BondageBachmann Wrote:
> I just find it interesting that when Bachmann
> starts talking about sex related issues she seems
> to use bondage or S&M terms.
She wasn't talking about sex-related issues. "Gay" and "lesbian" are sexual orientations, but she was talking about the lifestyle, not the actual sex part. Christian rhetoric often talks about "the bondage of sin." Like so:
Do you think this article implies that an entire professional football team was part of an S&M sex orgy?
Does this article imply that all of these freed workers were sex slaves?
And check out Luke 13:16. Do you think Jesus is saying that the woman was into the S&M scene?
So no, Bachmann is not into S&M or kinky bondage, and it's this kind of stupidity that's turned the American election process into the circus we know today.
Also, saying that wives should be submissive to their husbands has nothing to do with sex, either. Christianity teaches that the man is the head of the household and that his wife should obey him and follow his directions.
I find it interesting that when you hear the terms "bondage" or "submissive," you automatically assume it has something to do with sex.