twice the price it is an
> outstanding value for us working taxpayers.
> http://www.rawstory.com/rawreplay/2011/08/floridas
> -welfare-drug-testing-costs-more-than-it-saves/

What a ridiculous "study" in that article. Since when is a sample size of 40 statistically significant when dealing with a population of 100,000? That is less than one one-thousandth of a percent.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: MongoLloyd ()
Date: August 20, 2011 08:56AM

The drug problem would be greatly mitigated if the CIA would stop bringing in the smack in the first place! The U.S. banking system survives on laundering hundreds of billions in the global narcotics trade. The ONLY druggies we hit are those who are not paying their protection money to Uncle Sam's bankster buddies.

The U.S. Army provides complete protection of the Afghan poppy crops, the harvest, the processing, and shipment of heroin out to the various markets. Pallet loads of cash get moved around on C-130's and every soldier, from the generals on down to the privates, get snared in taking the payoffs so they can be blackmailed later.

Since Uncle Sam ships in plane loads of every kind of narcotic known, he conveniently sets up the domestic drug laws to catch thousands to keep the private prison system filled up and paying profits to Wall Street. The Prison Industrial Complex is the ONLY growth industry in America! It is legalized slavery and the Power Elites know how to push our moral superiority buttons to justify it all. Politicians call for increasing prison sentences and making more and more minor crimes into felonies to make voters feel TUFF... until THEY get caught in the despotic machine they clamored for!

Drug testing for welfare benefits makes those still working feel TUFF... until the economy catches up to *YOU* and YOU go through the humiliation and even get framed somehow. Yeah... it was fun beating up on the poor wasn't it? The poor didn't ask for their jobs to be sent to China or taken by wetbacks! Karma's a bitch and karma LOVES to repay conservatives!

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: August 20, 2011 09:48AM

Why not bust fraud/waste/abuse?

What's the ratio of the savings to the cost of someone to investigate?

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: Marquise ()
Date: August 20, 2011 01:46PM

what a stupid law, they aint want no one to be gettin help, stupid 'crakahs

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: jbalo ()
Date: August 20, 2011 03:09PM

Marquise Wrote:
> what a stupid law, they aint want no one to be
> gettin help, stupid 'crakahs

get a goddamn job to pay for your own crack. lazy whiners. quit acting like everyone owes you something.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: ... ()
Date: August 20, 2011 03:12PM

well Wrote: (annotations mine)
> Who really suufers?
> 1. the bills are mean spirited. They foster the
> stereo types that were expressed very well above.

Boo fucking hoo. If the 'stereo type' was so ill-founded, would one need such a bill?

> 2. Most of the laws require the recipients to pay
> over $1000 every six months to have the test
> administered. This is nothing more then a modern
> version of a poll tax.

Please cite where this is written

> 3. What about the children? It is always the
> children of the drug abuser that suffers. So we
> need a program that circumvents the parents and
> provides needed serves directly to the children.

I recall there are already Child Protective Services (CPS)

> 4. Drug abusers who need money will find it.
> Perhaps the next time by hitting you over the
> head.

If that is the case, more might see fit to take harsher measures against these ungrateful pests.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: Conservatives Wasting Money ()
Date: August 20, 2011 05:54PM

wnrsm Wrote:
> Why not bust fraud/waste/abuse?
> What's the ratio of the savings to the cost of
> someone to investigate?


"Just six weeks after Florida began drug testing welfare applicants, WFTV uncovered numbers, which show that the program is already costing Central Florida taxpayers more than it saves.

9 Investigates' reporter George Spencer found very few applicants are testing positive for drugs.

On July 1, Florida began requiring a clean drug test before giving cash assistance to needy families.

The Department of Central Florida's (DCF) region tested 40 applicants and only two tested positive for drugs, officials said. One of the tests is being appealed.

Governor Rick Scott said the program would save money. Critics said it already looks like a boondoggle.

"We have a diminishing amount of returns for our tax dollars. Do we want out governor throwing our precious tax dollars into a program that has already been proven not to work?" Derek Brett of the ACLU said.

DCF said it has been referring applicants to clinics where drug screenings cost between $30 and $35. The applicant pays for the test out of his or her own pocket and then the state reimburses him if they test comes back negative.

Therefore, the 38 applicants in the Central Florida area, who tested negative, were reimbursed at least $30 each and cost taxpayers $1,140.

Meanwhile, the state is saving less than $240 a month by refusing benefits to those two applicants who tested positive.

9 Investigates first uncovered evidence in June that a similar program in Idaho also cost more than it saved.

However, the state insisted that the program is as much about principles as it is about money.

"We wanted to ensure that the individuals who are eligible for this benefit are using them for the true, intended purpose of this benefit," DCF spokeswoman Carrie Hoeppner said.

The cost to state taxpayers could rise even further if a lawsuit challenging the test is filed, as expected. The ACLU said it believes the drug tests are a blatant violation of 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure.

The governor's office did not respond to WFTV's requests for comment on the new numbers."

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 20, 2011 07:27PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> SoylentGreen Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Of course it's all done in the name of safety
> but
> > the underlying reason is you get cheaper
> business
> > insurance.
> Which is basically the reason I am against
> drug-testing. People drove trucks in the 60s,
> 70s, and 80s without getting drug tested.
> Nowadays we need to feel "safe" knowing that the
> garbage man didn't smoke a joint at a party last
> week.
> It's just a stupid invasion-of-privacy based on
> fear.


I have a buddy that gets all his guys tested regularly. Not because they climb trees and juggle chainsaws, but because the trucks they drive to the site weigh in at 16,000 pounds plus a chipper on the back which is pushing 3 tons on it's own.

What he's found amazing so far (he's only been doing this less than a year) were the two very long term employees that were evidently using cocaine daily.

His rules are anyone that comes up hot has to be retested within 30 days. If that's not long enough for them to get around a urine test..they don't need the job.

re: trash truck drivers...the lady that used to be the manager at the Home Depot at Fairfax Circle lost her daughter to a trash truck that was backing down a street. Not saying the guy was stoned but I am saying bad things happen all on their own when you've got 2+ wheels on something and it's moving.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 20, 2011 07:36PM

Conservatives Wasting Money Wrote:
> "Just six weeks after Florida began drug testing
> welfare applicants,

> The Department of Central Florida's (DCF) region
> tested 40 applicants and only two tested positive
> for drugs, officials said. One of the tests is
> being appealed.

Only 40 people in six weeks applied???????????????????????

Are there no poor people in Florida?

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: patriot427 ()
Date: August 21, 2011 10:16AM

look longterm Wrote:
> bled dry Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I have no problem giving a handup to someone
> who
> > has fallen down. What I dont expect is to
> support
> > them and a slew of kids with different dads the
> > rest of their lives plus the next generation
> they
> > breed.
> > There must come a time when the welfare must
> end
> > and people must take responsiblity for their
> > actions.
> Governer Scott in Florida is just another closed
> minded cry baby republican fool. His plan would
> cause higher taxes more crime and more prison
> costs in the longrun.
> Welfare is a bargin at twice the price it is an
> outstanding value for us working taxpayers.
> http://www.rawstory.com/rawreplay/2011/08/floridas
> -welfare-drug-testing-costs-more-than-it-saves/

Scott and other righties of his kind make statements like that to gather support and votes from the dumbass masses. Noone in this country is going to require drug tests for welfare recipients. Just a bunch of rehortic spewed by right wing igno-fucks.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: mr generous ()
Date: August 21, 2011 10:44AM

tell me patriot when a welfare kid starts having babies at age 14 what are the chances those kids will end up on welfare themselves.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: patriot427 ()
Date: August 21, 2011 11:00AM

mr generous Wrote:
> tell me patriot when a welfare kid starts having
> babies at age 14 what are the chances those kids
> will end up on welfare themselves.

My guess would be about 60 to 70 percent of them will be on welfare for at least 15 years. Whats your point?

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: read what you posted ()
Date: August 21, 2011 11:21AM

How about attaching some personal responsiblity to welfare dollars. Right now any parasite on welfare can tell you the more babies you pop out the more welfare bucks you get.

You posted above it was just right wing rhetoric that there are generations on welfare but you yourself admit 60-70% of babies born to welfare moms will they themselves be on welfare. I would estimate a baby born to a mom that is 14 and on welfare has a 95% chance of being on welfare themselves.

Bill Cosby spoke on taking personal responsiblity and he was called an Uncle Tom by liberals such as yourself and blacks.

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Re: drug tests required for welfare benefits
Posted by: patriot427 ()
Date: August 21, 2011 11:37AM

read what you posted Wrote:
> How about attaching some personal responsiblity to
> welfare dollars. Right now any parasite on welfare
> can tell you the more babies you pop out the more
> welfare bucks you get.
> You posted above it was just right wing rhetoric
> that there are generations on welfare but you
> yourself admit 60-70% of babies born to welfare
> moms will they themselves be on welfare. I would
> estimate a baby born to a mom that is 14 and on
> welfare has a 95% chance of being on welfare
> themselves.
> Bill Cosby spoke on taking personal responsiblity
> and he was called an Uncle Tom by liberals such as
> yourself and blacks.

I posted that drug testing for welfare benifit recipiants was right wing rhetoric. There are all types of issues out there with regard to getting people off of welfare none have been discussed on this thread.

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