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Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: RR ()
Date: August 08, 2011 06:15PM


"Lack of jobs for blacks creates tension between black lawmakers and Obama"

This ominous sign for Obama is coming way too soon in this election cycle and is indicative of his black vote enthusiasm waning fast.

The Congressional Black Caucus is beginning to see the writing on the wall. Make no mistake they will move into an aggressive "pay us now before it's too late" position and stay there as Obama's chances of re-election fade away.

When someone like Michigan Rep. John Conyers recently said of the president. “We want him to come out on our side and advocate, not to watch and wait.”, we have to decipher some gang code .

Translated: "Times runnin' out! I want my money! Give me my money! Either we can count on you NOW! Or don't expect our support later.

It will be fun to watch all the trickery Obama uses right up to the election paying off the black leadership to try and energize the black vote.

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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: August 08, 2011 06:34PM

How long until a Lionel Hutz type lawyer files a class action lawssuit on thier behalf?

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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: August 08, 2011 07:09PM

He will promise them this, it worked before.


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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: postpoppunk ()
Date: August 08, 2011 09:34PM

dika-dika Wrote:
> He will promise them this, it worked before.

That guy got TWO mules...no fair!

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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: Worked? ()
Date: August 08, 2011 09:38PM

dika-dika Wrote:
> He will promise them this, it worked before.

Whats your definiton of worked? The program to provide previous slaves a means to support themselves off the land they had worked for hundreds of years worked, until the southern states were given back their states rights and they proceede to steal the land back on behalf of previous slve owners.

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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: August 09, 2011 05:35AM

Hey "worked" let this white boy help you out.

It was an overall dismal long term failure, but for the moment when it was invoked by Ole Gen Sherman it placated the negros (worked). Bamey does not give a shit about your negro long term employment/job help, just enough to placate you enough to get re-elected like he did to get elected. Bamey will tell "You I got a Job" , Maybe Bamey will offer you a BMW and 1000 gallons of gas this time.

Here a little more to help for you worked http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/40_acres_and_a_mule

I know it is not PC to teach this in school as part blacks history classes because it seem offensive to thinks white northern people where smart enough to offer it and negros were stupid enough to accept it. Unless you are one of the negro politican who use it as part of his political mantra.

40 acres and a mule refers to the short-lived policy, during the last stages of the American Civil War in 1865, of providing arable land to black former slaves who had become free as a result of the advance of the Union armies into the territory previously controlled by the Confederacy, particularly after Major General's William Tecumseh Sherman's "March to the Sea." General Sherman's Special Field Orders, No. 15[1], issued on January 16, 1865, provided for the land, while some of its beneficiaries also received mules from the Army, for use in plowing.[2] Forty acres (16 hectares) is a standard size for a rural family plot, being a sixteenth of a section (square mile), or a quarter quarter-section, under the Public Land Survey System used on land settled after 1785. The combination of a 40 acre plot and a mule was widely recognized as providing a sound start for a family farm.

The Special Field Orders issued by Sherman were never intended to reflect an official policy of the United States government with regards to all former slaves and were issued "throughout the campaign to assure the harmony of action in the area of operations."[3] Sherman's orders specifically allocated "the islands from Charleston, south, the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the St. Johns River, Florida." Brigadier General Rufus Saxton, an abolitionist from Massachusetts, was appointed by Sherman to oversee the settling of the freed slaves.[4] By June 1865, around 10,000[citation needed] freed slaves were settled on 400,000 acres (160,000 ha) in Georgia and South Carolina.

After the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, his successor, Andrew Johnson, revoked Sherman's Orders and returned the land to its previous white owners. Because of this, the phrase "40 acres and a mule" has come to represent the failure of Reconstruction policies in restoring to African Americans the fruits of their labor.

It is sometimes mistakenly claimed that President Johnson also vetoed the enactment of the policy as a federal statute (introduced as U.S. Senate Bill 60). In fact, the Freedmen's Bureau Bill which he vetoed made no mention of grants of land or mules. Another version of the Freedmen's bill, also without the land grants, was later passed after Johnson's second veto was overridden.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2011 05:39AM by dika-dika.

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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: sham wow my nutzzzz ()
Date: August 09, 2011 07:30AM

What does the caucus want obama to do make black only jobs, how do you do that

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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: ziggy z ()
Date: August 09, 2011 07:46AM

sham wow my nutzzzz Wrote:
> What does the caucus want obama to do make black
> only jobs, how do you do that

its called the federal government

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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: help to help you ()
Date: August 09, 2011 08:00AM

Mmm mmm good

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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Date: August 09, 2011 08:55AM

Maybe they'll riot, like all those whities in England.


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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: average joe ()
Date: August 09, 2011 10:47AM

Consider the source, RR is the guy who publicly called for the death of the Secretary of the Treasury on this forum.

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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: RR ()
Date: August 09, 2011 11:21AM

average joe Wrote:
> Consider the source, RR is the guy who publicly
> called for the death of the Secretary of the
> Treasury on this forum.

Quote? Or are you the same fuck wad that thinks Sarah Palin called for Gabby Gifford's death by putting cross hairs on her district?

I'm sure you purposefully misinterpret what conservatives say hoping there might be a reader of your bullshit somewhere who may believe it but no. I have never called for Timmy G's demise other than from his current job. So go fuck yourself and you die.

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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: truthhurts? ()
Date: August 09, 2011 11:25AM

Re: S&P Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating
Posted by: RR ()
Date: August 06, 2011 05:56PM

Don't give a rip however, I'm calling for Timmy Geithner's head on a fucking stick.

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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: August 09, 2011 11:30AM

I saw that thread. Even Republikkkkkkan conVince thought that was over the top.

I don't get how someone could be that stupid in this day and age, even dumbshit anon posters here. Cheney and Bush had everyone looking under rocks with their Muslim version of the Red Scare, and now guys in suits go knocking on doors of people who post crap like that. The "God-fearing" (in quotes because few really seem to be) conservatives should be the last ones to post death threats.

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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: RR ()
Date: August 09, 2011 11:48AM

truthhurts? Wrote:
> ----------------------------------------
> Re: S&P Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating
> Posted by: RR ()
> Date: August 06, 2011 05:56PM
> Don't give a rip however, I'm calling for Timmy
> Geithner's head on a fucking stick.
> ----------------------------------------

I got you scum ball.

Forgot the "He needs to be fired" part didn't we??

You are a little fucking weasel and proud of it. Just like I said misinterpret, half quotes, anything you have to do to lie and deceive.

Now let there be no doubt scum ball... I really want this for you.

Human Skull On Stick

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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: RR ()
Date: August 09, 2011 12:03PM

justsayin Wrote:
> I saw that thread. Even Republikkkkkkan conVince
> thought that was over the top.
> I don't get how someone could be that stupid in
> this day and age, even dumbshit anon posters here.
> Cheney and Bush had everyone looking under rocks
> with their Muslim version of the Red Scare, and
> now guys in suits go knocking on doors of people
> who post crap like that. The "God-fearing" (in
> quotes because few really seem to be)
> conservatives should be the last ones to post
> death threats.

You know it's just like the numerous times you were fired (up until the the time you got your gubmint job)that you would hear your boss scream to his secretary,


Now let me explain it to the boys and girls who really may not understand.

Justayin's bosses didn't want justsayin's head on a stick literally. He was being metaphorical and euphemistic.

See "Head on a stick" is a euphemism for "getting fired"

Tomorrow we'll get back to learning the difference between real men and weasels like justsayin' and his fuck buddy Average Joe.

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Re: Unemployed Blacks Want Paid (Ominous Sign for Obama)
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 09, 2011 06:38PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Maybe they'll riot, like all those whities in
> England.


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