Re: Thinking about big oil... What other markets are a complete scam?
Posted by:
total ripoff
Date: April 11, 2011 02:36PM
JBass Wrote:
> Thinking about big oil... What other markets are a
> complete scam?
> This is from another topic:
> Re: Gas going to $5/gal.; retards say we shouldn't
> drill. Are they right?
> Posted by: Dew Sum Reesurch ()
> Date: April 11, 2011 01:51PM
> There is no supply issue as people have been led
> to believe. The price of oil has been artificially
> driven upwards at an astronomical pace. This is
> nothing more than a collaboration between wall
> street and big oil. The way oil is traded is the
> sole reason prices have skyrocketed the way they
> have. They blame it on wars, market turmoil, your
> moms panties, the dog shit in my yard and anything
> else the lemmings will believe but if regulations
> were put in place that brought oil trading back to
> the old mercantile exchange where there were
> thousands of oil trades per day and went away from
> the new electronic trading system where there are
> now millions of oil trades per day, we would see
> the price of oil drop to its true value which is
> around $35 per barrel. It's all a scam that could
> easily be fixed by our government and their
> inaction on this matter during these economic
> times proves they know about the scam and have
> signed off on it. Shocker.
> I bet w could come up with a laundry list of great
> government endorsed scams. I would add diamonds,
> precious metals, pharmaceuticals. Utilities (The
> average private utility operates at about 35%
> profit margins.