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Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Date: August 06, 2011 06:39PM

I really can't sit through this shit again....


...Unfortunately, this is the kind of idiot who could win the GOP nomination this time around.


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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: conVince ()
Date: August 06, 2011 06:49PM

Oh yes, so horrible to sit through a president that can keep the country's credit rating at AAA. I'd MUCH rather sit through the "change" president that changes our country's economics downward.

Prayer is indeed all we have with what these demokrats and their 2008-2009 spending spree have done to us all.


twitter @EyeAmU

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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Date: August 06, 2011 06:56PM

conVince Wrote:
> Oh yes, so horrible to sit through a president
> that can keep the country's credit rating at AAA.
> I'd MUCH rather sit through the "change" president
> that changes our country's economics downward.
> Prayer is indeed all we have with what these
> demokrats and their 2008-2009 spending spree have
> done to us all.

Do some research...



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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: Pray, Pray, Pray ()
Date: August 06, 2011 07:14PM

conVince Wrote:
> Oh yes, so horrible to sit through a president
> that can keep the country's credit rating at AAA.
> I'd MUCH rather sit through the "change" president
> that changes our country's economics downward.
> Prayer is indeed all we have with what these
> demokrats and their 2008-2009 spending spree have
> done to us all.

Regan increased the national debt 159%. Bush I increased the national debt by 48%. Bush II increased the national debt 90%. Don't let facts get in the way of emotions. Just pray a lot - that will balance the budget. Seperation of church and state doesn't matter if your a ditto head.

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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: Hank Moody ()
Date: August 06, 2011 07:52PM

conVince Wrote:
> Oh yes, so horrible to sit through a president
> that can keep the country's credit rating at AAA.
> I'd MUCH rather sit through the "change" president
> that changes our country's economics downward.
> Prayer is indeed all we have with what these
> demokrats and their 2008-2009 spending spree have
> done to us all.

Ha! Texas, the land of "small" government. Not! Texas leads the nation with more than 39,000 government jobs added since 2009 for a total of 660,000 workers. As a percentage, more Texans work for government than any other state.

Who the fuck is Rick Perry trying to fool? Oh wait, never mind. I know who.

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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: August 06, 2011 07:56PM

Just what we need, another Govenor from Texas.

Fairfaxunderground rules: Lilliputions, not ok. Midgettville ok. I got it now.

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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 06, 2011 09:53PM

Radiophile Wrote:
> Just what we need, another Govenor from Texas.

It's like deja vu all over again, right?

LBJ still gives me the willies.

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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: lordfairfax ()
Date: August 06, 2011 09:56PM

SoylentGreen Wrote:
> Radiophile Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Just what we need, another Govenor from Texas.
> It's like deja vu all over again, right?
> LBJ still gives me the willies.

Yeah, things are going so fucking good now, huh? Are you better off than your were 3 years ago?

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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Date: August 06, 2011 10:27PM

SoylentGreen Wrote:
> Radiophile Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Just what we need, another Govenor from Texas.
> It's like deja vu all over again, right?
> LBJ still gives me the willies.

LBJ was never a Governor, nor a Govenor.


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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: youre all jerks ()
Date: August 07, 2011 01:51AM

seriously assholes, take off your blue and red shirts.

rick perry is dubya part 2 ? asshole, please take off your blue shirt (you look out of shape in it anyhow)

obama is dubya part 2. perry would be dubya 3.

just because he is half white, a democrat, and was awarded a bogus nobel peace prize for doing nothing doesnt change the fact that obama is seamlessly carrying on the same agenda as bush. (yea the puppetmasters of bush and obama tweak a few things so you mindless americans believe there is some kind of difference, but come on assholes open your eyes)

if you want real change, youre not gonna get it by voting for the asshole republican that fox news is shoving down your throat, and weve learned real change isnt coming from the brown democrat that msnbc told you to vote for.

try thinking for yourselves....and run dont walk away from any candidate that the propaganda news networks are pushing.

would anybody consider voting for ron paul? probably not, because your daddy fox news and msnbc has already told you no no to ron paul little boys.

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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: Rory ()
Date: August 07, 2011 02:09AM

Perry is nothing like Bush and second Texas under Perry has the best economy in USA. Only state that didnt suffer the recession. He has my vote!

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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: Fuck ()
Date: August 07, 2011 08:07AM

Back to the fundamentals this liberal hippy green job big government bill shite hasn't helped us at all. Of no rick perry is horrible because he prayed for our leaders. Would it make you feel better if he performed a muslim alah ceremony followed by a wicken rabbit killing, is that more diverse for you libs. Our do you prefer fake catholics like pelosi and reid.

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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Date: August 07, 2011 09:28AM

Rory Wrote:
> Perry is nothing like Bush and second Texas under
> Perry has the best economy in USA. Only state that
> didnt suffer the recession. He has my vote!

Maybe you should do a little research on Perry's budget acumen before you decide to vote for him...


...I have to say, while I think he is undisciplined, I think the only Republican I could even consider voting for is Chris Christie. But the fact is the Tea Baggers and Born Agains in the Republican Party won't give him the nomination because he doesn't come up with prayer meetings for 25,000 people.


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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: August 07, 2011 09:39AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Rory Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Perry is nothing like Bush and second Texas
> under
> > Perry has the best economy in USA. Only state
> that
> > didnt suffer the recession. He has my vote!
> Maybe you should do a little research on Perry's
> budget acumen before you decide to vote for
> him...
> http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/07/06/261752
> /perry-budget-accounting-gimmicks/
> ...I have to say, while I think he is
> undisciplined, I think the only Republican I could
> even consider voting for is Chris Christie. But
> the fact is the Tea Baggers and Born Agains in the
> Republican Party won't give him the nomination
> because he doesn't come up with prayer meetings
> for 25,000 people.

Wow WTL, have you came up with a better prayer than your "rub dub dub thanks for the grub".


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/07/2011 11:58AM by dika-dika.

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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 07, 2011 10:21AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Rory Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Perry is nothing like Bush and second Texas
> under
> > Perry has the best economy in USA. Only state
> that
> > didnt suffer the recession. He has my vote!
> Maybe you should do a little research on Perry's
> budget acumen before you decide to vote for
> him...
> http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/07/06/261752
> /perry-budget-accounting-gimmicks/
> ...I have to say, while I think he is
> undisciplined, I think the only Republican I could
> even consider voting for is Chris Christie. But
> the fact is the Tea Baggers and Born Agains in the
> Republican Party won't give him the nomination
> because he doesn't come up with prayer meetings
> for 25,000 people.

I knew you'd burst into flames if you considered voting Republican. Good thing it was only your head though.

re: your source/link?

I believe you have found a website that could cure all the hatred on the planet simply by shutting down. I need a shower.

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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: Whining DCers ()
Date: August 07, 2011 10:56AM

lordfairfax Wrote:
> SoylentGreen Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Radiophile Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Just what we need, another Govenor from
> Texas.
> >
> >
> > It's like deja vu all over again, right?
> >
> > LBJ still gives me the willies.
> Yeah, things are going so fucking good now, huh?
> Are you better off than your were 3 years ago?

Anybody in the DC area that complains about how well they are doing, has only themselves to balme.

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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: TJeff ()
Date: August 07, 2011 10:58AM

Fuck Wrote:
> Back to the fundamentals this liberal hippy green
> job big government bill shite hasn't helped us at
> all. Of no rick perry is horrible because he
> prayed for our leaders. Would it make you feel
> better if he performed a muslim alah ceremony
> followed by a wicken rabbit killing, is that more
> diverse for you libs. Our do you prefer fake
> catholics like pelosi and reid.

Id feel more comfortable if and you kept religion out of politics!

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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: tomahawk ()
Date: August 07, 2011 12:01PM

Religion LOL

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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Date: August 07, 2011 12:38PM

I didn't like when Dubya used his faith as a poltical prop. You would think more religious people would find this jaded use of Jesus exploitive.


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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: RR ()
Date: August 07, 2011 01:04PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Rory Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Perry is nothing like Bush and second Texas
> under
> > Perry has the best economy in USA. Only state
> that
> > didnt suffer the recession. He has my vote!
> Maybe you should do a little research on Perry's
> budget acumen before you decide to vote for
> him...
> http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/07/06/261752
> /perry-budget-accounting-gimmicks/
> ...I have to say, while I think he is
> undisciplined, I think the only Republican I could
> even consider voting for is Chris Christie. But
> the fact is the Tea Baggers and Born Agains in the
> Republican Party won't give him the nomination
> because he doesn't come up with prayer meetings
> for 25,000 people.

I would like to see Christie in the mix for sure. However Perry may prove to be a more formidable challenge for Obama mainly in demographic value.

Now as far as the numerous and incessant attacks on Perry and the Texas StaTe budget you have to raise a big red flag when people like Paul Krugman from the NYT
and especially the George Soros, Peter Lewis, Steve Bing funded "Think Progress" From the "Center for American Progress" gang which of course is just another liberal lefty 501(c)(3) organization. Nice how they are all for raising taxes as the only solution for any given problem, except of course for themselves.

Liberal think tankers went crazy trying to create as much blood on the water as possible surrounding Texas budget deficit. As usual there isn't much "There there"

Krugman fails to point out for example Texas's incredible influx of population as their economy has outperformed the entire country 3 to 1 and how the fact that maintaining the same or lower unemployment rate as the rest of the country at the same time is no small feat.

There are so many holes and outright deceptive analysis by the left on this issue it would take pages here to burn them to the ground.

Here is a great article with actual facts of how things are on the ground at Texas state house currently. It's comes from the National Review (not a 4013C) which in my opinion gives them some street cred.And it contains some in depth facts of how Texas structures its budget so it takes a little more brain power to comprehend then an article out of Mother Jones or anything from Krugman or ThinkProgress.


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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: August 07, 2011 04:20PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> I didn't like when Dubya used his faith as a
> poltical prop. You would think more religious
> people would find this jaded use of Jesus
> exploitive.

I'm shocked at you Tone don't be a damn hypocrite. Don't you blacks pray all time in church for people, presidents, each other, other folks, white democratic politicans and your black politicans. You invite john kerry and obama in your churches for thier politcal purpose and let them in pulpits and speak, yet you didn't see that, maybe you don't remember. Don't Rev AL and Rev Jesse Jackson walk around with thier holier than thou mantras, yet you don't see that. First time a republican politican white man prays, oh its the Jesus exploitive.

Tone give us a break and excuse yourself from your own post.


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Re: Rick Perry, Dubya - Part II
Posted by: no chance in hell ()
Date: August 07, 2011 04:31PM

Man if these are my choices in 2012 I am sitting this one out. No real prizes on either side.

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