WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Rory Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Perry is nothing like Bush and second Texas
> under
> > Perry has the best economy in USA. Only state
> that
> > didnt suffer the recession. He has my vote!
> Maybe you should do a little research on Perry's
> budget acumen before you decide to vote for
> him...
> /perry-budget-accounting-gimmicks/
> ...I have to say, while I think he is
> undisciplined, I think the only Republican I could
> even consider voting for is Chris Christie. But
> the fact is the Tea Baggers and Born Agains in the
> Republican Party won't give him the nomination
> because he doesn't come up with prayer meetings
> for 25,000 people.
I would like to see Christie in the mix for sure. However Perry may prove to be a more formidable challenge for Obama mainly in demographic value.
Now as far as the numerous and incessant attacks on Perry and the Texas StaTe budget you have to raise a big red flag when people like Paul Krugman from the NYT
and especially the George Soros, Peter Lewis, Steve Bing funded "Think Progress" From the "Center for American Progress" gang which of course is just another liberal lefty 501(c)(3) organization. Nice how they are all for raising taxes as the only solution for any given problem, except of course for themselves.
Liberal think tankers went crazy trying to create as much blood on the water as possible surrounding Texas budget deficit. As usual there isn't much "There there"
Krugman fails to point out for example Texas's incredible influx of population as their economy has outperformed the entire country 3 to 1 and how the fact that maintaining the same or lower unemployment rate as the rest of the country at the same time is no small feat.
There are so many holes and outright deceptive analysis by the left on this issue it would take pages here to burn them to the ground.
Here is a great article with actual facts of how things are on the ground at Texas state house currently. It's comes from the National Review (not a 4013C) which in my opinion gives them some street cred.And it contains some in depth facts of how Texas structures its budget so it takes a little more brain power to comprehend then an article out of Mother Jones or anything from Krugman or ThinkProgress.