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Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 05, 2011 05:16AM

My wife did the unthinkable............she allowed her drivers license to expire.

She kept putting it off because they demanded to see her in person to check her eyes.........and charge her the extra $5.00 walk-in fee.

She showed up at the DMV yesterday with state generated form in hand and was told her old drivers license was no longer good as a form of identification. Nor was her voter registration card or her social security card. Only a passport or her birth certificate would do.

A birth certificate with little more than a date and her maiden name on it. No address other than the hospital's. No SSN on it. No nothing really.

I didn't think the DMV could get worse............I was wrong.

On a side note, there were two lovely gentleman from the middle east there that were told they'd have to go to a different DMV as they were now banned from returning there. Don't know exactly if they were using bad language but it was loud and non-stop for 20 minutes.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: public servant1 ()
Date: August 05, 2011 05:21AM

Look , WE are the government!
We print the money
We control the courts, cops, military and the prisons.
Just have your wife do as she is told.
Chill out and enjoy the freedoms that WE let you have.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: govt slave ()
Date: August 05, 2011 05:35AM

public servant1 Wrote:
> Look , WE are the government!
> We print the money
> We control the courts, cops, military and the
> prisons.
> Just have your wife do as she is told.
> Chill out and enjoy the freedoms that WE let you
> have.

That about sums it up

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: August 05, 2011 06:30AM

That sucks dude. CSB time.

When I moved here, I brought all that stuff they require including my mortgage statement. The cunt behind the counter looked at the mortgage statement closely. She showed it to the guy working the next window and asked him if it was a mortgage statement. He told her that it was - AND that it was his mortgage company too.

She asks him "are you sure?" At that point she went from "validating my documents" to "trying to disqualify my documents"

Then came the vehicle transfer into the state. Now she was giving me shit on trying to put my wife's name onto the new title. First she told me that I couldn't do that until my wife has her VA license. At this point I'm pissed and I tell her to just put my name on it and get this over with. Then she starts telling me how it will be a pain to get it into her name should I pass away without her name on it.

I told her "Get me the plates so that I can leave. I'd rather die than have to come back and deal with you again, and I won't care about this vehicle if I'm dead."

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: August 05, 2011 07:54AM

That situation happening if you decide to let the licence expire is provided/witten on the form in black and white. Sounds your wife made the decision not to renew prior to expiration over a little eye test. If you need glasses you need glasses or if you are blind you can't drive. I renewed mine before the expiration to keep exactly what you stated from happening and wore my glasses for the eye test no problem. Infact it took me all but 20 minutes to renew.

I applaud the DMW for giving the early renew option without proof of birth months, months in advance. I'm sure we shouldn't have any problem with a little thing like a valid live birth certificate in our possession anyway, unless there more to the story. Green this your problem not the DMV.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/05/2011 07:55AM by dika-dika.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: ... ()
Date: August 05, 2011 07:58AM

I got an email about two weeks ago informing me that my license was about to expire. I just paid the fee via credit card and the new one was in the mailbox a few days later.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 05, 2011 08:31AM

dika-dika Wrote:
> That situation happening if you decide to let the
> licence expire is provided/witten on the form in
> black and white. Sounds your wife made the
> decision not to renew prior to expiration over a
> little eye test. If you need glasses you need
> glasses or if you are blind you can't drive.

Got no problem with what you laid out above. She knew she was asking for trouble by putting it off. She's worn glasses since before she could drive and that's been some time now, so it wasn't an issue of her getting them.

> renewed mine before the expiration to keep exactly
> what you stated from happening and wore my glasses
> for the eye test no problem. Infact it took me all
> but 20 minutes to renew.

Takes me less time than that as I always do it online. Although I can't understand them continually using the same photo from 12-15 years ago if it's so important to make sure I'm the correct person re-applying for the license.
> I applaud the DMW for giving the early renew
> option without proof of birth months, months in
> advance. I'm sure we shouldn't have any problem
> with a little thing like a valid live birth
> certificate in our possession anyway, unless there
> more to the story. Green this your problem not the
> DMV.

Again I agree. Except that they put all their money on a drivers license being the default best (or one of the best) forms of i.d. yet 3 days after it dies, it's worthless to them as a tie in. They've held her information associated with that license for 30 years. Yet they'll accept a piece of paper I could have duplicated with a bad laser jet printer in less time than it takes to get through the DMV.

My point isn't that they are being hard on my wife, it's that they're being arbitrary and making it too easy for someone to steal your identification.

If Jose shows up at the DMV today and says he lost your drivers license, would they accept a piece of paper he bought on a street corner as proof that he was you and thus give him your identity?

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: Olde Farte ()
Date: August 05, 2011 11:55AM

I've always wondered why a form of ID to prove that one is who one says one is that is perfectly valid when active becomes invalid as soon as it expires. The ID hasn't changed; it still proves you are who you say your are; what's the beef?

Yet the refusal to accept expired IDs is pretty much universal (I think Passports are a major exception! You can use an expired passport to get another passport).

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Date: August 05, 2011 12:03PM

Get her a bicycle.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 05, 2011 05:10PM

Update...........not sure what we were thinking if at all. The mind goes numb at the DMV but for this mornings trip we were told "Good, you brought your birth certificate.......now where's the marriage license that shows the name change?"

Third trip later, after showing the pile of papers to the info desk, all the teller actually asked for was the expired license. Which they gave back to her and told her the new one would be mailed to her. Suddenly the old expired one was good enough for her to drive with............again.

All of this btw was told to us as being part of the new regulations from the Department of Homeland Security.

I've never felt so fucking secure in my life.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: Sandman ()
Date: August 05, 2011 05:29PM

SoylentGreen Wrote:
> Update...........not sure what we were thinking if
> at all. The mind goes numb at the DMV but for
> this mornings trip we were told "Good, you brought
> your birth certificate.......now where's the
> marriage license that shows the name change?"
> Third trip later, after showing the pile of papers
> to the info desk, all the teller actually asked
> for was the expired license. Which they gave back
> to her and told her the new one would be mailed to
> her. Suddenly the old expired one was good enough
> for her to drive with............again.
> All of this btw was told to us as being part of
> the new regulations from the Department of
> Homeland Security.
> I've never felt so fucking secure in my life.

She can always have one made at Pedro's Print Shop.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: Olde Farte ()
Date: August 05, 2011 06:01PM

SoylentGreen Wrote:
> All of this btw was told to us as being part of
> the new regulations from the Department of
> Homeland Security.
> I've never felt so fucking secure in my life.

Now you oughta go to the Social Security office and try to get a replacement SS card - that's a joy.

And you'll find out just how deep Homeland Security's claws have dug.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: been there done that ()
Date: August 05, 2011 08:37PM

"Now you oughta go to the Social Security office and try to get a replacement SS card - that's a joy."

Been that route. Looked like Ellis Island. Smelled like sweat and curry. Hot as the sunny side of hell and mexican women with lots of kids. The only laugh I got was imaging the kids climbing all over them looked like a possum I saw one time with babies hanging onto it.
baby opossums_ONLY_PIC1.jpg

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: Olde Farte ()
Date: August 05, 2011 08:58PM

been there done that Wrote:
> Looked like Ellis Island

I actually LOVED that part of it! Amazing the variety of folks at that office.

But my aside wasn't about that interesting aspect of the SS Office, it was how Homeland Nonsecurity requires MORE than proof of citizenship to get a SS card replaced.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: Dentured Servant ()
Date: August 05, 2011 09:17PM

I accidentally let mine expire, I think because I'm old enough to where it USED to be that your license expire don the last day of your birth month so I put it off. I then noticed three days late that nope, it expired on my birthday.

It was a pain but not that horrible, I brought the docs they wanted to the DMV and they took care of it, and they gave me a piece of paper to show officers if I got pulled over.

What I don't get is why it took you so many trips... right on DMV's site it tells you what you need if your license expires. And if your wife's name isn't on the legal presence documents (electric bill, whatever) then the docs told you what was needed

If you currently hold a valid Virginia driver’s license or ID card, you must
present it along with one of the documents listed below for proof of your
name change. If you cannot present your Virginia issued credential, you
must present one proof of identity from the primary document list in
addition to one of the documents listed below as proof of name change.
• Marriage certificate
• Divorce decree if the decree states the change from married
name to maiden name
• Court order granting the name change

They only need a vision test if it was expired more than a year. If she has been driving that long without a license, well, them's the breaks for not keeping on top of it and ignoring DMV's written notices. Virginia has clear instructions on what she needed to bring. Just showing up and getting turned away is the unfortunate result of not doing basic research.


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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 05, 2011 09:59PM

Dentured Servant Wrote:
> What I don't get is why it took you so many
> trips... right on DMV's site it tells you what you
> need if your license expires. And if your wife's
> name isn't on the legal presence documents
> (electric bill, whatever) then the docs told you
> what was needed

She accepted the hit on the first day. On the form from the state it clearly said if her license had expired, she would need her birth certificate.

Actually, we noticed that after she'd gotten home. When she got there the wonderfully helpful woman at the help desk told her she'd need "proof of birth" which was weird...cause her very presence was proof of birth, right?

When asked if this was listed on the website, she was met with the DMV blank stare for 30 seconds then "You'll need proof of birth".........that was it.

Day two and we show up with the "proof of birth", the form, her expired license AND her Fairfax County personal property tax bill.

No good...........tax bill means nothing. Needed the marriage certificate.

That whole thing while slightly amusing wasn't really a big deal. Too damn many trips back and forth for things they could have told her about all at once, had they cared to be helpful.

What really still bothers me is this..her expired license had her picture on it along with her current (24 years) address. The state has had her info on file for over 30 years. All they were doing (we were told) was verifying that it was in fact her. Once they were handed a bunch of documents that could have been printed in my office, he pulled her up in his computer and said "That's you alright." IF they have the info on file already and have had that info for a long time, why is it suddenly no longer valid?

This isn't making our country any safer. It's just making simple processes longer and more difficult.

It's kinda like strip searching a 90+ year old dying cancer patient in a wheel chair.

The terrorists have won. And we're fucked.

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Posted by: Alias ()
Date: August 06, 2011 12:42AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2012 01:09AM by Alias.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 06, 2011 05:13AM

Alias Wrote:
> I fail the goddamn test.

You should have studied harder by going to more drive-in movies.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: You are so stupid ()
Date: August 06, 2011 10:32AM

So, you all got up in arms when illegals got drivers licenses and when you found out how easy it was to illegally get a driver's license. And you are pissed that the new procedures inconvenince you when you screw up. I guess you want special rules for white people. Maybe you'd like racial profiling be the criteria for every part of life. It's not enough that during the last 30 years more and more wealth has accumulated to white people. After all what good is wealth if you cant buy influence with it?

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 06, 2011 11:58AM

You are so stupid Wrote:
> So, you all got up in arms when illegals got
> drivers licenses and when you found out how easy
> it was to illegally get a driver's license. And
> you are pissed that the new procedures
> inconvenince you when you screw up. I guess you
> want special rules for white people. Maybe you'd
> like racial profiling be the criteria for every
> part of life. It's not enough that during the
> last 30 years more and more wealth has accumulated
> to white people. After all what good is wealth if
> you cant buy influence with it?

We've already got racial profile shit for brains.

We've also got idiots in charge of that racial profiling.

Since you didn't bother reading anymore than it took to produce fake outrage, I'll repeat the highlights...

We made some mistakes. They didn't bother helping at the help desk with the information we needed. They blamed it on DHS rules and regulations and in the end accepted bullshit papers that any child could produce and the expired license we were told originally was no longer valid as a form of identification.

If a drivers license is so sacred that it's accepted as a form of I.D. by everyone else on the planet, why isn't it accepted by the people that issued it to begin with?

I await your ever so pleasent reply, shit head.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: Mr Monopoly guy ()
Date: August 06, 2011 12:23PM

" I guess you want special rules for white people"

You say that like it is a bad thing

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: Luke ()
Date: August 06, 2011 12:32PM

DMV reminds me of Cool Hand Luke. Very little chance of escape unharmed, hot as hell and you have no rights except what bossman gives you.

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Posted by: Alias ()
Date: August 06, 2011 03:25PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2012 01:00AM by Alias.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: Hungry ()
Date: August 06, 2011 03:59PM

SoylentGreen Wrote:
> My wife did the unthinkable............she allowed
> her drivers license to expire.
> She kept putting it off because they demanded to
> see her in person to check her eyes.........and
> charge her the extra $5.00 walk-in fee.
> She showed up at the DMV yesterday with state
> generated form in hand and was told her old
> drivers license was no longer good as a form of
> identification. Nor was her voter registration
> card or her social security card. Only a passport
> or her birth certificate would do.
> A birth certificate with little more than a date
> and her maiden name on it. No address other than
> the hospital's. No SSN on it. No nothing
> really.
> I didn't think the DMV could get
> worse............I was wrong.

That's what you get for eating dead people, Soylent Green.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: August 06, 2011 04:58PM

Alias Wrote:
> But, aren't your eyes closed for most of the
> movie, and when you open them, aren't you staring
> at a fogged-up window?

Only if done correctly.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: regularguy ()
Date: August 06, 2011 05:35PM

You are so stupid Wrote:
> So, you all got up in arms when illegals got
> drivers licenses and when you found out how easy
> it was to illegally get a driver's license. And
> you are pissed that the new procedures
> inconvenince you when you screw up. I guess you
> want special rules for white people. Maybe you'd
> like racial profiling be the criteria for every
> part of life. It's not enough that during the
> last 30 years more and more wealth has accumulated
> to white people. After all what good is wealth if
> you cant buy influence with it?

I noticed this too, a bit hypocritical and racist of him to bitch about his troubles, I guess he assumes all the non-whites had it real easy and the DMV was discriminating against him.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: I can read ()
Date: August 06, 2011 09:05PM

I have an idea. The next time you plan on going to the DMV look up what you need to bring with you first. It seems to work for me.

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Posted by: Alias ()
Date: August 06, 2011 11:38PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2012 12:59AM by Alias.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: try getting a passport ()
Date: August 07, 2011 12:01PM

What a pain in the ass.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: tomahawk ()
Date: August 07, 2011 12:06PM

SoylentGreen Wrote:
> My wife did the unthinkable............she allowed
> her drivers license to expire.
> She kept putting it off because they demanded to
> see her in person to check her eyes.........and
> charge her the extra $5.00 walk-in fee.
> She showed up at the DMV yesterday with state
> generated form in hand and was told her old
> drivers license was no longer good as a form of
> identification. Nor was her voter registration
> card or her social security card. Only a passport
> or her birth certificate would do.
> A birth certificate with little more than a date
> and her maiden name on it. No address other than
> the hospital's. No SSN on it. No nothing
> really.
> I didn't think the DMV could get
> worse............I was wrong.
> On a side note, there were two lovely gentleman
> from the middle east there that were told they'd
> have to go to a different DMV as they were now
> banned from returning there. Don't know exactly
> if they were using bad language but it was loud
> and non-stop for 20 minutes.

Well, we keep whining about illegal immigrants, so you reap what you sow.

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Re: Virginia Drivers License
Posted by: Illegals have ruined Virginia ()
Date: August 07, 2011 03:06PM

PWC got it right. Why can't we.

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