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American Patriot
Posted by: Vets for the USA ()
Date: December 08, 2007 02:46PM

All Americans should watch this video...


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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: December 08, 2007 03:27PM

Vets for the USA Wrote:
> All Americans should watch this video...
> http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=6314

Flying the Mexican flag over the U.S. flag may be "illegal," but so are trespassing, destroying private property and theft. If the guy was that pissed off about it, he should have called the cops.

By the way, his handling of the U.S. flag was also in violation of the U.S. Flag Code. Maybe that asshole should be in jail, too.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 08, 2007 03:36PM

Look, whoever hung the mexican flag up was clearly wrong, but if you equate that knife-wielding idiot's actions with patriotism, that's just stupid.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Ruth ()
Date: December 08, 2007 03:45PM

I am so proud of this Veteran. Hooray for him. Finally someone stands up to what is happening in this country. I Want My Country Back.
Maybe this is the beginning of something. We need to wake up. This is America. Many Men and Women gave their lives for our country.
This Man deserves a Medal!!!!

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: December 08, 2007 03:51PM

Ruth Wrote:
> I am so proud of this Veteran. Hooray for him.
> Finally someone stands up to what is happening in
> this country. I Want My Country Back.
> Maybe this is the beginning of something. We need
> to wake up. This is America. Many Men and Women
> gave their lives for our country.
> This Man deserves a Medal!!!!

The guy is an idiot. He should go to the city council and have them toughen enforcement of the law, not take the law into his own hands. Fighting a crime by committing one is not patriotic.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Lou Palmer ()
Date: December 08, 2007 03:52PM

I agree with the Army Veteran. I am an immigrant and also a veteran (ex-Marine) and I strongly support what he did. Please do not tell me the store owner was not aware of what he did (flying flag) was wrong! Many of these folks know the law better than you and I, and over time they have beeen led to believe they own this country, and can do whatever they please. Hell, they know the same could not be done in Mexico.

Mr. Veteran I salute and respect you too

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: December 08, 2007 03:57PM

No one is arguing that the store owner was in the right. Quit it with the "straw man" bullshit.

The Veteran destroyed property and stole the store owner's flag. How the hell is that "American?"

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Cho Lon Charlie ()
Date: December 08, 2007 04:03PM

I am disappointed that I couldnt be there to help the guy take down
the Mexican flag. In addition to the above suggested medal, he should
be given a parade down Constitution Avenue!

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Sarah ()
Date: December 08, 2007 04:03PM

This guy is my freaking HERO. That was awesome!!!!!! How DARE they think they can fly a MEXICAN flag in front of an AMERICAN flag!?!?!?! If they love mexico sooooo much then why don’t they go back there!?!?!?!

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: JThomas ()
Date: December 08, 2007 04:07PM

The flag stunt was an unambiguous PROVOCATION! So the Mexican in our midst, assaulting our national sensibilities, got what he was seeking…he provoked a real American, who refused to be insulted and psychologically attacked by foreigners in his own country. Take THAT, infiltrator! This veteran is a major hero in my book.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Mike ()
Date: December 08, 2007 04:24PM

I can not agree that this is an over reaction. $45 worth of cloth and rope used to present the middle finger to this country and her people does not approach the price this veteran (and others, like my father)to protect the values they fought for, including good old fashioned decency and respect.

I see no issue of color or race - only disrespect and response

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 08, 2007 04:27PM

If they love mexico sooooo much then why don’t they go back there!?!?!?!

psychologically attacked by foreigners in his own country

Hey "Vets for the USA", thanks for logging in under 4 or 5 different user names to reveal the ^^true intent^^ of your post.

Is it a full moon tonite?

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: 9HMLh ()
Date: December 08, 2007 04:51PM

I bet the store owners didnt even know that this was illegal.

Actually, proper action for this would be - approach the store owner and state your point, ie - american flag should be on top of the other one.

Walking up with a big knife, and destroying someones property is hardly patriotic, if you ask me.

Also, why is noone destroying macdonalds PA systems when they play latin music all day long?


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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: December 08, 2007 05:27PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> If they love mexico sooooo much then why don’t
> they go back there!?!?!?!
> psychologically attacked by foreigners in his own
> country
> Hey "Vets for the USA", thanks for logging in
> under 4 or 5 different user names to reveal the
> ^^true intent^^ of your post.
> Is it a full moon tonite?

Glad someone pointed out this moron's actions.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: December 08, 2007 05:31PM

Ruth Wrote:
> I am so proud of this Veteran. Hooray for him.
> Finally someone stands up to what is happening in
> this country. I Want My Country Back.
> Maybe this is the beginning of something. We need
> to wake up. This is America. Many Men and Women
> gave their lives for our country.
> This Man deserves a Medal!!!!

If you feel strongly about illegal immigration and what this guy did, let me make a suggestion to you. Stop buying McDonald's hamburgers. Stop shopping at Wal-Mart. Stop buying food from Giant. Stop going to the golf course. Stop staying at hotels and motels.

Why? Because all...ALL of these places depend on illegal labor. Why? Because boneheads like you refuse to pay what things actually cost.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 08, 2007 06:48PM

its the day after december 7th. a day that will live in infamy. Pearl Harbor NEVER Forget!!!!

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 08, 2007 07:55PM

Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
> The guy is an idiot. He should go to the city
> council and have them toughen enforcement of the
> law, not take the law into his own hands. Fighting
> a crime by committing one is not patriotic.

call the cops or go to the city council? are you fucking retarded? do you think that would stop them from not doing it the next day or week? fuck that. i draw the line at someone publicly displaying that they think their country is above the very one they are in. you can fly another countries flag but the second you fly it on top of our in our country, you are just asking for trouble.


pa·tri·ot·ism /ˈpeɪtriəˌtɪzəm/
devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty.

damn right it was patriotic.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Vince ()
Date: December 08, 2007 10:07PM

I could only count 7 individuals (make me the 8th) that find the vets action as dangerous and vigilante....very scary.

Most respondents are suffering from a typical jingoistic response to a perceived slight. As if what makes this country great is our flag. Hardly..it is the rule of law..the protection of minority rights...and (OMG) freedom of speech.

It is the rule of law and the exercise of our freedom of speech that should be honored as much as the defense of these rights.

Gravis...you once again couldnt put together a sentence without adding vulgararity into the conversation.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Sgt Rock ()
Date: December 08, 2007 11:00PM

Vince Wrote:
> I could only count 7 individuals (make me the 8th)
> that find the vets action as dangerous and
> vigilante....very scary.
> Most respondents are suffering from a typical
> jingoistic response to a perceived slight. As if
> what makes this country great is our flag.
> Hardly..it is the rule of law..the protection of
> minority rights...and (OMG) freedom of speech.
> It is the rule of law and the exercise of our
> freedom of speech that should be honored as much
> as the defense of these rights.
> Gravis...you once again couldnt put together a
> sentence without adding vulgararity into the
> conversation.

Bite me.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Regular American ()
Date: December 08, 2007 11:18PM

Vince Wrote:
> I could only count 7 individuals (make me the 8th)
> that find the vets action as dangerous and
> vigilante....very scary.
> Most respondents are suffering from a typical
> jingoistic response to a perceived slight. As if
> what makes this country great is our flag.
> Hardly..it is the rule of law..the protection of
> minority rights...and (OMG) freedom of speech.
> It is the rule of law and the exercise of our
> freedom of speech that should be honored as much
> as the defense of these rights.
> Gravis...you once again couldnt put together a
> sentence without adding vulgararity into the
> conversation.

After having read some of your posts one can only come to the conclusion that you are a delusional leftist pinko. Shouldn't you be out holding a protest sign or on a hunger strike somewhere rather than online?

Interesting however that you state the "rule of law" makes this nation great. Perhaps you should consider that next time you are supporting your friends, the criminal ILLEGAL aliens.

How's that for offering up an opinion without inserting vulgarity?

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 09, 2007 01:35AM

Regular American Wrote:
> After having read some of your posts one can only
> come to the conclusion that you are a delusional
> leftist pinko. Shouldn't you be out holding a
> protest sign or on a hunger strike somewhere
> rather than online?

LOL! sooooo true. xD

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: duh ()
Date: December 09, 2007 02:37AM

LOL...did you see that beaner haul ass when he saw that nut's blade?

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: December 09, 2007 08:03AM

"Interesting however that you state the "rule of law" makes this nation great. Perhaps you should consider that next time you are supporting your friends, the criminal ILLEGAL aliens"

First, your buddy George W. Bush hasn't been enforcing the "rule of law" when it comes to illegal immigrants. He has been telling the Justice Department not to prosecute illegals. That is why the illegal immigrant problem is so out of hand.

Second, a failure of the criminal justice system doesn't give individual citizens the right to act as judge, jury and executioner. It doesn't make someone a lefty pinko to point out that encouraging vigilantism is a bad idea. When the KKK started out, it was a group of former Confederate officers who wanted to intimidate blacks for fun. When the law did nothing about it, it wasn't long before the KKK was hanging blacks from trees. Encouraging knife-wielding "patriots" to destroy the property of Mexicans can only lead to some bad shit happening.

Third, Gravis should read the U.S. Flag Code. Most enforcement of the code takes place at the state and local levels. By state and local authorities.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Vince ()
Date: December 09, 2007 09:50AM

I am a proud liberal activist...tired of the whining right who can do nothing better then bash those below them on the economic ladder...and hope to climb that ladder on the back of those below them. I beleive this country has been dependent on illiegal and legal immigrants for most of all of it's history and that this recent "emergency" is nothing but a diversion of more serious issues such as our imperial president..the idea that we can preemptively attack foreign countries...our never ending thirst for oil. Our immigration laws favor the already well to do...well educated foreign nationals because we are unwlling to educate our "Merican born" children properly...allowing religous finaticism creep into the classroom...discounting the laws of science. I beleive the fact is that illgals are nothing more then a reflection of our biased outdated policies and I thank god people are willing to risk their lives and come to this country to work....complain all you want about them...but 99% of the illegals here...work..and work hard!

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Vince ()
Date: December 09, 2007 09:58AM

Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
> "Interesting however that you state the "rule of
> law" makes this nation great. Perhaps you should
> consider that next time you are supporting your
> friends, the criminal ILLEGAL aliens"
> First, your buddy George W. Bush hasn't been
> enforcing the "rule of law" when it comes to
> illegal immigrants. He has been telling the
> Justice Department not to prosecute illegals. That
> is why the illegal immigrant problem is so out of
> hand.
> Second, a failure of the criminal justice system
> doesn't give individual citizens the right to act
> as judge, jury and executioner. It doesn't make
> someone a lefty pinko to point out that
> encouraging vigilantism is a bad idea. When the
> KKK started out, it was a group of former
> Confederate officers who wanted to intimidate
> blacks for fun. When the law did nothing about it,
> it wasn't long before the KKK was hanging blacks
> from trees. Encouraging knife-wielding "patriots"
> to destroy the property of Mexicans can only lead
> to some bad shit happening.
> Third, Gravis should read the U.S. Flag Code. Most
> enforcement of the code takes place at the state
> and local levels. By state and local authorities.

I think you'd better be careful when describing the KKK as a group that "wanted to intimidate blacks for fun"! You make it sound so innocent..the fact is the KKK even in it's earliest days were a group of white Americans who feared to compete with the balck man as an equal. They felt they were entitled to the lands they stole from native persons...and worked the lands with people they stole from another land. Groups like the Minute Men...the Prince William County politicians...most of the great "Mericans" here on this web site share a similar love for that kind of "fun"!

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 09, 2007 11:20AM

Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
> Third, Gravis should read the U.S. Flag Code. Most
> enforcement of the code takes place at the state
> and local levels. By state and local authorities.

sure... im guessing they are just going to jump right on enforcing it. oh wait, i think they would just put it on their large pile of things that they should be doing but arent.

Vince Wrote:
> I am a proud liberal activist...tired of the
> whining right

great... im tired of the whiners including the liberal activists.

> I beleive this country has been dependent on
> illiegal and legal immigrants for most of all of
> it's history and that this recent "emergency"

actually, the illegal alien population has had an explosive growth rate in the last decade.

> I thank god people are willing to
> risk their lives and come to this country to
> work....

feel free to lend a hand and help them so you can be arrested for treason.

> complain all you want about them...but 99%
> of the illegals here...work..and work hard!

great... except the US has been and is the most productive nation on the planet. btw, did you forget they are here illegally?

   btw, if you hate the US so much, you can leave, nobody is stopping you. you could go to canada, the uk, france, germany, austrailia or one of the many other first world countries... or your seemingly favorite country: mexico.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: bender ()
Date: December 09, 2007 12:41PM

Immigration like anything else comes down to money. If the owner of a huge company depends on illegals to fill his work force then he will fill the work force with illegals. From the profits he makes he donates a certain amount to both political partys. Hedging his bets so to speak. Doesnt matter who is in charge both will turn their heads to the enforcement of that law.

Every so often they will stage a raid and net a few people to show they are doing something. But to shut down a huge factory or construction project is political suicide.

Before you blast me for not caring I do care but I just understand how the system works.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: vince ()
Date: December 09, 2007 01:25PM

Im proud of you GRAVIS...not a single profanity.

I beleive this country has been dependent on
> illiegal and legal immigrants for most of all of
> it's history and that this recent "emergency"

actually, the illegal alien population has had an explosive growth rate in the last decade.

Response: So what if there has been an explosive rate? That means there has been an "explosive" demand for labor. You appear to worry so much about the loss of low paying jobs being filled by undereduacted...non-English speaking illegals. Meanwhile nearly ever industrial/manufacturing job and every other job they can find has been exported to foreign countries. The workers there pay no sales taxes...pay no rents..do not buy anything this country can produce. At least the illegals here do! The only benifit to exporting those jobs goes to the stock owners of those companies. So Gravis..unless you own a lot of stocks...perhaps you should thank the illegals who buy US products and services.

I thank god people are willing to
> risk their lives and come to this country to
> work....

feel free to lend a hand and help them so you can be arrested for treason.

Response - Since when is it a treason to voice an opinion? Are you ready to acuse employers of illegals of "treason"? Come on relax Gravis...take a deep breath...

> complain all you want about them...but 99%
> of the illegals here...work..and work hard!

great... except the US has been and is the most productive nation on the planet. btw, did you forget they are here illegally?

Response: Im not really sure what the productivity rate of this country has to do with the discussion? And as far as them being here "illegal"...that can be changed by the stroke of a pen....or some other charade. I heard that idiot Huckabee on Fox news this morning that the illegals here will have to leave the country and reapply for legal entry! Sounds great for all you hysterical illegal haters....but then he said the process of reapplying should take no more then 2 weeks! Hear that....you get all your illegals out of here for 2 weeks!!!! Then they come back...and take away your low paying...non-English speaking...undereducated job away from you again! FAce it..the answer isnt in getting rid of these people...grant them immunity when they register...have them pay all the taxes they are supposed to....pass a national health plan and then figure out how to compete with the rest of the world.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: fruppy ()
Date: December 09, 2007 01:49PM

vince Wrote:
> Im proud of you GRAVIS...not a single profanity.
> I beleive this country has been dependent on
> > illiegal and legal immigrants for most of all of
> > it's history and that this recent "emergency"
> actually, the illegal alien population has had an
> explosive growth rate in the last decade.
> Response: So what if there has been an explosive
> rate? That means there has been an "explosive"
> demand for labor. You appear to worry so much
> about the loss of low paying jobs being filled by
> undereduacted...non-English speaking illegals.
> Meanwhile nearly ever industrial/manufacturing job
> and every other job they can find has been
> exported to foreign countries. The workers there
> pay no sales taxes...pay no rents..do not buy
> anything this country can produce. At least the
> illegals here do! The only benifit to exporting
> those jobs goes to the stock owners of those
> companies. So Gravis..unless you own a lot of
> stocks...perhaps you should thank the illegals who
> buy US products and services.
> I thank god people are willing to
> > risk their lives and come to this country to
> > work....
> feel free to lend a hand and help them so you can
> be arrested for treason.
> Response - Since when is it a treason to voice an
> opinion? Are you ready to acuse employers of
> illegals of "treason"? Come on relax
> Gravis...take a deep breath...
> > complain all you want about them...but 99%
> > of the illegals here...work..and work hard!
> great... except the US has been and is the most
> productive nation on the planet. btw, did you
> forget they are here illegally?
> Response: Im not really sure what the
> productivity rate of this country has to do with
> the discussion? And as far as them being here
> "illegal"...that can be changed by the stroke of a
> pen....or some other charade. I heard that idiot
> Huckabee on Fox news this morning that the
> illegals here will have to leave the country and
> reapply for legal entry! Sounds great for all you
> hysterical illegal haters....but then he said the
> process of reapplying should take no more then 2
> weeks! Hear that....you get all your illegals out
> of here for 2 weeks!!!! Then they come back...and
> take away your low paying...non-English
> speaking...undereducated job away from you again!
> FAce it..the answer isnt in getting rid of these
> people...grant them immunity when they
> register...have them pay all the taxes they are
> supposed to....pass a national health plan and
> then figure out how to compete with the rest of
> the world.

Thats stupid.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 09, 2007 04:28PM

I am a proud citizen of the United States and yes I know that is wrong to fly the US flag below another. The rules state that the US flag be at least equal height of any others. Go to a large Marriott hotel if you do not believe me.

That being said, I find this extremely disturbing. I do believe in all the things the flag represents abstractly, but for donkeys sake, that particular flag is just a piece of cloth!

Why is our democracy and way of life so threatened by someone somewhere flying a flag the wrong way? Is our Constitution, our way of life, our values, on such a house of card it could not withstand such an action?

A couple of years ago, Congress was debating a Constitutional Ban on burning the US flag. Who cares? I don't! And to be honest other lefty pinkos communist illegal alien lovers like myself don't care either. When Congress was saying this was such a problem,in reality in the past few years only a handful of flags had actually been set ablaze as a protest symbol. So flag burning was not a problem and the congress wanted to constitutionally ban it anyway. And the Supreme Court would have overturned it anyway.

Love the US, love our values, love our way of life, but it is a waste of time and energy to love a random piece of cloth.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 09, 2007 05:52PM

vince Wrote:
> Im proud of you GRAVIS...not a single profanity.

i sincerely apologize, i forgot to mention how your thoughts are fucking stupid, you fucktard.

> Response: So what if there has been an explosive
> rate? That means there has been an "explosive"
> demand for labor.

more illegals does not mean there is a higher need for labor.

> You appear to worry so much
> about the loss of low paying jobs being filled by
> undereduacted...non-English speaking illegals.

jobs are not my concern, it's the lack of assimilation into society and our culture that is more annoying and disturbing than anything else. im sorry but going to live in another county and refusing to learn the native language is stupid. even tourists make an effort to try to speak english.

> Meanwhile nearly ever industrial/manufacturing job
> and every other job they can find has been
> exported to foreign countries.

i would have to see some statistics before making a judgment on that.

>> feel free to lend a hand and help them so you can
>> be arrested for treason.
> Response - Since when is it a treason to voice an
> opinion?

lending a hand means you physically help them, in this case helping them immigrate illegally.

> Are you ready to acuse employers of
> illegals of "treason"?

no, i accuse them of fraud.

>> great... except the US has been and is the most
>> productive nation on the planet. btw, did you
>> forget they are here illegally?
> Response: Im not really sure what the
> productivity rate of this country has to do with
> the discussion?

you said 99% of illegal immigrants work hard. i was pointing out that americans work harder than people from any other nation which includes mexico.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Name ()
Date: December 10, 2007 01:28AM

Thanks for posting this video. That guy did the right thing. I'm half Hispanic and would have done the same thing if I was there.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Price ()
Date: December 10, 2007 10:26AM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> Look, whoever hung the mexican flag up was clearly
> wrong, but if you equate that knife-wielding
> idiot's actions with patriotism, that's just
> stupid.

Agree, and the sad thing is the same knife-wielding approach got us stuck in Iraq, not to mention hated by the rest of the world.

The Mexican who put up the flag probably didn't even know the code and wouldn't have a problem putting US on top, if asked. But noooo, we have to show our muscles first...

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Price ()
Date: December 10, 2007 10:30AM

Gravis Wrote:
> you said 99% of illegal immigrants work hard. i
> was pointing out that americans work harder than
> people from any other nation which includes
> mexico.

It's offtopic, but care to support this claim with numbers? Or it's coming from comparing work hours & vacation time?

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: batman ()
Date: December 10, 2007 12:26PM

leave the crime fighting to super heroes lol and

research the canidates for government, dont just rely on others or a prety face.
write editors of local papers BE HEARD


i know i wouldnt want to live any place else. even with the problems of racist, crime, proverty, over taxing , to name a few things. at least with 3 jobs, we can survive !!

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 10, 2007 08:35PM

Who would you rather live next to: the quiet little Mexican who picks up after himself, or the knife wielding veteran who clearly has a screw or to loose?

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 10, 2007 08:37PM

Price Wrote:
> It's offtopic, but care to support this claim with
> numbers? Or it's coming from comparing work hours
> & vacation time?

this is a good site as you can change what variable is compared.
be sure to look through the data thoroughly and understand what it means

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 10, 2007 08:39PM

Radiophile Wrote:
> Who would you rather live next to: the quiet
> little Mexican who picks up after himself, or the
> knife wielding veteran who clearly has a screw or
> to loose?

stawman argument.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 10, 2007 08:41PM

Gravis Wrote:
> Radiophile Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Who would you rather live next to: the quiet
> > little Mexican who picks up after himself, or
> the
> > knife wielding veteran who clearly has a screw
> or
> > to loose?
> stawman argument.

Id rather live next to Gravis. Cuz clearly you'd never hear a peep out of him. Just Rabid Typing on a badly abused keyboard.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 10, 2007 08:53PM

Radiophile Wrote: Who would you rather live next to: the quiet little Mexican who picks up after himself, or the knife wielding veteran who clearly has a screw or to loose?

That's exactly the way I see it.

Some dirty-lookin hothead whips out a knife and steals someone's private property, and people call that a "hero"?

Back in my day, we called that acting like a white-trash loser.

...Oh the times, they are a-changing...

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 10, 2007 09:02PM

ferfux Wrote:
> Id rather live next to Gravis. Cuz clearly you'd
> never hear a peep out of him. Just Rabid Typing on
> a badly abused keyboard.

LOL! that's a good one. sure the keyboard is badly abused... but the keyboard likes it. xD

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Price ()
Date: December 10, 2007 10:17PM

Gravis Wrote:
> Price Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It's offtopic, but care to support this claim
> with
> > numbers? Or it's coming from comparing work
> hours
> > & vacation time?
> this is a good site as you can change what
> variable is compared.
> http://stats.oecd.org/WBOS/Default.aspx?DatasetCod
> be sure to look through the data thoroughly and
> understand what it means

None of the numbers support your claim.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: December 11, 2007 09:45AM

Radiophile Wrote:
> Who would you rather live next to: the quiet
> little Mexican who picks up after himself, or the
> knife wielding veteran who clearly has a screw or
> to loose?

I happen to live next to both. The cops are over at the knife-wielding veteran's house all of the time. I don't have any issues with the Mexicans but the asshole PTSD veteran threatens people on the street constantly and has generally made a nuisance out of himself for years. I'll be glad when the asshole moves and/or croaks.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Yeah Right! ()
Date: December 11, 2007 09:57AM

Radiophile Wrote:
> Who would you rather live next to: the quiet
> little Mexican who picks up after himself, or the
> knife wielding veteran who clearly has a screw or
> to loose?

"the quiet little Mexican who picks up after himself." This is as elusive as bigfoot, nessie, unicorns and dragons. Believe me, I speak from experience.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: December 11, 2007 10:02AM

Yeah Right! Wrote:

> "the quiet little Mexican who picks up after
> himself." This is as elusive as bigfoot, nessie,
> unicorns and dragons. Believe me, I speak from
> experience.

There are two kinds of flop houses. The kind with a bunch of men living in them and the kind with families. I have seen both. The ones with families usually take better care of the property than the ones with 20 guys living in them.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 11, 2007 10:30AM

I used to live in a flop house... we had women living there and it was still a disaster.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Yeah Right! ()
Date: December 11, 2007 10:44AM

Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
>> There are two kinds of flop houses. The kind with
> a bunch of men living in them and the kind with
> families. I have seen both. The ones with families
> usually take better care of the property than the
> ones with 20 guys living in them.

But no matter which it is, both will pave over the yard and park 6 cars on it. They will park the remaining of their "vehicles" in front of YOUR house. Even if it is a family, they rent to others to pay the mortgage. When the county comes by to inquire, they say they are all related. They know that there is no way for the county to disprove it and they know they will get away with it. The whole county initiative to seek and eliminate illegal boarding houses is a sham. The residents have all been told to claim they are related.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Yeah Right! ()
Date: December 11, 2007 10:48AM

Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
> If you feel strongly about illegal immigration and
> what this guy did, let me make a suggestion to
> you. Stop buying McDonald's hamburgers. Stop
> shopping at Wal-Mart. Stop buying food from Giant.
> Stop going to the golf course. Stop staying at
> hotels and motels.
> Why? Because all...ALL of these places depend on
> illegal labor. Why? Because boneheads like you
> refuse to pay what things actually cost.

Talk about a strawman arument. You just gave the perfect example of one. I am glad to see you are so "American." Simply cause they will work for less and in egregious conditions does not mean they are taking jobs Americans won't do. What it means is that they are choosing to live in conditions Americans shouldn't have to. Do you see the difference? If not, I am sure you were all for slave labor.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: December 11, 2007 01:38PM

Yeah Right! Wrote:

> Talk about a strawman arument. You just gave the
> perfect example of one. I am glad to see you are
> so "American." Simply cause they will work for
> less and in egregious conditions does not mean
> they are taking jobs Americans won't do. What it
> means is that they are choosing to live in
> conditions Americans shouldn't have to. Do you
> see the difference? If not, I am sure you were
> all for slave labor.

It's not a strawman argument. If all you idiots out there who listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and agree with Tom Tancredo about illegal immigration would simply get your shit together and begin boycotting big national companies that hire illegals, you could actually create a change. However, you won't do it because you love your fucking Wal-Marts and McDonald's way too much.

It is also not a strawman argument because you admit that these companies would have to pay more...WAY more...to hire white Americans. I don't know about you, but I don't see a lot of low income white blue collar types in Fairfax County. How much would Wal-Mart have to pay to attract your typical white worker in Fairfax? $20 an hour? $30 an hour? More? You don't think Wal-Mart would pass the costs on to you?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: MuddyWaters ()
Date: December 11, 2007 03:19PM

Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
> Yeah Right! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Talk about a strawman arument. You just gave
> the
> > perfect example of one. I am glad to see you
> are
> > so "American." Simply cause they will work for
> > less and in egregious conditions does not mean
> > they are taking jobs Americans won't do. What
> it
> > means is that they are choosing to live in
> > conditions Americans shouldn't have to. Do you
> > see the difference? If not, I am sure you were
> > all for slave labor.
> It's not a strawman argument. If all you idiots
> out there who listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean
> Hannity and agree with Tom Tancredo about illegal
> immigration would simply get your shit together
> and begin boycotting big national companies that
> hire illegals, you could actually create a change.
> However, you won't do it because you love your
> fucking Wal-Marts and McDonald's way too much.
> It is also not a strawman argument because you
> admit that these companies would have to pay
> more...WAY more...to hire white Americans. I don't
> know about you, but I don't see a lot of low
> income white blue collar types in Fairfax County.
> How much would Wal-Mart have to pay to attract
> your typical white worker in Fairfax? $20 an hour?
> $30 an hour? More? You don't think Wal-Mart would
> pass the costs on to you?

Costco attracts American blue-collar types with $10.00 per hour to start.
They also check all new hires legal status. I know of several employees
who live as far away as Culpeper and Warrenton. The cost of living in
Fairfax is too high to attract blue collar to live here because they dont
want to share a three bedroom condo with 15 other people.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: December 11, 2007 03:35PM

MuddyWaters Wrote:

> Costco attracts American blue-collar types with
> $10.00 per hour to start.
> They also check all new hires legal status. I know
> of several employees
> who live as far away as Culpeper and Warrenton.
> The cost of living in
> Fairfax is too high to attract blue collar to live
> here because they dont
> want to share a three bedroom condo with 15 other
> people.

That's good to hear. Now lets see what happens to those wages if Wal-Mart, McDonald's, Marriott, etc, begin hiring American citizens only.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 12, 2007 07:00PM

eah Right! Wrote:
> Fairfax MF---er Wrote:

> But no matter which it is, both will pave over the
> yard and park 6 cars on itY. They will park the
> remaining of their "vehicles" in front of YOUR
> house. Even if it is a family, they rent to
> others to pay the mortgage. When the county comes
> by to inquire, they say they are all related.
> They know that there is no way for the county to
> disprove it and they know they will get away with
> it. The whole county initiative to seek and
> eliminate illegal boarding houses is a sham. The
> residents have all been told to claim they are
> related.

Cant use that argument anymore!


"Functioning as a single housekeeping unit" that is the key! If there are not enough chairs at the kitchen table for everyone in the house, you are screwed!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: hold em ()
Date: December 12, 2007 08:24PM

Face facts this country is not what it used to be. The dollar is going into the toilet thanks to the bailout of sub prime loans. The government is propping up bad companies at the expense of taxpayers. The majority of citizens are demanding something free from Uncle Sam be it health care, housing or a disability check for being too fat to get out of bed.

China and Germany are buying up our real estate and financial industries. Good service is unheard of. Our public schools are a joke as they no longer teach the basics but only things which are worthless in the job sector. Teach a kid why Sara has two moms and ignore the fact the kid can't do simple math.

Our taxes go up year after year yet we receive less service than ever and the roads are a mess. Bridges falling down and water lines rupture everyday.

It's too bad because this country used to be a beacon for those that wanted to be a success not a land for freeloaders, bums and criminals.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Forrest Grump ()
Date: December 13, 2007 12:00PM

hold em Wrote:
> Face facts this country is not what it used to be.

It's actually better in many ways.

> The dollar is going into the toilet thanks to the
> bailout of sub prime loans.

The dollar is in the toilet because of our monetary policy. There is no sub prime bailout.

The government is
> propping up bad companies at the expense of
> taxpayers.

This may be true in a handful of instances.

The majority of citizens are demanding
> something free from Uncle Sam be it health care,
> housing or a disability check for being too fat to
> get out of bed.

While that is happening, it certainly isn't a majority of Americans doing it.

> China and Germany are buying up our real estate
> and financial industries.

Not so much. But China has bought a large amount of our debt.

Good service is unheard
> of.

Go to Wegmans

Our public schools are a joke as they no
> longer teach the basics but only things which are
> worthless in the job sector.

30 years ago high school graduates dug ditches. Today, high school graduates are writing software code. Something must be going right.

Teach a kid why Sara
> has two moms and ignore the fact the kid can't do
> simple math.

Is one of Sara's moms a hot teacher?

> Our taxes go up year after year yet we receive
> less service than ever and the roads are a mess.

Actually, taxes are lower now than they were 30 years ago. The roads are a mess because people don't want to pay taxes to build more.

> Bridges falling down and water lines rupture
> everyday.

Yeah, because Americans would rather spend $1 trillion in Iraq than $100 billion here.

> It's too bad because this country used to be a
> beacon for those that wanted to be a success not a
> land for freeloaders, bums and criminals.

It still is. We have one of the best economies in the world and unlimited opportunity. You are a glass-half-empty kind of guy, aren't you?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Yeah Right! ()
Date: December 13, 2007 12:27PM

Radiophile Wrote:
> eah Right! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
> > But no matter which it is, both will pave over
> the
> > yard and park 6 cars on itY. They will park
> the
> > remaining of their "vehicles" in front of YOUR
> > house. Even if it is a family, they rent to
> > others to pay the mortgage. When the county
> comes
> > by to inquire, they say they are all related.
> > They know that there is no way for the county
> to
> > disprove it and they know they will get away
> with
> > it. The whole county initiative to seek and
> > eliminate illegal boarding houses is a sham.
> The
> > residents have all been told to claim they are
> > related.
> Cant use that argument anymore!
> http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/opa/striketeam/sevenw
> ays.htm
> "Functioning as a single housekeeping unit" that
> is the key! If there are not enough chairs at the
> kitchen table for everyone in the house, you are
> screwed!

All they need to do is say they are related. They don't need any proof. The zoning people in FFx come in and ask "are you all related?" and they answer "yes." case closed. Is that too hard for you to understand?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 13, 2007 08:58PM

Functioning as a single housekeeping unit. It is illegal to fill a house with cousins who do not operate as a single housekeeping unit.

If you feel this is not the case contact

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Yeah Right! ()
Date: December 13, 2007 09:14PM

Radiophile Wrote:
> Functioning as a single housekeeping unit. It is
> illegal to fill a house with cousins who do not
> operate as a single housekeeping unit.
> If you feel this is not the case contact
> ustomerservice/wiz_csr.asp

I have used that form. The nice zoning inspector emailed me to tell me that he investigated the situation and that all 7 people in the house told him they are related and that there is nothing more he can do. It is a complete sham.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 14, 2007 10:30AM

I do not understand. What are you not telling us. There are strict rules about the number of bedrooms and the size of bedrooms. Is it a 4 bedroom house?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Yeah Right! ()
Date: December 14, 2007 10:41AM

Radiophile Wrote:
> I do not understand. What are you not telling us.
> There are strict rules about the number of
> bedrooms and the size of bedrooms. Is it a 4
> bedroom house?

It is a 3 bedroom one bath house. According to the zoning inspector, the "family" is a wife and husband, and five other related people including brothers of both wife and husband and cousins. They are all technically related by blood which satisfies #1 in your link. He was nice enough to inform me that in some cultures, that is how "families" live. There are also 8 vehicles associated with the home, but they were nice enough to not overcrowd the street. They built a nice parking lot in the neighborhood. The zoning inspector said he was issuing them a notice of noncompliance because it was 300 sq. ft. too big. I thought that was great until when I saw the "family" expanding it AFTER the inspector went there.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 15, 2007 06:55AM

http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/opa/striketeam[/url] ]

Countywide Enforcement Statistics

This chart shows the teams' current investigations and enforcement actions countywide.

DistrictOpen CasesCases closed
by the teams
Cases referred for
criminal prosecution
Cases delivered to
County Attorney
for civil prosecution
Braddock 15 7 2 3
Dranesville 4 2 0 0
Hunter Mill 3 0 0 0
Lee 63 168 14
Mason 51 118 7
Mount Vernon23 3 3 0
Providence 10 5 0 1
Springfield 3 2 0 1
Sully 8 4 1 0
Total 180502226

Figures accurate as of 12/07/07.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Tefl0n D0n 187 ()
Date: December 15, 2007 09:53PM

Boston Tea Party, anyone? That was technically a crime, but viewed by most as patriotic. Just a thought.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: December 15, 2007 10:56PM

Tefl0n D0n 187 Wrote:
> Boston Tea Party, anyone? That was technically a
> crime, but viewed by most as patriotic. Just a
> thought.

Not by the British, who ran the country at the time. Is the vet in Reno advocating the overthrow of the government? Because that is what you are trying to equate it with.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Lacker ()
Date: December 23, 2007 04:24PM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> Tefl0n D0n 187 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Boston Tea Party, anyone? That was technically
> a
> > crime, but viewed by most as patriotic. Just a
> > thought.
> Not by the British, who ran the country at the
> time. Is the vet in Reno advocating the overthrow
> of the government? Because that is what you are
> trying to equate it with.

Why does it have to be equated with government overthrow. Rosa Parks committed a crime, as did many other civil rights advocates. It has to do with standing up for what is right.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 23, 2007 05:00PM

Lacker Wrote:
> Why does it have to be equated with government
> overthrow. Rosa Parks committed a crime, as did
> many other civil rights advocates. It has to do
> with standing up for what is right.


"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 23, 2007 05:44PM

> Why does it have to be equated with government
> overthrow. Rosa Parks committed a crime, as did
> many other civil rights advocates.

Rosa Parks stood up against the system. This white trash idiot stood up against a restaurant. Major difference.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: December 23, 2007 06:31PM

Gravis Wrote:
> Lacker Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Why does it have to be equated with government
> > overthrow. Rosa Parks committed a crime, as
> did
> > many other civil rights advocates. It has to
> do
> > with standing up for what is right.
> touche

How the hell is it touche? Rosa Parks was standing up against a moral wrong. This idiot broke private property laws that have been the basis of free enterprise-driven democracies going back to the early days of the Constitutional Monarchy in Britain. Are you saying we should eliminate private property laws in this country, much as Rosa Park's actions eventually led to the elimination of 'Separate but Equal?' It sounds like that is what you are advocating.

To put it another way, what if a Mexican walked onto this guy's property and cut down an American flag? How would you want that handled?

The law is applied equally. If not, we have a tyranny of the majority, and that is not what our Founding Fathers intended when they created the Bill of Rights.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: wakeup ()
Date: December 23, 2007 08:13PM

Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
> Ruth Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I am so proud of this Veteran. Hooray for him.
> > Finally someone stands up to what is happening
> in
> > this country. I Want My Country Back.
> > Maybe this is the beginning of something. We
> need
> > to wake up. This is America. Many Men and Women
> > gave their lives for our country.
> > This Man deserves a Medal!!!!
> If you feel strongly about illegal immigration and
> what this guy did, let me make a suggestion to
> you. Stop buying McDonald's hamburgers. Stop
> shopping at Wal-Mart. Stop buying food from Giant.
> Stop going to the golf course. Stop staying at
> hotels and motels.
> Why? Because all...ALL of these places depend on
> illegal labor. Why? Because boneheads like you
> refuse to pay what things actually cost.

You are so right on. All these white Americans are sick of illegals. Yet, given a situation in which ALL the illegals were gone, nobody would be brave enough to do their jobs. Nobody wants to do them, yet they want illegals out. What a disgrace. We used to be #1, everyone wanted to come here, the US was the place to be, the tech capital, where everyone had an opportunity. The only natives in this country are the american indians. Since when did the white eurocunts claim this as their country. Anyone see that retarded Chevy commercial, with that song this is our countrrrry. God, what a shame. They showed white people having fun. Thank you Chevy, now I will make sure to never buy a Chevy, or a Ford for that matter in my life. There is so much unfairness. Yeah they're illegal, and your tax money and other things are going to them, but it's not the end of the world. You can always FUCKING move instead of wanting them to move out. Aren't like half the fucking hick states still 99% white, I'm talking worthless places like Montana, Idaho, Wyoming. Sick of illegals, move out you fucking whiners. And I am not pro-illegal either, I'm neutral on this.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 24, 2007 02:43AM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> Rosa Parks was standing up against a moral wrong.

oh so now you want to talk about morality? this i've got to hear.

> This idiot broke private
> property laws that have been the basis of free
> enterprise-driven democracies going back to the
> early days of the Constitutional Monarchy in
> Britain. Are you saying we should eliminate
> private property laws in this country, much as
> Rosa Park's actions eventually led to the
> elimination of 'Separate but Equal?' It sounds
> like that is what you are advocating.

the guy didnt go in a grab a stereo, stop acting like he did.

> To put it another way, what if a Mexican walked
> onto this guy's property and cut down an American
> flag? How would you want that handled?

if he was flying another flag above the American flag, he would have it coming. this wasnt about what's mine and what's your's, it's about a symbol. the news was covering it so it was an issue. this guy just did something about it.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2007 02:47AM by Gravis.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Lacker ()
Date: December 24, 2007 12:54PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> > Why does it have to be equated with government
> > overthrow. Rosa Parks committed a crime, as
> did
> > many other civil rights advocates.
> Rosa Parks stood up against the system. This
> white trash idiot stood up against a restaurant.
> Major difference.

In a way you prove my point. You claim Rosa Parks "stood up against the system." She did and should be damn proud of her statement. However, you say that the "white trash idiot stood up against a restaurant." In one instance you are giving the nobility of Rosa Park's actions while unfairly dismissing the statement the flag guy was making. I guarentee you that in 1955, people made statements like "lazy nigger idiot didn't want to sit in the back of the bus." Both this statement and yours demean the true value of the actions taken. Like his actions or not, he was acting on principal. He didn't simply see a flag and steal it. It wasn't that long ago that Rick Monday stood up against the desecration of the flag and was hailed a hero. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjfOSe22WIo Albeit this guys methods were a bit more agressive and his subsequent treatment of the flag was not up to par as mentioned by a previous poster, the same sentiment existed. Would you be so quick to villainize someone cutting down a noose, a nazi flag, or a confederate battle flag flying over the United States flag?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 24, 2007 01:46PM

Lacker Wrote:
> In a way you prove my point. You claim Rosa Parks "stood up against the

Rosa Park is a historical figure, and known throughout the world. This sleazebag is on a youtube video, and talked about on an internet forum.

Huge difference.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 24, 2007 05:34PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> Lacker Wrote:
> > In a way you prove my point. You claim Rosa
> Parks "stood up against the
> system."
> Rosa Park is a historical figure, and known
> throughout the world. This sleazebag is on a
> youtube video, and talked about on an internet
> forum.
> Huge difference.

old batmobile and new batmobile.

Huge difference.

not related really, but who doesnt like the batmobile?

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: December 27, 2007 07:49AM

Gravis Wrote:
> WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Rosa Parks was standing up against a moral
> wrong.
> oh so now you want to talk about morality? this
> i've got to hear.

I've done something immoral? Please point it out.

> > This idiot broke private
> > property laws that have been the basis of free
> > enterprise-driven democracies going back to the
> > early days of the Constitutional Monarchy in
> > Britain. Are you saying we should eliminate
> > private property laws in this country, much as
> > Rosa Park's actions eventually led to the
> > elimination of 'Separate but Equal?' It sounds
> > like that is what you are advocating.
> the guy didnt go in a grab a stereo, stop acting
> like he did.

No. He stole a $20 item from someone else's place of business. You mean to tell me if someone shoplifts a CD from a Best Buy they shouldn't be nailed by authorities? Just because this is a flag and you don't like illegal immigrants doesn't make what this guy did legal.
> > To put it another way, what if a Mexican walked
> > onto this guy's property and cut down an
> American
> > flag? How would you want that handled?
> if he was flying another flag above the American
> flag, he would have it coming. this wasnt about
> what's mine and what's your's, it's about a
> symbol. the news was covering it so it was an
> issue. this guy just did something about it.

How do you know this guy "had it coming?" Did any of the knuckle heads who were complaining about it or reporting it on the news take the time to talk to the restaurant owner to point out that what he was doing was offensive? Did anyone contact the community police and ask them to cite the guy for violating an ordinance? It seems to me that there are steps you can take in a civil society to address this kind of thing instead of screaming at some guy and destroying/taking his property.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: December 27, 2007 10:01AM

I found it horrible and unpatriotic when Barbara Bush as first lady displayed a handkerchief embroidered with the American flag on it. Why would she want to sneeze snot into the symbol of our country?

And why would Toby Keith desecrate the image of the American flag by putting a destroyed American flag painting on his guitar, or putting his face in front of an American flag with what appears to have a hole burned through it? Does he think he is better than the American flag? Unpatriotic bastard.



For the President of the United States to desecrate the American flag by writing on it was just disgraceful! What next, will he use American flags as a memo pad so he can write down on it "toilet paper" for his shopping list?


These unpatriotic bozos have got to understand the American flag is something you don't ef with.

God Bless America.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: American Patriot
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: December 27, 2007 10:05AM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> Gravis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Rosa Parks was standing up against a moral
> > wrong.
> >
> > oh so now you want to talk about morality?
> this
> > i've got to hear.
> >
> I've done something immoral? Please point it out.
> > > This idiot broke private
> > > property laws that have been the basis of
> free
> > > enterprise-driven democracies going back to
> the
> > > early days of the Constitutional Monarchy in
> > > Britain. Are you saying we should eliminate
> > > private property laws in this country, much
> as
> > > Rosa Park's actions eventually led to the
> > > elimination of 'Separate but Equal?' It
> sounds
> > > like that is what you are advocating.
> >
> > the guy didnt go in a grab a stereo, stop
> acting
> > like he did.
> No. He stole a $20 item from someone else's place
> of business. You mean to tell me if someone
> shoplifts a CD from a Best Buy they shouldn't be
> nailed by authorities? Just because this is a flag
> and you don't like illegal immigrants doesn't make
> what this guy did legal.
> >
> > > To put it another way, what if a Mexican
> walked
> > > onto this guy's property and cut down an
> > American
> > > flag? How would you want that handled?
> >
> > if he was flying another flag above the
> American
> > flag, he would have it coming. this wasnt
> about
> > what's mine and what's your's, it's about a
> > symbol. the news was covering it so it was an
> > issue. this guy just did something about it.
> How do you know this guy "had it coming?" Did any
> of the knuckle heads who were complaining about it
> or reporting it on the news take the time to talk
> to the restaurant owner to point out that what he
> was doing was offensive? Did anyone contact the
> community police and ask them to cite the guy for
> violating an ordinance? It seems to me that there
> are steps you can take in a civil society to
> address this kind of thing instead of screaming at
> some guy and destroying/taking his property.

As Americans we have the God given right to act before wasting time thinking through all the options. We cant wait for a mushroom cloud over Manhattan before we do anything.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 27, 2007 10:39AM

>We can't wait for a mushroom cloud over Manhattan before we do anything.

Yes, because we all know the next logical step to flying a foreign flag is an impending nuclear disaster.

Boy, this slope sure got slippery all of a sudden!

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: FUNdametal ()
Date: December 28, 2007 02:23PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> >> Yes, because we all know the next logical step to
> flying a foreign flag is an impending nuclear
> disaster.
We can all relax knowing that our current President would draw the same conclusion.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: December 30, 2007 08:21AM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> >We can't wait for a mushroom cloud over Manhattan
> before we do anything.
> Yes, because we all know the next logical step to
> flying a foreign flag is an impending nuclear
> disaster.
> Boy, this slope sure got slippery all of a sudden!

I think it was meant to be a joke. I hope, anyway.

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Re: American Patriot
Posted by: little red riding hood ()
Date: June 10, 2023 03:24PM

Vets for the USA Wrote:
> All Americans should watch this video...
> http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=6314

What video?

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